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What ship building company builds Imperial ships?


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Neither the in-game codex entry not the article on it in the SWTOR Encylopedia specify who is producing the Fury-class Imperial Interceptor. It is only specified that Darth Mekhis herself oversaw the design.


Well, there are not that many options on it, as the number of Imperial owned ship manufacturers is limted.


Personally, I can only see it as being either Dromund Kalakar, who built the Rycer, the Quell and the Imperium, as well as the Mailoc, or Tandankin, who built the Blackbolt, Sting and Bloodmark.


The others, namely Imperial Sernpidal and SoroSuub, don't make much sense, since those planets (Sernpidal and Sullust) were conquered by the Empire during the war and we know Furys were already around during the Battle of Korriban.

Edited by BenKatarn
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So then, between Dromund Kalakar or Tandankin, which do you think is the more likely ship builder? Based on it's looks, it might follow a theme for how a ship builder designs its other ships. So, which one, do you think?


Thanks for the replies, thus far.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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Tandankin seems like the most likely candidate, primarily because the GSF fighters they provide share the same fuselage with its GSF machine with the regular Mark VI Imperial Interceptor, aka the Supremacy-class fighters, which of course is the Empire's main starfighter. Just visually, those starfighters made by Tandankin have more similarities to the Fury than those built by Dromund Kalakar, but that is not confirmation that they built the Fury, but just looking at them, it seems more likely that the Fury is built by the same shipyard that also builds the Supremacy-class Interceptor.
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