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Fix Marauder


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I agree...I don't know what people are talking about. 1 reusable medpac and management of cool downs (camoflage, pain, saber ward) and there is no problem. Dropping aggro with camoflage midfight and letting your companion take some hits can do wonders.


lol no other class needs to go bio just to survive trash packs with a couple of strong mobs and the long cooldown abilities other classes don't use unless they are taking on multiple elites or champions. When the marauder is blowing these on two strong when BH and Sorcers blow them apart just using low/no cooldown abilities and not relying on crafted medpacks it shows there are some serious fanboy/apologists who keep bleating the class is fine.


You shouldn't have to work so hard and use all your abilities on those kinds of encounters because the other classes do not. The issue is not can you survive these encounters, it is how difficult the encounters are by comparison with the others.

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Sorry, but what are the op and those agreeing with him talking about?


Not these same complaints from early testing, surely?


My Carnage Marauder is level 28, supposedly coming to the end of the period when we are underpowered before we get our best tricks. I've never used Quinn in combat, only Vette. I've had no problems whatsoever, certainly not with PvE. And I've never died more than twice on any of the flashpoints I've done so far, up to and including Mandalorian Raiders, or heroics. Also been fine in groups that included other marauders.


Are you guys using Cloak of Pain? And are you hitting Sabre Ward if your health starts to drop? Are you using Call of the Force to refresh Sabre Ward if you need to? Are you using your Fury buffs? Are you using medpacs?


As people have said elsewhere it's a very active AC to manage, lots of complex rotations etc. But therefore lots of fun, no?


No way I would agree it needs fixing, certainly not for PvE. (Not much experience of PvP yet just a few duels.)



Whoever designed the Marauder subset forgot to add any cannon to the 'glass cannon' spec. I see people defending it here and there on a lot of these therads, shouting the WoW mantra of 'lrn to play, ur bad' in its various horridly spelled formats, and all I've got to say to those sorts is this ;


I'm gonna go kill SW's in the warzone on my SI-Assassin. All evening long. Nobody else; just SW's. Because you're easy, pathetic, miserably easy to murder targets.


I did it yesterday evening and the evening before and...yeah, it's kind've a hobby. Easy kills.


And I'll keep capitalizing on this hilarity until somebody fixes it, 'cause hey...it's not an exploit. Please, nobody fix Marauder. I could always use more pvp gear for my companions, and they're like pinatas.

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I'm gonna go kill SW's in the warzone on my SI-Assassin. All evening long. Nobody else; just SW's. Because you're easy, pathetic, miserably easy to murder targets.


I did it yesterday evening and the evening before and...yeah, it's kind've a hobby. Easy kills.


And this is going to bother people on these forums how?

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Agreed with OP... We are incredibally squishy, and are dps is EXTREMELY LOW... Every warzone I enter 99% of the lowest bracket people are maurauder/sentinals. We are supposed to be a pure dps class yet our dps is outmatched at times by tanks and definitely sorcs and pepple chuckers. BW please fix our class so we are at least viable for pvp and raiding dps... Leveling can be a pain having to stop and heal after every single fight but, I can handle that pushing the toon to the max and still falling short on dps when i am a pure dps class is ridiculous.


I am a 34 atm Sentinel and I agree completely with this.

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Sorry, but what are the op and those agreeing with him talking about?


Not these same complaints from early testing, surely?


My Carnage Marauder is level 28, supposedly coming to the end of the period when we are underpowered before we get our best tricks. I've never used Quinn in combat, only Vette. I've had no problems whatsoever, certainly not with PvE. And I've never died more than twice on any of the flashpoints I've done so far, up to and including Mandalorian Raiders, or heroics. Also been fine in groups that included other marauders.


Are you guys using Cloak of Pain? And are you hitting Sabre Ward if your health starts to drop? Are you using Call of the Force to refresh Sabre Ward if you need to? Are you using your Fury buffs? Are you using medpacs?


As people have said elsewhere it's a very active AC to manage, lots of complex rotations etc. But therefore lots of fun, no?


No way I would agree it needs fixing, certainly not for PvE. (Not much experience of PvP yet just a few duels.)


Basically, I agree with the above.


If you're struggling with the content you are not using all the tools available to you. I also don't understand why people think we're underpowered. I'm always top 3 on damage in pvp (I basically use this as a yard stick to see how I compare before getting back to more important pve issues!)


It's not as simple as... for example... a bounty hunter, or a sith sorc (who always seem to just blast me with lightning until I'm dead on huttball!) We have a complex rotation and can't just press a couple of abilities to do insane damage.


That's what we signed up for! That's what we got... enjoy it! it's far better than just hitting the same button again and again surely? :)

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Dont know why people are whining about this. I've used Vette since the day I got her. Never used anyone else. And I completed my Class story and solo things on Illum everyday for Daily quests. Make sure to be waring an all orange gear set with the best mods, same for your helper. Things go down quick
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Dont know why people are whining about this. I've used Vette since the day I got her. Never used anyone else. And I completed my Class story and solo things on Illum everyday for Daily quests. Make sure to be waring an all orange gear set with the best mods, same for your helper. Things go down quick


if it's easy it just means you're 2-3 higher levels then the mobs you hit. Try dueling a good elite of your level, you'll end up dieing or winning with little to no hps.


I mean sure, i went through most of my levels with jaese as i was outleveling most mobs, then i met lot of sith warriors elites who had the same level as me (41) and i was struggling real hard to kill them, Quinn was clearly needed.


And don't even think that i am a bad player, i pvp a lot and i'm always doing good, i know how to use all my skills properly and i use shortcuts for most of them.


It's just annoying that you can't play with whatever companion you want without having a hard time or having to be higher level then your targets.

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Basically, I agree with the above.


If you're struggling with the content you are not using all the tools available to you. I also don't understand why people think we're underpowered. I'm always top 3 on damage in pvp (I basically use this as a yard stick to see how I compare before getting back to more important pve issues!)


It's not as simple as... for example... a bounty hunter, or a sith sorc (who always seem to just blast me with lightning until I'm dead on huttball!) We have a complex rotation and can't just press a couple of abilities to do insane damage.


That's what we signed up for! That's what we got... enjoy it! it's far better than just hitting the same button again and again surely? :)


PvP has always been a poor tool to use for comparing a class' abilities for so many reasons I wont bother to list. :p You can top the damage meter with every class in pvp if the conditions are favourable, ie, not being targeted by the opposition as much as your team mates.


If you just played the warrior and nothing else you would be oblivious to the issues, you would just assume that is the way it is. But you only have to take on the same PvE encounters with a BH or Sorcerer to know thats not how it is for everyone.


Merc can take the hits better than the Marauder, in fact, I can survive easier with my sorcerer with mobs wailing on me than I can with my Marauder. The tools aren't complex for the Marauder, they are as plain as any other class abilities are. Marauder is just spread very thin, a lot of talents which impact a lot of different abilities. When you compare to say the Sorcerer which has a ton of talents that boost a handful of abilities it makes the use of those abilities extremely potent.


It is not like BW is oblivious to the problem, if you look at some of the class quests for the weaker classes (Warrior/IA) there are Kolto tanks around to make up for how bad the class is at surviving with their own abilities. I hadn't seen any panic buttons around for the BH or Sorcerer class quests


I don't really care if BW fixes Marauders or not. I'll play whatever class I enjoy and I have two i enjoy for now. If I run out of content because only half the classes are enjoyable to play then that just risks me getting bored and cancelling the sub before more content comes out.


With the Sorcerer I can pretty much choose any companion to use and it wont impact the difficulty of encounters because of the flexibility of the role, same with the Merc. You just don't have flexibility with the Marauder and rely a lot on a healer or over-levelling the content something hard core.


I just don't get any kind of satisfaction barely surviving encounters I know would be trivial for some of my other characters. It is the opposite, it feels extremely dissatisfying having to expend so much time and effort. If i want a challenge I will go climb mount Everest. I play the game to have fun.

Edited by traft
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the only problem in pve for me was quin healing himself more than healing me ;D,he couldnt put priorities to what skill to use to who and when,at lvl 45 i went to corellia with quin and cleared it all,nough said.Now im a lvl 50 who can take 2-3 ppl together at pvp kill some of them or all and just go away with camo....sure our class isnt meant for an easy game,especially carnage,you need to learn your stuff bind everything and look up on the different situations.


Take a look at some of my photos

Ps i target random ppl,there were other 50's too in these games.








i keep track of my games to see my progression,9/10 bgs im winning them myself,especially at hutball

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