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Ashara Zavros seems crazy.


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I'm playing 100% DS sith. I always say the rudest and murderous things to my companions.


This forced me to spend over 500k credits to get her affection to 10000 with gifts. In her companion quests, she tells me I'm a good person and presume as if I'm her accomplice in trying to reform the empire.


What the hell? Where did she pick up that idea I want to achieve peace? (she calls me the most proponent of peace... seriously? :mad:) I never told her I want to reform the empire and in every chance I've supported sith cruelty. Is this result of extremely poor writing(which completely ignores player choice) or did I blunder and choose an option that somehow leaders her down this path?

Edited by Highsis
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Ashara's conversations on DS start very promising, in a kind of tsun-tsun way (it depends on how you met her, btw, not your alignment so far). Sadly, the later parts of her questline seem a bit unfinished as DS. I don't think, as some do, that she should be a second Jaesa -- that would skew with the tone of the Inquisitor's story, in my opinion, and not fit her character well (and it's not like you can't turn Ashara into a quasi-Sith, it just takes longer, as it should.) But there should definitely be more acknowledgement of the DS inquisitor. Ideally, that path would also exclude her as a romance option, because obviously.

The fact that she is my favourite companion in the game actually led me to play all three of my inquisitors as Light Side, at least once I got her -- two had started out LS, one underwent a kind of redemption on Taris. Much more satisfying, IMO, but not a solution to the Ashara problem.

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Sadly, the later parts of her questline seem a bit unfinished as DS.


I consider this to be a gross understatement. It almost seems like the lead writer for the Inquisitor story (one Rebecca Harwick) completely forgot about Ashara and a Dark Side Inquisitor, or just generally assumed "Well, if the player is Dark Side, he/she will probably not want to gain Ashara's affection, so why bother writing more dialogue for her if Ashara doesn't genuinely like the player?"


I think I can be ok with Ashara sticking to her convictions and not being formally turned to the Dark Side like Jaesa, but I think that SOMETHING should have happened. Like her realizing that the Sith, or the Inquisitor, is the only place she has left after betraying her Order, being responsible for getting her masters killed and having killed countless Republic personal, Jedi and civilians in service to the Inquisitor. A sort of Darth Vader revelation so to speak of, like at the end of Episode III: "I've lost everything that was important to me, and this is all I have left now".


That doesn't necessarily have to mean that Ashara would have to revel in the atrocities she commits like Jaesa does, but at least some kind of reaction would be appreciated, a sort of resignation.

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I think I can be ok with Ashara sticking to her convictions and not being formally turned to the Dark Side like Jaesa, but I think that SOMETHING should have happened. Like her realizing that the Sith, or the Inquisitor, is the only place she has left after betraying her Order, being responsible for getting her masters killed and having killed countless Republic personal, Jedi and civilians in service to the Inquisitor. A sort of Darth Vader revelation so to speak of, like at the end of Episode III: "I've lost everything that was important to me, and this is all I have left now".


That does, actually happen. In fact, it's part of what I like about her character. Her conversations see her exploring the changes to her relation with the Jedi Order and Code (the pilgrimage to the Jedi on Alderaan comes to mind). After the initial realisation (when you recruit her) that she has nowhere else to go, she tries to turn back but can't, culminating in the acknowledgement that "Peace is a Lie".

That doesn't excuse the other flaws in her questline, but it's not like her being a fish out of water is never brought up again.

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That does, actually happen. In fact, it's part of what I like about her character. Her conversations see her exploring the changes to her relation with the Jedi Order and Code (the pilgrimage to the Jedi on Alderaan comes to mind). After the initial realisation (when you recruit her) that she has nowhere else to go, she tries to turn back but can't, culminating in the acknowledgement that "Peace is a Lie".

That doesn't excuse the other flaws in her questline, but it's not like her being a fish out of water is never brought up again.


Yes, but I honestly never felt that it was a true revelation for her. Because of the writing, it seemed more to me that she realizes that the Jedi aren't as noble as she once believed and that there is merit in parts of the Sith Code, but she never seems to realize that she is a servant of the Sith when said Sith is Dark Side. Regardless of alignment, she will always go on about how you are not as bad as she first believed and that you and her make the Empire a better place from within and that you should totally align with light-sided Sith for that purpose, even though you are Dark V tier and just burned Makeb to the ground.


There is no moment for her where she sees that she has been tainted (even though such a scene actually happens when you first meet her!) by her service and informal apprenticeship to the Inquisitor. She has already become a mass murderer in his name, yet she still babbles about being a Jedi and that the Empire can be changed from within since you are such a nice guy / girl etc. The only thing she will eventually admit is that she is no longer a Jedi in the classical sense, but even then it feels like she is only a "gray Jedi" at most.

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This isn't out of character for Ashara. It may not be what people wanted to see happens, but since she has no reallization that she *starts* as a grey jedi, the fact that she's a tad delusionl about both her own status and the inquisitor's aren't unrealistic.


There's a pretty big difference between being a "bad" Jedi and being a Grey Jedi. As far as we can tell, her brashness doesn't have any philosophical foundations until the Inquisitor pushes her along that path.

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Ashara Zavro's presumption that my character is a good girl and my character's willingness to cooperate with her 'reform' of the empire(there is no choice to decline!) have thrown me completely off my role playing.


I am going to reroll the exact same Sith Inquisitor class to avoid this from happening; I know it's really a waste of time, but I can't stand my character acting like a champion of light all of sudden without my input! :(

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Romancing her, here is how I justified it. My inquisitor was pretty manipulative, and it becomes apparent watching her train on taris she's a cut above most jedi. At the basest level, she's one more weapon in his arsenal. Later in her story she meets with a group of jedi she turns to her cause, and I imagine it wouldn't be hard to twist "suggestions" for how she should handle them to fit my aims. And, hey, he's a sociopath who's never been with any girl before, so if he can get it he's taking it. Source of power:Check. Jedi agents who don't even realize they work for me:Check.Comfort when he isn't eating ghosts:Check. And if all he has to do is buy her flowers on valentines day, seems pretty good to him, even if her jedi sentiments are disgusting.
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I am going to reroll the exact same Sith Inquisitor class to avoid this from happening; I know it's really a waste of time, but I can't stand my character acting like a champion of light all of sudden without my input! :(


Either ignore her or pretend that you are just acting this way in front of Ashara while secretly planing to use her for your evil machinations. That's how I justified marrying her with my very first Inquisitor after the fact.

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Apparently you definitely can't use punctuation.


See someone can do it to you too.


It always makes me sad when people mistake corrections for some sort of attack. "See, I can do it too" (left out a comma between see and someone, by the way) implies that it was unpleasant for me to be corrected. I left out a period, and I am glad you caught it.

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It always makes me sad when people mistake corrections for some sort of attack. "See, I can do it too" (left out a comma between see and someone, by the way) implies that it was unpleasant for me to be corrected. I left out a period, and I am glad you caught it.


because correcting peoples spelling IS useally an attack. correct someone's spelling and it isn't seen as helpful, it's seen as "I'm gonna be a dingus, and have nothing useful to add to the conversation"

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because correcting peoples spelling IS useally an attack. correct someone's spelling and it isn't seen as helpful, it's seen as "I'm gonna be a dingus, and have nothing useful to add to the conversation"



In all seriousness, I didn't mean to be a jerk, just ocd.

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