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Commando Healing Overall...


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I will be making a new toon on the Republic side with my two friends who are returning for Revan.


I will be taking the healing role and I already have a sage. We will mostly be doing FPs and PvE and I need to know how the Commando is currently doing as a healing class.


I just wanna know that if I go healing I won't fail in key situations. I am a very good healer so far on my Sage, but I wanna do a Scoundrel or a Commando through this playthrough.


I am looking for any advice I can get.

Edited by CoyoteXStarrk
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If you are doing FPs and PvE then the commando is more than capable. It and the sage are about on even footing with the only real deciding factor being the player.


Yes, a lot of people are playing scoundrel healers now because they're ridiculously easy to perform well on. A commando will take a bit more work but it is worth it.

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Commando healing is pretty good. Early levels you will be spamming your reg attack a lot since you don't have all your heals and if you're not used to the rotations. It's fun too If you don't mind that you have to shoot your friends to heal them lol.
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I'm a merc healer and love it. Only like lvl 37 now, but I can usually do just fine with my standard attack and kolto missile. Sometimes it can take more work, but if you buff kolto missile/bomb asap with all the talents for it, it's pretty easy.
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You can't go wrong with healers at the current state in the game. It's the most equal/balanced role out of the trinity. Each healer is good. Some will prefer and perform better at Sage, some at Mando, some at Scoundrel but all are 100% viable for every tier of content and having a mix (at least one of each in 16-man opses for example) is actually the most desired


Whether it changes in 3.0 we'll have to see

Edited by Pietrastor
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all three healers are more than capable. the only reason to play a specific healer is if you in a guild trying to clear content and they need you to play one type of healer to complement another.


play what you enjoy. I have all 3 at 55 and enjoy sorc and mercenary more than i do my scoundrel in flashpoints. back when i actually had time to raid i would use my scoundrel becaue the other healer was either a commando or sage.

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