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No "hide hood" command, but helms disable hoods? 0_o


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I am really surprised they promoted the game with trailers in which we see characters with helm+hood and then this is not possible on the live servers.


Ha ha well its not the only thing they advertised on the gameplay trailers that never made it to actual gameplay.

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I have t agree, while I am not a hood user most of the time, I would very much like the ability to turn off or on the hood. I just hope it is not a nightmare to make, something in my gut is telling me it is.


In a recent Q&A they said hood toggle is coming sometime after 1.2 and is a priority.

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It's simple really- we need two chat commands- /hood and /mask.


This leaves it up to the user.


Yes, of course there will be some clippage issues (word? Probably not :D ), but... so be it. After all, who spends most time looking at a character, and who's usually the only person who sees the character at all in high-rez mode? The character's own player. So there's no reason to disable the feature on grounds of 'people will make stupid choices and spoil immersion for others'- this is eminently self-policeable.


As I understand it, Twi'leks get the rough end of both planks.


1) Their hoods are auto-disabled even though it *wouldn't* actually look too unrealistic to have their lekku hidden by a hood - *most* but not all hoods are capacious enough that, if the Lekku disappeared when under a hood, it wouldn't look too unfeasible... so why not have a hood toggle that, simply, if the character's a Twi'lek, turns off the Lekku when the hood's up, and on when it's set 'down'.


2) As I understand it, if you wear a mask or other headgear as a Twi'lek, then your lekku *do* disappear to fit, making it look as if you've somehow crammed two enormous tentacles, not to mention an enlarged cranium, under a small hat?... but, conversely, your headband/circlet item from chargen does *not* disappear and clips annoyingly... even though it *does* disappear when you wear a hooded chestpiece, despite the fact that the hood isn't up *anyway*.


It looks to me, if those premises are both accurate (I've never yet rolled a Twi'lek), that for some random reason, Bioware decided to map the Lekku to 'headgear', as in being the 'default, no headgear', appearance of the Twi'lek head, and mapped the headband to 'hair', when all logic would have been the other way around, so that helmets and gear hats hid the headband, and hoods hid the lekku.



Masks are always going to be a bit problematic- I'm guessing that's why 'hide helm' stayed in- since the exact coverage is distinct to the mask.


For example... if you decide that, wearing a face mask ought to turn off the Miraluka's veil, in order to avoid clipping... then what happens if it happens to be a variety of helm that only covers *one* eye? Or neither? I have no idea what the Miraluka model actually looks like underneath the veil, whether it's actually the human model and just has normal eyes, or whether the 'vestigial sockets' were modelled despite not being intended to be seen, or whether it's just 'blank', but in all cases, veil hiding would be highly awkward to code.


Cyborg, another case in point- and there, the model *Definitely* has human eyes still present underneath the bionic ones- one of them doesn't fit very well and if you turn the camera the right way in chargen, you can just see the eye behind it. So you'd have 'Oh, yeah, I grew myself a new eye in the bacta tank to go with my new hat' type issues.


Hood, however, is fairly straightforward.

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Two problems which solve each other.


1. So if you wear certain helms when you have chest pieces with hoods, the hoods are disabled, presumably due to some clipping issues. This is silly, as it's a huge part of the star wars look (especially for sith) to have a helm/hood combo.


2. While there is a "hide/show headgear" option (thank you devs), there is no "hide/show hood" option. As some people love hoods and some people hate having them up and covering their character, there needs to be a hood toggle. Given the existence of problem 1, this problem also existing makes absolutely no sense.


Solution: Simply give us a hood toggle that is effective for all chest pieces with hoods at all times. Since our hoods are forced to be hidden at times, it cannot be said that there are tech issues with implementing this idea.

Give us a hood toggle and people who don't mind helmet clipping with hoods can have them up, people who hate the clipping can have them down, and people with no helmets but pretty faces can show or hide said face at their pleasure.


I love you devs, and you've made a crazy good game here, but this is a head-scratcher :p


the voss looking armor ( social armor 5 ) has a chest with the hood attached.. was rather disapointed tbh i hope they add a option to change this

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I agree! And why is it if you are a twi'lek and you wear a chest with a hood your headband disappear? That doesn't make any sense, since the hood doesn't show for twi'leks! And even if it did, I doubt it would clip badly with the headbands.
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  • 2 months later...
Indeed. I'm finding myself buying trooper armor, and switching out mods, just to get to see my hair once in a while. It would be so much simpler to be able to put my hood down or up at my discretion. I seem to remember something of a hood switch back in beta...but I could be imagining things.
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  • 4 weeks later...

This is something that really would be easy for them to install. Why they have not done so is a complete mistery to me. All they need to have is a /hood comand that toggles the hood up, or down. There are a lot of people that like having the hoods up, and then like myself, people that can not stand the hoods and want to actually see our characters. I know on my Jedi Knight it seems like almost all of the armor sets have hoods. It would be really nice to have BW say something on the matter.


Another thing that is really fustrating is the light armor leggins. Why the hec do they all have to be long skirts? They are so ridgid as well. The robes flow, the capes flow, but the light armor leggings are all dresses that dont flow. There should be more options in this department. Let the light armor guys actually have some normal leggings. This is one thing that has kept me from really enjoying playing my Sith Sorc.

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If this was just about using the glitch to fix the bug it would be done by now. But it's not that simple. BioWare want to do the Hood toggle, but they want to do it right.


If you notice currently, if you have a helmet that removes the hood (or if you play a Twi'lek), the hood disappears entirely. It simply becomes a hoodless chest piece.


With the Hood toggle they would like to do it so that when the hood is down, you can see the hood down, as it is on many hood down only models (Apprentice Vestments, Dark Acolyte Robe, etc.). That means they have to go back and remodel every single chest piece that has a hood.


It's going to take some time and being a low priority QOL fix that probably means it's going to take a long time. They'll get to it eventually, but I wouldn't hold my breath.



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I'm sure there was a hide hood option in beta. God knows why they removed it (along with many other features and even graphics options). The function is clearly in the game because hoods get hidden when you wair most helmets.


They really need to sort out helmets/hoods for twi'lek as well and all the clipping bugs with them. But not before there is a proper hood toggle.

Edited by NasherUK
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