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Just curious, how did you map out your abilities. Are all skills on hotkeys or are you using the mouse to activate some.


Visible Bars, Hidden Bars, Side Bars ?


Some screen shots would be appreciated as incentive to redesign my UI (pretty boring with 2 mainbars next to each other and one side bar )

Edited by Yamchua
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Just curious, how did you map out your abilities. Are all skills on hotkeys or are you using the mouse to activate some.


Visible Bars, Hidden Bars, Side Bars ?


Some screen shots would be appreciated as incentive to redesign my UI (pretty boring with 2 mainbars next to each other and one side bar )


I keybind most of my abilities with my mouse. I find that if you have alts it usually helps to have a theme or system set up to make remembering your keybinds easier. for example for my dps specs, 8 is always my stun, 6 is always my execute move like Dispatch, shift+6 is always my gap closer ability like force leap, grapple or force speed, 3 is usually my specs harder hitting ability like Blade Storm, and 10,11,12 (and shift+10,11,12) are my defensive abilities. out of combat stuff like health regen, fleet pass, etc can be clicked at my own liesure so i dont really keybind them, but you could map them to your keyboard if you feel the need

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