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Seriously Thanks BC


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Hey all,

You may know my derpiness or not but BC is my home. A comment from Josslyn on one of the raid chats got me thinking and I owe a lot to a lot of people here on the server. I pug pretty much exclusively as my guild is social and I very much like it there. Still many guilds taught me how to operation and this is a general thank you to the great community on BC but I will make some specific shout outs.


RoJS, and OC for giving me my Story mode training as a derpinel.

Lobo specifically for helping me to learn other roles in ops.

Aternum Ascension and the Krayt raid group for giving me my start in Hard Mode ops.

OC once again for taking me along on some Epic HM/NiM cheevos.

Many many more guilds and groups that are not afraid to bring a pug.

Edit: damn i forgot... Packs for "Im'a Tank"


Bottom line BC has a great community thanks all,


Edited by jakefiresky
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Hey all,

You may know my derpiness or not but BC is my home. A comment from Josslyn on one of the raid chats got me thinking and I owe a lot to a lot of people here on the server. I pug pretty much exclusively as my guild is social and I very much like it there. Still many guilds taught me how to operation and this is a general thank you to the great community on BC but I will make some specific shout outs.


RoJS, and OC for giving me my Story mode training as a derpinel.

Lobo specifically for helping me to learn other roles in ops.

Aternum Ascension and the Krayt raid group for giving me my start in Hard Mode ops.

OC once again for taking me along on some Epic HM/NiM cheevos.

Many many more guilds and groups that are not afraid to bring a pug.

Edit: damn i forgot... Packs for "Im'a Tank"


Bottom line BC has a great community thanks all,



Love you too buddy. Even if I'm not playing (dat fitness/college grind) always here to help my brothers (and troll Xillin)


Got a lot of fond memories with you and the ROJS squad.


Lot of fond memories with Music.


Lots of fond memories with Chesa.


Lot of fond memories with DWBI.


Coming back this weekend… prepare to see me on the battlefield…trolling noobs on the fleet and smashing asses in pvp.


Hope all is well. (DROPPED 10 pounds in 1 1/2 months…plenty of room for growth!)



Edited by TheLobotomite
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