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Sorc self heal in 3.0 global?


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The HoT from the healing tree, Resurgence, will become a sorcerer base ability instead of Dark Infusion, which means that DPS roles can also use it.

But i didn't hear anything about Unnatural Preservation.

Edited by Sindariel
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Assassin's have overcharge saber, which increases their saber charge's chance to proc, increasing DPS. It also heals 15%. So they sorta have it already.


I believe the Overcharged Saber only heals when in tank stance. Could be wrong as I haven't touched my assassin in a very long time and they could have patched it, giving all assassins the heal.

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I believe the Overcharged Saber only heals when in tank stance. Could be wrong as I haven't touched my assassin in a very long time and they could have patched it, giving all assassins the heal.


Nope, also works in Deception (can't speak for Madness)

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