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Anyone willing to help me with Ops?


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Hey everyone! This might sound a little strange, so please let me explain myself before you troll me.


I’d never really spent a lot of time with PC games generally or MMOs in particular before SWTOR. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, though, and because I really enjoyed KOTOR and KOTOR 2, I signed up for the SWTOR beta years ago. Long story short, I got a chance to try the game as the beta was in its final stages, got hooked, and have been subscribed ever since.


My reason for playing is pretty simple: I like to see as much of the story content as I can. Because of that, I’m definitely a very casual player. I don’t have any interest in playing for end-game progression or PvPing. The time I have available to play the game is also limited by my real-life responsibilities. Generally speaking, I’ve spent most of my SWTOR time until now with the parts of the game that are playable solo.


With that said, lately I’ve been thinking about how much I’d like to experience the story content from all of the Operations. Now, I know that the usual way to do this is to join a guild, but since I prefer to play casually (and solo) when time permits, this isn’t really a very attractive option. I doubt any guild out there would want to recruit me just so I can experience each Op once, and I certainly don’t want to waste any guild’s time by joining and then never participating. I know the Groupfinder option is available for Ops these days, but I’ve had some bad experiences trying to run anything tougher than a Flashpoint with a random group, and so I’d like to avoid having to resort to that.


Anyway, here’s my request: are there any guilds or regular groups of players who would be willing to help me through a full run of any or all of the Operations? I’d just like to see each Op once per faction. I don’t care about what difficulty level – on my Empire and Republic mains, my gear is all at least 162-rated, so I should be able to handle everything in at least Story Mode. I don’t know most of the Ops fights, but I’ve done tons of SWTOR group content, so I shouldn’t need more than a quick explanation to get by. I’m not looking for a free ride, either. I’ll contribute whatever is necessary to get this done, be it credits or some other form of tribute.


Anyway, if there are any guilds or groups of either faction out there who are willing to help me, please let me know via PM or by posting here. Regardless, thanks for your time!

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There are, in fact, Guilds out there who would allow you to do just that. If my Guild was currently accepting new members, you'd fit in just fine.


Might want to check the Guild recruitment thread, or, worse case, try to find PUG groups when each of the Operations are up on Group finder. With the new 16m group size, it'd be the perfect time for you to participate casually.

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