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PVP: Deathmatch (ground)


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I am suggesting PVP Deathmatch for ground battles.


First team to get ".?" kills wins. Maybe 250 or 500.


I fail to see why this isn't in the game already.


You added Deathmatch to GSF, so it is only fair that Ground PVP get it as well. Only having objective based ground PVP is tired and stale. Open it up for more style of Ground PVP, such as I am suggesting.


This could also work for having two guilds face off against eachother in a Guild VS Guild Que section. Guild Que would have a 1000 kill objective instead of 250 or 500. All 8 or even 16 members of a Team would have to be in the same Guild. 16 vs 16 Deathmatch Ground PVP que would be a blast.



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