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Solo Ranked PVP in one picture


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This would only apply if only you where affected by such trolls, except you're not.



I guess we all are affected by such trolls. Q ing without advanced class is not that worst than Q ing with 20 level stuff.

It s stupid, it s nonesens, it s what you want, but it s nothing else than SoloQ.I don't care about qqing of OP, i don't care about all people getting tired about all topic of OP about the same subject.


All what i see, it s after a 4 months break with this game, i just came back 2 days ago, and those kind of observation just make me proud of human being : there is no limit to player stupidity! So, yes... Best troll ever.


Btw, It s as stupid as crying all post along about rating that just finaly means you'll received the big, big, big, big, bigest speeder ever at the end of season... well, no care about SoloQ, no care about my rank, the only thing which has value is qing with friends and have a good gameplay. I just dont understand why people still beleive in soloQ.

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Someone rage quit at the beginning because he saw this 55 bounty hunter who is ruining ranked PVP on TOFN. How on earth was he allowed to queue? He has NO advanced class which means he doesn't show up on the leaderboards.


I haven't won a single game today because of him.


LOL please, Badstion had 2 BH's and an Inquisitor last season.

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