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Trash talking: what's the point?


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I really have no idea what had happened but EVERY SINGLE ONE I was killing ( I saw the explosion right before my eyes ! ) got the message "[insert other name than me] killed [enemy I had thought I had just killed]" ...


Believe it or not, but I wish I'd be in your place...

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And who cares? Did you have fun or not? If so, then it does not matter, if not, do something else.


Well, there's the new expansion, which hopefully keeps me away from GSF for a long time.


That is referred to as the 'assist train'. Its a valuable skill and most competitive teams will focus a target down. It happens in ground pvp too. Assists count towards medals as well.


I just don't care about how "valuable" it is, because the term "valuable" is merely an euphemism of "they get the laurels and the rest gets nothing".


"Yes, thank you, good booy, you helped me all of these years to get to the top. I'm an ace, gaining millions of money now, being able to live in the most exclusive and the most expensive penbthouse you can dream of, living in a world full of luxury, haviong my own vehicle crafted especially for me - I have everything I want now, and just a little bit more - meanwhile you are sitting on the street, dressed in dark brown rags, begging with a rusty voice for a lousy coin, and try not to die in the cold of winter when you have to sleep on the naked streets. I thank you for helping me to get into the great position I have now. Here is your coin."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Well, there's the new expansion, which hopefully keeps me away from GSF for a long time.




I just don't care about how "valuable" it is, because the term "valuable" is merely an euphemism of "they get the laurels and the rest gets nothing".


"Yes, thank you, good booy, you helped me all of these years to get to the top. I'm an ace, gaining millions of money now, being able to live in the most exclusive and the most expensive penbthouse you can dream of, living in a world full of luxury, haviong my own vehicle crafted especially for me - I have everything I want now, and just a little bit more - meanwhile you are sitting on the street, dressed in dark brown rags, begging with a rusty voice for a lousy coin, and try not to die in the cold of winter when you have to sleep on the naked streets. I thank you for helping me to get into the great position I have now. Here is your coin."


Then instead... Use your damage to factor how good you are... Look at how much daamge you did. Look at your accuracy. Look at your deaths.... Those are the factor determining a good pilot.. Not the kill/assist...

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Then instead... Use your damage to factor how good you are... Look at how much daamge you did. Look at your accuracy. Look at your deaths.... Those are the factor determining a good pilot.. Not the kill/assist...


Well, even in that area I'm not good. I get almost one-shotted by Scouts, and seemingly by Bombers, too. Meanwhile I try my best, but witzh a ship that is not maxed out it simply feels terrible.


Maybe I'm just too old and don't have good hand coordination anymore. Or great gaming mice with 5+ keys ...


I really should stay away from that.

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Well, even in that area I'm not good. I get almost one-shotted by Scouts, and seemingly by Bombers, too. Meanwhile I try my best, but witzh a ship that is not maxed out it simply feels terrible.


Maybe I'm just too old and don't have good hand coordination anymore. Or great gaming mice with 5+ keys ...


I really should stay away from that.


Problem here is knowledge.. Not coordination nor the equipement...


What the hell were you doing around a bomber. If you aren't a bomber, a Charged Plating strike or focusing the bomber you have nothing to do around it. If you're focusing it, as soon as it spawn a Seismic (only mine that does enough damage to be danagerous no matter the situation) get the hell out and attack from another angle.


Scout??? If a scout opens on you and you don't run away like a *****.... You're dead. Run away, shake it off your tail, turn around, come back and kill it. I can't really give more specific advices without knowing your ship.

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"Don't be ******"-good rule of thumb for anything you do... Tbh I personally write down the names of ****-talkers to hunt them down in a wargame or on my other faction character. Nothing wrong with a little constructive criticism but unfortunately it more often than not comes off as ignorant arrogance.
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I just don't care about how "valuable" it is, because the term "valuable" is merely an euphemism of "they get the laurels and the rest gets nothing".


"Yes, thank you, good booy, you helped me all of these years to get to the top. I'm an ace, gaining millions of money now, being able to live in the most exclusive and the most expensive penbthouse you can dream of, living in a world full of luxury, haviong my own vehicle crafted especially for me - I have everything I want now, and just a little bit more - meanwhile you are sitting on the street, dressed in dark brown rags, begging with a rusty voice for a lousy coin, and try not to die in the cold of winter when you have to sleep on the naked streets. I thank you for helping me to get into the great position I have now. Here is your coin."


I tried to elaborate to to what the purpose was but I guess I wasn't clear enough. My apologies. Assists count as much as a kill does in achieving medals. Medals and objective points increase your requisition. You are given your 'laurels' as you so put by assisting in the kill.




Here is a partial list of how to get medals. Please pay attention to the ones under Kill Assists. Good hunting.

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