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so whats the best carnage opener now?


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The one I use is this:


1) Leap - Immobilize (hope they use cc break)

2) Battering/Zeleous - Build rage/focus

3) Deadly/Crippling Throw - Immobilize (hope they use cc break may panic and burn a CC here on you)

3) Gore/Precision - Armor reduction debuff

4) Ravage/Master - Immobilize

5) Massacre/Blade Rush x1 - Build Opportune attack proc

6) Assault/Strike 1-2x - Build rage/focus

7) Gore/Precision - Armor reduction debuff

8) Force Scream/Blade Storm - Massive crit chance

Edited by chosonman
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For PvE I go

Charge > Massacre > BA > Gore + buffs > Ravage > Scream > VT (If slaughter proc'd, which it should like 99% of the time by this point) or Dual Saber Throw if it didn't proc > Rupture

Then just follow your rotation

Edited by WiththeForc
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For PVE I usually go


1) Charge/Leap

2) Battering/Zealous

3) Gore/Precision

4) Force Scream/Blade Storm

5) Ravage/Master Strike

6) Massacre/Blade Rush 1x

7) Assault/Strike 1-2x

8) Gore/Precision

9) FScream/BStorm

10) Battering/Zealous

11) Rupture/Cauterize



From there I just keep building rage/focus and hit whatever finishes global. I always save Gore/Precision unitl Force Scream/Blade Storm is finished it's cd before using it. Never spam Massacre/Blade rush

Edited by chosonman
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I usually Leap > Gore > Force Scream > Batt *** (lel) > massacre x3 and if he pushes away or stuns me I gore > ravage and follow up with a force scream. :cool:


That opener sick if you can get it all off in time . 9 times out of 10 your cc, interrupted on a skill thats suppose to be uninterruputable ie RAVAGE or they run and by the3n you end up with several others on you

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My opener is this


Leap > DST (Dual Saber Throw) > BA (Battering Assault) > M x2 (Massacre) > Frenzy > Relic/Adrenal > Berserk > Gore > Ravage > Force Scream > (If Slaughter Proc) VT (If no Slaughter Proc) M x2 > BA (If off CD) A x2 (if not off CD) Repeat with DST to start (and no Frenzy + Adrenal + Berserk combo. Use Berserk when Ravage is off CD and you can line up Berserk > G > R > FS > (if GCD time allows) VT (If not quite low enough GCD time) M x1)


Reasoning behind it is in spoiler tags because it talks about leaked content, basically this rotation prepares for the changes in 3.0 mainly with Rupture/Cauterize.



since in 3.0 Rupture/Cauterize is becoming Anni/Watchman only, i dont get in the habit of using it for any spec other than that spec. also, the rage building part of our opener will have 2 extra Rage because a talent that makes DST grant Rage, is being moved to Carnage in 3.0 so, yea we will have 11 Rage to start with from Leap > DST > BA (also Massacre will cost 2 Rage and always regrant 1 Rage in 3.0 so even LESS rage problems, i forsee that Carnage will be overflowing with Rage that we have no clue what to do with)


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My Opener





1. Channel Hatred


Use this to build up stacks of fury. You want to maximise your burst in your first rotation. This is particularly important if you're using proc relics!


2. Berserk


Pop this RIGHT before you charge. Although you may think this will use up your stacks of berserk before you even do any damage, the stacks actually last for a short period of time, so you have some time to prepare for the pull.


3. Frenzy


This will grant you an additional 30 stacks of fury, so you can pop bloodthirst from the get-go.


4. Bloodthirst


Make sure you pop this RIGHT before you charge in to maximise your damage.





1. Force Charge


2. Battering Assault


3. Massacre


This is important, as it's use procs "Execute". If you don't have the Execute proc, your Force Scream's damage will be meagre.


4. Rupture


This is ideally used before Gore, as it means some of your DoT ticks will have 100% armor penetration!


5. Dual Saber Throw


Note: Make sure you use Dual Saber Throw RIGHT before your Gore. This will ensure the damage from your saber throw is included in your gore window!


4. Gore


5. Ravage


6. Force Scream




6. Vicious Throw (if it's proc'ed from slaughter!)


7. Force Scream





Use this when your Gore window is over.


1. Massacre <-> Assault (repeat)


2. Battering Assault

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For PvE I go

Charge > Massacre > BA > Gore + buffs > Ravage > Scream > VT (If slaughter proc'd, which it should like 99% of the time by this point) or Dual Saber Throw if it didn't proc > Rupture

Then just follow your rotation


Use this one, it is by far the best, most other openers have things like massacre after BA, which is bad because you lose out on the increased chance for Ataru hits on BA, or by prestacking dots like rupture before going into the solid opener (which leads to a decreased dps due to delaying your burst by a GCD). As a side note, the above opener will provide a more consistent burst, however if you have a low latency, hitting Gore at the appropriate time and VT comes up before Ravage ends, hit VT first, then Scream, as the attack animation for VT may cause it to fall outside the Gore window if you hit it too late, whereas Scream has a much shorter animation, (0.2s I think for the projectile).


TL;DR, use Beast's opener, is the best out of the openers posted.

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