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Sorc Healer in 30-54 PVP with Questions


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I play on the Shadowlands server and only PUG. I do not belong to a guild because most of the people who offer me to join are part of social/casual/PVE Guilds. My goal is to eventually join a PVP Guild. So I basically consider myself in training and want to have something to offer to a team. I decided to play a Sorc healer after getting basically little to no heals with PUGs in the early PVP league 10-29. Plus, I do like it and have had some decent success as times (except against some Guild named Triumph who just crushes every PUG I have played with).


So here are my questions, please help if you can...and yes I have only been playing for a few months seriously some of these may be eye-rolling to the pros here:


1. Is force suffion worth it? I do use overload on mobs of my guys and theirs. Should I put points in Dark Resilience instead?


2. My current crit is 13% and crit multiplier is 58%. I am level 32 and have been favoring gear with Power. Right strategy?


3. Is life surge worth the extra 2% force crit and 2% damage reduction?


4. A strategy question: I put static barrier on teammates and myself 5-10 sec before warzones start. This seems to work ok since i also invent in corrupted barrier (heal 1% of health every sec of barrier). The problem is in arenas, I often get focused and my static barrier is on cooldown. I then pop my self heal and war zone health packs/damage reductions, but usually get smashed anyway. This is usually a problem in arenas..in warzones, I seem to be able to escape or get some dps to help..except against strong premades.


thanks, I know that is a lot to ask.

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1. At lower levels, no. Dark Resilience is 10x better as the 15% bonus to Unnatural Preservation will get you out of a lot of tight spots (especially if used with Recklessness). Having lower health spent by Consumption is critical too as that is an ability you have to use often.


2. Power is good but stats are negligible in sub-55s. Bolster is your friend.


3. Yes


4. Yes it's good to put Static Barrier ~10 secs on everyone before the game starts. With Arena's it's a bit different as teams can wait a full minute before they engage. What you need is to have a "feel" of the game so know when to use your barriers just before combat begins. Staying near an object you can LoS the other team also helps but realistically, until you get Force Barrier, you're going to be relying on your teammates to stay alive (snipers, barring tanks, are a healers best friend).

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Reroll operative/scoundrel=winning. sorc healers without a pet tank is almost useless at keeping any one but them self alive in my experience atleast


OP don't listen to anything this guy says, in his experience he's either been terrible at sorc healing or only seen bad sorc healers... probably both idk tbh

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OP don't listen to anything this guy says, in his experience he's either been terrible at sorc healing or only seen bad sorc healers... probably both idk tbh

True. It's just that going from Op healer or vice versa can be quite a culture shock, so to speak. Both classes heal completely differently. I can definately understand that if someone has been a long time Op healer and tries out Sorc healing, that he/she will suck immensely at the start. It's just that you should never give up after a few rounds of suckage unless you simply don't want to put in the effort it takes to get used to a new style of healing.


Happened to me, but now I can happily switch between the two. Gotta love how two healing classes can be so different and yet equally good at the same time. :D

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1. Is force suffion worth it? I do use overload on mobs of my guys and theirs. Should I put points in Dark Resilience instead?


2. My current crit is 13% and crit multiplier is 58%. I am level 32 and have been favoring gear with Power. Right strategy?


3. Is life surge worth the extra 2% force crit and 2% damage reduction?


4. A strategy question: I put static barrier on teammates and myself 5-10 sec before warzones start. This seems to work ok since i also invent in corrupted barrier (heal 1% of health every sec of barrier). The problem is in arenas, I often get focused and my static barrier is on cooldown. I then pop my self heal and war zone health packs/damage reductions, but usually get smashed anyway. This is usually a problem in arenas..in warzones, I seem to be able to escape or get some dps to help..except against strong premades.


1) No, it's not worth it, it's a minor heal that has to have certain circumstances for it to be effective and those points can be used elsewhere. Generally you want to be away from the enemy and maybe even your own teammates (especially melee), your heals have a 30m range to take advantage of that.


2) Yeah power then surge but until 55 it really doesn't matter much.


3) Yes, it is worth it.


4) imo that heal on your barrier is a waste, again it's such a small healing amount that those points will be better spent elsewhere. You have to remember that in arenas, burst is key, burst damage and burst healing are what arenas are all about.


In arenas you're pretty much going to be solo against their team cause your teammates will most likely be tunneling and have no concern for your life, that's the life of a pug healer. It's important for you to learn and master los-ing, stay near a pillar or use your overload to knock enemies down or off ledges/bridges/etc. Force speed is so amazing at running away, which unfortunately sorc healers need to do quite often. Try not to pop your wz adenal and medpac or cc breaker too early, use resurgence, try to get them to interrupt your dark heal then follow it up with infusion or innervate. You gotta watch just spamming bubbles cause those things will eat away at your force pool.

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True. It's just that going from Op healer or vice versa can be quite a culture shock, so to speak. Both classes heal completely differently. I can definitely understand that if someone has been a long time Op healer and tries out Sorc healing, that he/she will suck immensely at the start. It's just that you should never give up after a few rounds of suckage unless you simply don't want to put in the effort it takes to get used to a new style of healing.


Happened to me, but now I can happily switch between the two. Gotta love how two healing classes can be so different and yet equally good at the same time. :D


i agree, imo i think op healing is boring and love how mobile sorc's can be lol sorc's are so overpowered in lowbies and mids, as op's get their heavy abilities later one. still sorc's getting buffed come 3.0 so might as well get some practice on them

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