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What is the Jedi Knight class like?


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With the 12x XP thing going on , i decided to finally level a Guardian that was sitting on level 20 , since 1 month before the HK quest was implemented and i recently finished it :)


SInce i play his mirror ( Juggernaut ) and a Marauder ( Sentinel ) , i was already very familiar with the play style , but if you are new to the thing you still won't find either AC to be too difficult.


The story i nice , it gives you the sensation that you are the ultimate hero of galaxy ( still not as awesome as the sith counterpart though :p ) , especially if you play it as LS , because if you try to go DS , it feels kind of weird , at least for me it was :))


With regards to the class , its fun , it all depends on what you want to do when you get to the decision of the AC . Do you want to have the option to change your role and not be locked into just DPS ? Then go guardian , you will get a tree that is good at that and the skills related to it , like Soresu , taunts , guard etc. will be great for helping out anyone in your team , even if you are DPS specced. For either Leveling or endgame , if you want to DPS , i would recoment Vigilence :D Its been my favorite spec for this AC , since Vanilla Early access and with the latest changes, i only grew to love it even more , with the new changes to the DCDs and the removal of RNG for Master Strike procs.


Now if you want only to DPS and nothing else the Sentinel AC is for you and i found that the spec that suits me best is Combat , great burst and nice boosts to the utility that the class brings to any type of combat ( pvp or pve ). Ops mambers will love you for your well timed Inspiration buff , Transcendance for a group wide movement boost and a bit of defence there , always nice in WZs and helps traverse the terain faster anywhere else :) Also , the AC has a lot of DCDs , which will help you survive a lot of punishment.


The story isn't hard to get through , but it is a bit annoying that you get the healing companion when your finishing Balmora , so untill then , you will do a bit of waiting between fights , or you can always get Treek( if you can stand her ) and breeze through that portion :)


The choice of what you want is to play is up to you , do you want to just do DPS and dont think that maybe in the future you would like to experiment with another play style ? Go Sentinel and if the oposite is true , go Guardian , both ACs are great :)

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Thanks! I was looking for a class with an easy and enjoyable story chain. Thanks to the 12xp boost ill be over leveled and wont need a healer until about the end of Alderaan. When im done with my sniper (Trust me the story quest are really slow going so if you want to burn through the story quests then dont do IA) which is lvl 28 currently im going to do a JK or a Vanguard (leveled a Merc already). Thanks for the feed back. Ill use which ever AC get me through the story the quickest without making me die all the time. Thanks for the info!
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I really enjoy my Gaurdian, currently vigilance, fun class to play. The animations are great, very mobile melee class, because of force leap and gaurdian leap. I crank out dps, its more sustained than burst though. I also get to wear the trooper gear sets, which i enjoy.
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