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The Gamers of Today... Are the same as the Gamers of Yesterday folks.


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As someone who was an active participant in the SWG pre launch forums, to me that was lightning in a bottle for me.

The community was amazing, It was a community experience of like minded people, when trolling wasnt just labelled for anyone who disagreed with you,

The people that i met, the games we played and the over all community feel was amazing.


SWTOR had the same community feel early on, but after Beta launched the change and the loss of faith with the devs really saw a change in atmosphere.

But i do agree that every forum has its good and bad, its big names, and its no bodies.


To me, Community is the 5th pillar of gaming.

A simple fact is that, good people make these games great!

Your community doesnt have to be the whole game, it could be your guild, or a few friends. Having that solid support group makes any experience so much better in a game, and especially a MMO

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