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So why do people think that revan is sharing a body with the emperor?


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The Sith warrior class mail has the emperors hands relaying messages to the wrath warning them about a disturbance in the force just like the knight ones have satele doing. No I'm not a master strategist but warning and telling someone to stop a threat when your behind it seems moronic at best

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The Sith warrior class mail has the emperors hands relaying messages to the wrath warning them about a disturbance in the force just like the knight ones have satele doing. No I'm not a master strategist but warning and telling someone to stop a threat when your behind it seems moronic at best


Because for some people Revan becoming evil again is not something they like, they want Revan to stay the hero he was.

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There was that theory that said the Emperor's voice gained sentience and became it's own thing.

Maybe the voice is controlling Revan, while the physical Emperor is recovering?


The Wretched Voice? Fairly sure that dude is a fool. :mad:


Ok if revan could take the emperors direct will for 300 years than why now would he suddenly be able to be possessed? The theory makes no sense



Edited by Darth_Wicked
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