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3.1 Galactic Warfare!


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so as all we gsfers have been royally stiffed for content in 3.0 i suggest that 3.1 is our playground.


my suggestion: galactic warfare.


the guild enters into a pve space combat area and has to down an opposition fleet (enemy pve), using any tactic they like, raid composition etc. hopefully go as win crazy as we do in other conq weks (16 man(if ya like)

and for the taking

usual gsf stuff applies but the raid must use comms to be effective. srsly this idea would word really we to revive gsf.


guilds participate and get big rewards ( on the weeks of conq. when gsf rules) and the less confident pilots get some much need confidence and req.points.


if you dont wanna play then the week's that don't favour gsf you win ,so don't *****



anyone have a sensible answer against?


if it goes well maybe bioware will be brave enough to offer min 8v8 gsf guild battles for creds or comms for that are eager. or ofc they will ignore the ramblings of a sociopathic madman. not sure which, but whatever

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Major issue: The Devs are unable to get NPCs to move in three dimensions. In other words, space PvE can't happen.


Of course, two dimensional movement is (in theory) possible, and we see by the turrets on Satellites that three-dimension combat can be done. So we should be able to fight large capital ships, as long as they only fly back, forth, left, and right. Add lots of turrets and the ability to spawn by them, acting in place of their fighter support, and...


Ta da.

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The problem is not so much three space movement. You'll notice that, for instance, drones and mines move predictably through three space- they don't have that problem.


The issue seems to be that there's no system in the game to hook to in order to actually BE the AI. The existing AI has several options, and none of them make any sense in the context of GSF. Asking for that PvE would be a pretty big deal.

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