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As I consider myself one of the best T1 Scout pilots, I've no choice but to bristle a bit at this :)


In an age of Power Dive and Distortion Field, who gets hit with Sabprobe? Also Sabprobe gets zero benefit from Damage Overcharge, which is pretty much the easiest way for a T1 to deal damage and get kills.


Looking back at past records threads, most are dominated by T1 Gunships and T2 Scouts. Those few records posted for T1 Scouts all use MLC/Pods. Here's a sampling of past Blackbolt/NovaDive records:










If Zuchisen posts these kinds of kill/damage/DPS numbers using LLC's and Sabotage Probe, I'd love to know how he does it. Perhaps he's using EMP Field to take away their engine break first? Maybe ... but it still seems very slow in terms of kill-per-minute.


Even with EMP to set someone up for the probe, it has a minute cooldown. And without it, I just don't see how enough people would let themselves get hit by Sabotage Probe for it to be that threatening.


LLC's instead of MLC's is more believable, though I generally find it is easier to use MLC's (with Ranged Capacitors) to finish off slippery targets who survive the initial burst attack. It's a lot easier to keep someone within 5750m in scope than it is to keep someone within 4000m in scope.


Still, I have an open mind and would love to see a successful alternate style with the wonderful T1 Scout. :)


Only two of these is not a straight up farm match. Those count to you?


/edit missed one...

Edited by zaskar
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Only two of these is not a straight up farm match. Those count to you?


/edit missed one...


I starting to think you just type whatever you want zaskar, I really enjoy flying with you but of those screenshots 1 is a loss and 2 are straight up carries, where had he not been there his team definitely would have lost. Granted a few are farm games but still very impressive numbers none the less.

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I starting to think you just type whatever you want zaskar, I really enjoy flying with you but of those screenshots 1 is a loss and 2 are straight up carries, where had he not been there his team definitely would have lost. Granted a few are farm games but still very impressive numbers none the less.


Hell yes I type whatever I want. Why should I filter when damage is being done to a small community?


The second and sixth are the only two that where not full on farms of way lesser pilots.


There are plenty of very good pilots---pilots that put numbers like that up on a consistent basis---that don't give a care about leader boards or this forum. There are even pilots that when they know they are about to run away with the game by themselves will show true sportsmanship and switch to a lesser ship/role to support their team and not demoralize the other. I'd bet there are people in those screencaps that played, saw that and quit. Just want this community needs.


Most of those scoreboards are not to be bragged about---those are shameful---indicative of a sick community only being made worse.


I hate this thread, then epeen was added, wish I could delete it.

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Hell yes I type whatever I want. Why should I filter when damage is being done to a small community?


The second and sixth are the only two that where not full on farms of way lesser pilots.


There are plenty of very good pilots---pilots that put numbers like that up on a consistent basis---that don't give a care about leader boards or this forum. There are even pilots that when they know they are about to run away with the game by themselves will show true sportsmanship and switch to a lesser ship/role to support their team and not demoralize the other. I'd bet there are people in those screencaps that played, saw that and quit. Just want this community needs.


Most of those scoreboards are not to be bragged about---those are shameful---indicative of a sick community only being made worse.


I hate this thread, then epeen was added, wish I could delete it.


Here is a better question for you, since again I believe this is an example of people forgetting the purpose of the thread, and that nothing says anything about good pilots doing "terrible" in ships that arent defining the Meta.



Has this player caused a shift in the Meta on your server. Has this one pilot started making things like Strike fighters common on your server to just counter them, or are people just rolling into T2 Scouts and T1 or T3 GS, or Into bombers to handle them.


If a single pilots abilities are not shifting the Meta, then the Meta does not change and neither does any of my reasoning. The List I made is just one of many formats to look at and talk about popular/ common practices amongst veteran players in varieties of situations. If one pilot can break the mold, good for them, unless it changes the behavior of other pilots It doesnt matter.



Example: Early on Armor Piercing was under vallued on most servers (this is taken from early GSF posts about how Charged plating was bad, and so was the "anti armor" guns like Heavy lasers by comparison to things like Quads) before the buff to Charged plating. However on Bastion many veteran pilots were already switching to it not just because of turrets, but because of a couple T2 Strike fighter pilots fielding Charged Plating at high level of effect. The emergence of Armor piercing in turn forced said pilots to swap to Directional shields, but the threat of the Plating build and the helpfulness when taking out Turrets caused pilots to stick with those weapons. It became more prevelant on other servers after the buff and the introduction of the T1 bomber since it was the only way to tank enemy mines.


So bassically unless its shifting the entire meta on a sever (doubt it I have played on like 3 or 4 servers it doesnt seem to change all that much) then I really dont care and this thread has nothing to do with it. :D

Edited by tunewalker
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