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Treek or HK for a Jugg/Guardian tank?


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Pretty much the title. Mine is L55, so it's mostly for dailies.


Does Treek do enough damage, or does HK do a better job of picking off mobs while you tank them? I'm obviously not expecting Treek to do more or even equal damage to HK (in equal gear) since she heals as well, I'm just wondering if the tradeoff is worth it. If it's mostly heals and little DPS I can imagine battles being pretty slow, and I don't like slow.


EDIT: In short, is it better to use a DPS or Healer companion for a tank? If "better" is mostly subjective, what do you prefer and why?

Edited by MagikFingerz
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are the other companions weaker in comparison (vette/kira) or do you just like the special ones?


I wouldn't know if they're weaker (although that wouldn't surprise me), but yes I like the special ones. And also, for the Warrior I didn't really take a liking to any of the standard ones.


gear Jaesa ?


So you're saying DPS rather than Heal?


For any subsequent posters, to make it a more general question: Is it better to use a DPS or Healer companion for a tank? If "better" is mostly subjective, what do you prefer and why?

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i like Jaesa as she is a sociopath and works well with a jugg


once you hit a sweet spot with gear you dont need healing, you can mitigate it and you have defensive CDs. So taunt it, hold it, minion kills it.


if you take a healer, you need to do the damage aswell, not so fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you do not care about doing anything hard solo than any companion its good, in this case use one you like and enjoy game.

If you planning to do hard stuff solo than Jaesa its best DPS, HK could be very good but you cannot get best gear and his range. Range DPS its not good for tank jugger as they will keep all your mobs spread every ware with Jaesa its easy to control crowd and you can intecide to her without moving any mobs.

For boss fight like in rakat FP (to solo it) best its Quine. In new FP even jugget take lots of damage so you will have to use healer companion but then fights last long for example to solo kill Dark Arkous & Colonel Darok in tank spec you will need 12-15 min. you can make this kill faster with Jaesa but you need to time your CD well use taunts a lot and intercede.

As for treek many say his best healer, but his not Quin its better and no one who know how to play this game use Tank companion.

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I'd suggest having both ready to use, depending on the situation.


There will be times during dailies where you'll be killing weak mobs and won't take very much damage, so a DPS will be better. Other times, like during Heroics, you'll be taking a lot more damage and your healer will be better.


I personally prefer using Jaesa for DPS and Quinn for healing. HK-51 takes too long to gear up, unless you have the relevant rep or crafting skills and I find Quinn to be better than Treek.

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Killing things faster > healing in my book. It takes forever to kill something as a tank. Speeding up that process is the way to go.


Well, in the end, if you use a healer companion, you will have next to no downtime, if you use a dps companion, you will kill the enemy faster, but you will have a downtime and downtimes, i do not like at all and i find it highly annoying how fast the enemy can hurt you, i have fought 4 normals, sure i can kill them quickly, but if i don't kill them in 4 seconds flat, i can use up to 50% of my health, which can happen surprisingly fast, with a strong, its 2 strongs in 2 seconds and an elite in 2-3 seconds.


That is why i tend to stick with healer companions, another reason why i HATE being forced into using specific companions on specific class quests.

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I'd suggest having both ready to use, depending on the situation.


There will be times during dailies where you'll be killing weak mobs and won't take very much damage, so a DPS will be better. Other times, like during Heroics, you'll be taking a lot more damage and your healer will be better.


I personally prefer using Jaesa for DPS and Quinn for healing. HK-51 takes too long to gear up, unless you have the relevant rep or crafting skills and I find Quinn to be better than Treek.


When it comes to abilities, i am thinking they are the same.....but what makes Treek superior to any tank and healer companions is that you an do any alignment in conversations and it makes no difference to Treek, while it does to the standard companions and the fact you can put Treek to do tanking or healing and the fact that Treek comes with fully kitted out modifiable gear makes her even more so preferable, especially when you have access to a cybertech crafter. :-)


When 3.0 goes live and the commendations are changed and assuming bioware is smart and keeps the 1000 capacity there, it will be even more easier to keep me and my companion fully geared as i level up.....now if they increase the commendation prices with this capacity increase, it will make them stupid....unless they plan to make all commendation bought mods pre-makeb to be purple quality, the prices should stay the same as they are now.

Edited by JamieKirby
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Ive found overall that it depends on yoru gearing. a new tank with less gear takes more damage, and I've found in those situations that a healer comp helps greatly.


As you gain gear, you take less damage, and can stay in front of the mob longer without healing, so a DPS comp can speed things up rapidly at this point.


On most of my tank classes (right now the only one that stays a tank is my PT, the rest switch to DPS for solo), i run a DPS comp. but i keep both geared. Started with a healing comp.


Oh, and also there's nothign wrong with keeping a set of DPS gear on the side. DPS spec + healing comp is the fastest way to do anything really. so unless your a f2p and it takes a fleet trip + lots of cash to respec, id honestly build both sets as fast as possible. and start with your healing comp until gear gets better.


One other note: treek (or other class comp) gear is switchable between comps. as an example, i use the same gearset on quinn and Vette. one set = far easier to gear comps up. HK is a fun comp, but his gear is not switchable, and is quite expensive to boot. Just food for thought. droid comps have always had a disadvantage that i wish wasn't there.

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Treek is a superior healer in comparison to the default healers. It was already proved on the forum and I see it myself in the game.


You should find those threads interesting:




thats pretty cool Pav. I use Treek mostly due to not liking many of the default healing comps...and the fact that treek is one of the few (if only) healing coms with an AoE attack available while in healing form. It's also good to know that she tops healing comps in healing as well!

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Go with HK if you want to kill things faster...


Actually, based on the parses I'm seeing, It's probably safer to say that in equivilant gearing, HK does more single target damage. but the regular Comps (and Treek) have a greater potential through higher gear capacity + AoE's, and melee comps in general simply do more damage. based on the numbers in Pav's links, HK in top gear does mid 900s in DPS, while Vector (Agent Companion), can get upwards of 1400 DPS.


But I think as you level it's safe to say that best comps overall are:


Heals : Treek

Tank: any (Treek has better overall specs though, plus some self healing, so I'd say Treek wins this one)

DPS Single target: HK

DPS 2+ groups and overall : any Melee DPS - specifically use their DoT stance over the Armor Pen stance. it seems like the light armor comps do a bit better overall in this category, but it may just be the parses available.

Edited by Elyx
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