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Commendations in 3.0


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I'm starting to think you'll be able to float some Utlimate's passed the patch.

It'd make sense why they're silent on this, as obviously they wouldn't want to spotlight the fact.


As long as they remain in the bolded portion below:

You won't notice a difference in how turning in Missions or the Pending Missions queue works. The only thing you could possibly notice is that if you have more than 3 Missions waiting for you to accept rewards (not in your log, but in the secondary UI window where they go to accept your Reward), you will have additional restrictions applied. There are already restrictions in place for this, and if you've never seen them before, the odds of you seeing them now are still low.



Edited by Kremsau
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Eric you said dreadmaster gear is still available but they have been removed from oricon. Ive tried looking for them in other places but no joy.

Also it seems that the NiM vendor from TfB/Scum at the gav are a gonner.


Have they been relocated and if so to what spot?

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  • 2 weeks later...
The following items will still be available from drops, vendors, and token exchange vendors:
  • Arkanian
  • Black Market
  • Underworld
  • Kell Dragon
  • Dread Forged
  • Dread Master

The following are no longer available on vendors, but can still be found as drops:

  • Verpine
  • Oriconian

The following were only available as drops, and will still be available only as drops:

  • Shadowed
  • Dread Touched

Also as a reminder, all current PvP sets will be removed from the game and replaced with the new level 60 sets. You can still find their equivalent appearance in their PvE form though.


Thanks everyone!




You know that other tokens are *still* dropping today... and they are not on any vendors?


Dread Guard specifically I *CANNOT* find.

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Eric you said dreadmaster gear is still available but they have been removed from oricon. Ive tried looking for them in other places but no joy.

Also it seems that the NiM vendor from TfB/Scum at the gav are a gonner.


Have they been relocated and if so to what spot?


Dread Master (along with Kel Dragon) is on the Gav Daragon (or Empire equivalent).

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  • 2 months later...
So as a returning player from long long ago, I was wondering....with the way the commendations work now, do I want to save every commendation I get until I reach Level 50? Or will I make enough to spend as I see fit as I level up? I don't want to get all the way to lvl 50 or 55 only to be gimped until I find someone willing to take pity on me and run me through some heroics.
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So as a returning player from long long ago, I was wondering....with the way the commendations work now, do I want to save every commendation I get until I reach Level 50? Or will I make enough to spend as I see fit as I level up? I don't want to get all the way to lvl 50 or 55 only to be gimped until I find someone willing to take pity on me and run me through some heroics.

Save yourself a buffer of a little over 150 Basic Comms (or 300 if you want to outfit a companion as well) and you'll be fine to buy a full set of the Rishi [172] mods at 55 which will put you in a good place for the final stretch leading up to 60. Anything over that you'll be pretty safe spending as you go (and remember, you can also get plenty of Basics by running low-level Heroics or Flashpoints).

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How should I level 1 - 60? I mean Obviously I go through all the Vanilla stuff. Then do people still do the hutt cartel expansion? it seems like I keep reading where people completely skip that. but I might be wrong. I am just looking for sort of a road map to get to end game stuff.
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You can level 1 - 50-ish through the vanilla content, then Hutt Cartel.

You're buffed when you start that content, so gear isn't an issue.

When you hit 55, you can start the Shadow of Revan content, where you're buffed again through 4 solo-mode flashpoints.

Those FPs will drop 300 basic comms and a bunch of 168 gear which should be enough to get you to level 60 where you can spend those basic comms on 186-rated gear.

Hope this helps!

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You can level 1 - 50-ish through the vanilla content, then Hutt Cartel.

You're buffed when you start that content, so gear isn't an issue.

When you hit 55, you can start the Shadow of Revan content, where you're buffed again through 4 solo-mode flashpoints.

Those FPs will drop 300 basic comms and a bunch of 168 gear which should be enough to get you to level 60 where you can spend those basic comms on 186-rated gear.

Hope this helps!


That answers my questions EXACTLY. Appreciate it dude.

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You can level 1 - 50-ish through the vanilla content, then Hutt Cartel.

You're buffed when you start that content, so gear isn't an issue.

When you hit 55, you can start the Shadow of Revan content, where you're buffed again through 4 solo-mode flashpoints.

Those FPs will drop 300 basic comms and a bunch of 168 gear which should be enough to get you to level 60 where you can spend those basic comms on 186-rated gear.

Hope this helps!


Just to clarify, the 4 SoR prelude flashpoints that have a solo option will give you a full set of 162 gear. While you go through the SoR story on Rishi then Yavin 4, you will recieve upgraded sets of 168 then 178 gear. These are horribly optimized sets (B mods and you have little control over your stats), so you are better off using basic coms at 55 to get a full set of 172 armor/mods/enhancements. I grabbed the 178 armor and enhancements from the free gear, but unless you are a tank stick with the 172 unlettered mods. The 172 stuff can be purchased from a vendor on the fleet near the old Makeb vendor, or with the other vendors when you first get to Rishi. Hope this helps, good luck.

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