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Can Sith use Force Healing or not?


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The Wookieepedia says Sith can use only some perverted variations of this power which has effect much weaker and expensive for both user and accepter. If that is true, how Sorcerer can be an any decent healer? Know 'bout Darth Plagueis and his experiments, but he was unique in his kind as well.


Anyway, i don't understand: force healing is sort of force manipulation with cells/dna/etc, right? So isn't it sort of universal power for all advanced force-users? Or Sith do this manipulation somehow wrong? But, hey, i don't think Sith are so autists they can't to abstract from their "ARRR ANGER RAGE I'M SO ANGRY RARR DARK SIDE" for such good stuff like healing. :rak_02:

Edited by TGaP_Andrey
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First thing you need to understand is that the Light side and the Dark side are not the embodiments of good and evil. Their avatars, the Sith and the Jedi, tend to be, but the Force takes no moral alignment. The Jedi operate within the Force and work with it, while the Sith operate over the Force and dominate it. Both can use it for their own ends. Now there are some abilities, like Force Lightning, that can only be used with a certain level of control or emotional investment in the Force, but most are not. Healing is one of them, I believe because healing can be born from either a lack of emotion (Jedi) or significant emotion (Sith). Force Lightning is a purely offensive ability, and so it requires emotion to utilize it. Healing can be used for many purposes, as can things like telekinesis or barriers or mind tricks, and so it can be utilized by both sides of the spectrum.
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First thing you need to understand is that the Light side and the Dark side are not the embodiments of good and evil. Their avatars, the Sith and the Jedi, tend to be, but the Force takes no moral alignment. The Jedi operate within the Force and work with it, while the Sith operate over the Force and dominate it. Both can use it for their own ends. Now there are some abilities, like Force Lightning, that can only be used with a certain level of control or emotional investment in the Force, but most are not. Healing is one of them, I believe because healing can be born from either a lack of emotion (Jedi) or significant emotion (Sith). Force Lightning is a purely offensive ability, and so it requires emotion to utilize it. Healing can be used for many purposes, as can things like telekinesis or barriers or mind tricks, and so it can be utilized by both sides of the spectrum.


Bravo. Especially the part about how the Jedi work within and the Sith over it.


Both sides CAN use it. Also Jedi and Sith can both use Force choke, lightning, speed, armor, and anything else that is generally seen as "light or dark." It is less that these powers are Dark side power as it is that the only way to use these powers is to act in a way that corresponds more to one side over the other.



The way I like to look at is is that the Jedi consider the Force to be their ally (as Obi-wan put it) as such they rely on the Force to provide assistance, so they generally use more defensive and supportive powers while the Sith see the Force as a tool to use for power as such they are more aggressive and use it for more offensive actions. This does not limit the Jedi from using the other powers, just that they are less likely to use it because they simply dont think that way.



Game play =/= lore

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First thing you need to understand is that the Light side and the Dark side are not the embodiments of good and evil. Their avatars, the Sith and the Jedi, tend to be, but the Force takes no moral alignment. The Jedi operate within the Force and work with it, while the Sith operate over the Force and dominate it. Both can use it for their own ends. Now there are some abilities, like Force Lightning, that can only be used with a certain level of control or emotional investment in the Force, but most are not. Healing is one of them, I believe because healing can be born from either a lack of emotion (Jedi) or significant emotion (Sith). Force Lightning is a purely offensive ability, and so it requires emotion to utilize it. Healing can be used for many purposes, as can things like telekinesis or barriers or mind tricks, and so it can be utilized by both sides of the spectrum.




There's also this:




It's heavily implied that even Sidious used some form of Force healing at Mustafar, and Kreia also used this on Hanharr. It's possible that some Sith can use a downgraded version of Plagueis's ability in order to essentially 'impose' their will on the Force to sustain a body. So in short there are some examples in existing lore to support this.

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