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Jedi Cov down? Connection errors


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I'm experiencing the same problem. I was in the middle of a fight in a story instance and I lagged out. I booted me to an infinite load screen, and then the game crashed. Now I can't connect. I'd imagine that there's an issue somewhere, as I can connect to other servers with no problem.



EDIT: Of course, as soon as I say that, I can connect again with no issues. *sigh*

Edited by Corvo_Stormlord
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It was working fine, but now I just got kicked out of a GSF match in which we were about to win and I was going to have some really good stats versus a couple really good Imp pilots and I can't log back in. "Login service is currently unavailable, check the forums".
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For the last two weeks or so many of us have been experiencing server lag. I live in SE Texas, Houston area. I have talked to people in Missouri who are having the same problem at the same time. My husband has other friends also experiencing it.. (We also have verified that it is not a problem with out internet connection - obviously not, since others in the Midwest/SW experience it)

Basically, I'll be playing, and my character suddenly stops, or perhaps slows down. The red server dot on the minimap will stay in place for anywhere from a minute or two to half an hour. Sometimes the server light becomes a red "X". Usually I can continue to play, but other times I completely drop server and end up in the SH screen, where my progression strip doesn't move and I have to completely relog.

What seems to be the problem? Can we get an ETA of repair time? Why hasn't this been fixed yet?


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FYI, anytime I get a Red X connection I run the following in a cmd window on my 2nd monitor to see where the culprit is:


tracert > swtor_<date>_<time>.txt


NOTE: That is the IP for the East Coast servers from the Support pages. I have dozens of these logs saved over the past year.


Every single time it turns out to be an ALTER.NET server issue between my ISP and the SWTOR server and never an issue with the SWTOR server. Net neutrality issue? BTW, Austin area TWC.

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