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A Ceasefire?


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Yes I know what Ceasefire means.


And that's why Marr has to die, he stands in the way of emperor so emperor can lead the empire again, and Marr is players favorite, Satele is also a popular character but not as popular as Marr, at the moment the stories in this game lack any kind of drama and the game needs more personal feeling and killing some of the favorite characters would actually make the players want to take care of the bad guys. So far all the main villains (outside some class story ones) have been very unpersonal and when you finally defeat them there is no satisfaction from it (maybe on NiM after wiping on council for hours.) Hopefully in 4.0 we get back to the main course which is Republic vs Empire rather than these side attractions.


Jeez, I was talking to Brian, not you. The bit about Ceasefire was to Brian, so don't get so defensive.


The Emperor WON'T lead the Empire again. In his defeat at the hands of the Jedi, he's proved himself weak, and defeatable. He'll constantly be challenged if he tries again. Besides, as I said, once the Empire finds out what he has planned, they will inevitably turn against him.

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Jeez, I was talking to Brian, not you. The bit about Ceasefire was to Brian, so don't get so defensive.


The Emperor WON'T lead the Empire again. In his defeat at the hands of the Jedi, he's proved himself weak, and defeatable. He'll constantly be challenged if he tries again. Besides, as I said, once the Empire finds out what he has planned, they will inevitably turn against him.


Then quote him, and wasn't even defensive :rolleyes:


If they do they get swatted by him, only Jedi Knight at the moment can resist his mind powers. Who is going to tell the Empire about his plans? The Jedi? They wouldn't believe that from the enemy after being told that that the Emperor is Jesus since their birth.

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Then quote him, and wasn't even defensive :rolleyes:


If they do they get swatted by him, only Jedi Knight at the moment can resist his mind powers. Who is going to tell the Empire about his plans? The Jedi? They wouldn't believe that from the enemy after being told that that the Emperor is Jesus since their birth.


Well, who knows. He's still weak, and I doubt he'll ever recover from the defeat at the hands of the Jedi. Doubt he'll ever really be able to exercise the power he once had. Hell, him being struck down would probably make people see him in a different light.

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Jeez, I was talking to Brian, not you. The bit about Ceasefire was to Brian, so don't get so defensive.


The Emperor WON'T lead the Empire again. In his defeat at the hands of the Jedi, he's proved himself weak, and defeatable. He'll constantly be challenged if he tries again. Besides, as I said, once the Empire finds out what he has planned, they will inevitably turn against him.

I wouldn't be so sure, he is the Emperor, over a 1000 years of brainwashing can't be wiped away that easily, especially considering the events and proof of his demise, in the eyes of the people, is hazy at best.


That and he remains extremely powerful, if he somehow manages to return, knees will bend. Though I predict a schism.


And how exactly will anyone find out his plan?

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I wouldn't be so sure, he is the Emperor, over a 1000 years of brainwashing can't be wiped away that easily, especially considering the events and proof of his demise, in the eyes of the people, is hazy at best.


That and he remains extremely powerful, if he somehow manages to return, knees will bend. Though I predict a schism.


And how exactly will anyone find out his plan?


I dunno. REASONS! :p

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I dunno. REASONS! :p
Cause plot would be a plausible reason to be fair. And I think the Empire has had quite enough schisms. :p


I reckon when the Emperor inevitably returns, in whatever form, the Dark Council i.e. Marr will attempt to keep it hush hush and eliminate him before he can take power, and somehow the Republic will get involved, joint flashpoint blah blah.

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Cause plot would be a plausible reason to be fair. And I think the Empire has had quite enough schisms. :p


I reckon when the Emperor inevitably returns, in whatever form, the Dark Council i.e. Marr will attempt to keep it hush hush and eliminate him before he can take power, and somehow the Republic will get involved, joint flashpoint blah blah.


I still remember this discussion where you claimed, over and over again, the Emperor was dead.


How things change. :rolleyes:

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Cause plot would be a plausible reason to be fair. And I think the Empire has had quite enough schisms. :p


I reckon when the Emperor inevitably returns, in whatever form, the Dark Council i.e. Marr will attempt to keep it hush hush and eliminate him before he can take power, and somehow the Republic will get involved, joint flashpoint blah blah.


Perhaps between the Pro-Dark Council people (which will most likely contain the Players (Except the warrior(?)) and the Religious Fanatics. The Schism between the Dark Council and the Emperor would most certainly be interesting. Hell, maybe it would also mark a point when we see the crowning of a new Emperor.


If the Emperor does return, I do want to grind his face into the dirt for years of false-hero worship on the part of the whole Empire.

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Perhaps between the Pro-Dark Council people (which will most likely contain the Players (Except the warrior(?)) and the Religious Fanatics. The Schism between the Dark Council and the Emperor would most certainly be interesting. Hell, maybe it would also mark a point when we see the crowning of a new Emperor.


If the Emperor does return, I do want to grind his face into the dirt for years of false-hero worship on the part of the whole Empire.


The whole schism is possible with some key dark council members and players but as a conspiracy with them fighting from inside.

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I still remember this discussion where you claimed, over and over again, the Emperor was dead.


How things change. :rolleyes:

You mean the discussion in which I claimed, in the OP no less, that:


...the Emperor can still be dead, however only his body. It’s possible that he still exists in some sort of spiritual form, hence how he collapsed the Dark Temple chamber, and how the Children can still hear him.


And that,


Personally, I’d like to see the Emperor return in another update – the option is has certainly been left open. And Vitiate wouldn't be the first Sith to escape from Chaos.


I believe the Emperor experienced a bodily death, that does not rule out his return, far from it. Please cease pretending I claimed otherwise when its blatantly obvious you simply misunderstood, its growing quite tiresome and frankly, its petty.

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Perhaps between the Pro-Dark Council people (which will most likely contain the Players (Except the warrior(?)) and the Religious Fanatics. The Schism between the Dark Council and the Emperor would most certainly be interesting. Hell, maybe it would also mark a point when we see the crowning of a new Emperor.


If the Emperor does return, I do want to grind his face into the dirt for years of false-hero worship on the part of the whole Empire.

I expect the Emperor's powerbase, i.e. the Royal Guard, the Hands etc. would rally to him.


However I expect the vast majority of the Dark Council would ally against him.


I just want the opportunity to face the Emperor, considering the Rep side had the monopoly on all his appearances.

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You mean the discussion in which I claimed, in the OP no less, that:


...the Emperor can still be dead, however only his body. It’s possible that he still exists in some sort of spiritual form, hence how he collapsed the Dark Temple chamber, and how the Children can still hear him.


And that,


Personally, I’d like to see the Emperor return in another update – the option is has certainly been left open. And Vitiate wouldn't be the first Sith to escape from Chaos.


I believe the Emperor experienced a bodily death, that does not rule out his return, far from it. Please cease pretending I claimed otherwise when its blatantly obvious you simply misunderstood, its growing quite tiresome and frankly, its petty.


You apparently have memory issues:




Minor SW and Makeb spoilers and major JK spoilers up ahead.


In the wake of the Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion, in which both Darth Marr and Satele Shan confirmed the Sith Emperor’s death, I thought I’d put forward a theory I put together on the Emperor’s fate after the events of Act 3. As you may already know, the Hero of Tython defeated an Emperor within the depths of the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. But was it the true Emperor, or a Voice? Or something else entirely? Here’s my theory on the matter, supporting the belief that the true Emperor is dead.


Well like I explained, it is more the possible that the Emperor we see is a second incarnation, and that the Emperor may have died before - as hinted by Hall Hood.


While I understand what your saying ultimately my conclusion is a very simple one. The Hero of Tython killed the Emperor, the Emperor is dead.


My arguments may seem a little complex, but that's just me trying to justify my point. However I cannot accept to the alternative because I feel it raises too many questions and becomes too complex as a result.


Petty is trying to rewrite history. You won't get away that is easily.

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You apparently have memory issues:




Petty is trying to rewrite history. You won't get away that is easily.

Won't get away that easily? I wasn't aware this was a matter of crime and punishment... A grammar Nazi and a police commissioner now are we? So I assume you actually believe I simply changed my mind and contradicted myself? And in the very same post no less? Excuse me while I hold back the tears...


OK, let me say this one final time, when and whenever I used the term "dead" in that discussion I used it to refer to a bodily death. Nowhere did I ever say that the Emperor has experienced a spiritual death, and nowhere is that encompassed in the definition. I simply did not feel the need to specify what I had already quite clearly stated in the OP.


But any rational human being would be able to understand this, and I am fully aware that you are merely attempting to either safe face or discredit my argument if it proves true, or perhaps both.


I really don't care, what you think has since become irrelevant to me.


I merely want to make sure that others are aware the the complete facts. Feel free to read the theory in question if you want. I still feel its relevant, and I stand by my conclusions, though only time will tell if they are correct.

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Won't get away that easily? I wasn't aware this was a matter of crime and punishment... A grammar Nazi and a police commissioner now are we? So I assume you actually believe I simply changed my mind and contradicted myself? And in the very same post no less? Excuse me while I hold back the tears...


No one said it was a crime last I checked.


However, earlier you claimed -- repeatedly one might add -- that the Emperor was dead. You had no basis whatsoever to substantiate your claim, other than saying the Hand was lying.


It was laughable back then and it still is now.


A year and a half later, you say his return is inevitable; That is quite a turn, one that I chose to point out. If it bothers you, that's surely not my problem.


OK, let me say this one final time, when and whenever I used the term "dead" in that discussion I used it to refer to a bodily death. Nowhere did I ever say that the Emperor has experienced a spiritual death, and nowhere is that encompassed in the definition. I simply did not feel the need to specify what I had already quite clearly stated in the OP.


No, you didn't. Again...


And I can likely think of more, all these questions are answered however by saying: the Emperor is dead. Which raises far fewer questions.


Rewriting history is just petty. Period.


But any rational human being would be able to understand this, and I am fully aware that you are merely attempting to either safe face or discredit my argument if it proves true, or perhaps both.


Why would I be trying to save face? :rolleyes:


Unlike you, I claimed -- like many other people on that thread -- that the Emperor was weakened, NOT dead. Remember?


I really don't care, what you think has since become irrelevant to me.


At least I am not the one who ignores what the game says or better yet, claims that characters are lying whenever something doesn't fit their theories.


I merely want to make sure that others are aware the the complete facts. Feel free to read the theory in question if you want. I still feel its relevant, and I stand by my conclusions, though only time will tell if they are correct.


I already provided the link to that thread; You didn't.


If you wanted people to be aware of the facts, you would have done that yourself, instead of being selective in your approach. You weren't.


Again, for the sake of posterity, lest you edit your earlier posts:


And I can likely think of more, all these questions are answered however by saying: the Emperor is dead. Which raises far fewer questions.


Here’s my theory on the matter, supporting the belief that the true Emperor is dead.


But this creates a few problems, which must be met and resolved. Firstly it contradicts what the Wrath was told by the Hands, who said it was the Voice of the Emperor that was killed, not the Emperor. However it’s highly possible that they lied. I mean, let’s say I'm right and the Hand told the Wrath the truth – the conversation would go something like this: "Hey Wrath, err... you know the Emperor? You know, our leader? Yeah... well... small problem. He's err, he's dead basically. So... we kind of don't have a leader anymore. But don't worry! It’s all under control. You just, just keep smashing the Republic. I mean, you’re not really the Emperor's Wrath anymore... but err, just... keep at it! Ok, err bye. And long live the... oh wait..." As you can see not only would it be awkward, but they also can't trust the Emperor's Wrath. They have no reason to, after all the previous Wrath has already betrayed them; they’re not going to trust another so easily. The most likely explanation is that it’s all an elaborate ruse, if the entire Empire found out, it would collapse, even mere rumours have begun to cause fractures. They have to keep it a secret, and the best way to do this is create a false rumour to explain his disappearance.
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I'll stay the hell out of that...


It would be nice to see perhaps some sort of insurrection on Dromund Kaas, where you have to fight through the streets of Kaas City. However, I wish there was a way this could happen without the huge loss of Imperial forces. Schisms tend to weaken us quite a bit. However, if it's mainly against the Guard and the Hand, it should prove less harmful than Malgus' schism, as while the Guard is useful to the war effort, the Hand does **** all to help. This also means that if we can remove the Emperor, the guard will be free to be disbanded and put into Black Ops groups, which are far more useful.


We also need a way to convince the Sith to leave in fighting for after we win. I mean, seriously, fighting over what we won in the Galactic War was bloody stupid considering we were planning to have another war. Yes, I am looking at you, Ghosts of Baras, Thanaton and Malgus. I swear competent Imperial Officers spend half the time facepalming over their Sith Lords. Don't even get me started on people like Razer though.

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As I said Wicked, it was a final response.


You don't seem to be prepared to address my explanation, and instead continue to ignore it. I am not interested in such a circular argument, and your hostility and extreme pedanticism is obnoxious and stressful I am not interested in continuing this vendetta with you and would much rather have a friendly discussion on this topic, however clearly you are not capable of that.


So, the only option that remains its to ignore you and have this discussion with more amicable people. Good day to you and I hope that at some point you'll let this go and we can settle are differences. But I'm not holding my breath.


Now I think its time for a drink...

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Again, for the sake of posterity, lest you edit your earlier posts:


Stop being a pendantic troll. Every thread I see you in is derailing it with your supposed superior intellect telling everybody they're wrong. Its like watching a 5 year old slapping everybody, and screaming.

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I'll stay the hell out of that...


It would be nice to see perhaps some sort of insurrection on Dromund Kaas, where you have to fight through the streets of Kaas City. However, I wish there was a way this could happen without the huge loss of Imperial forces. Schisms tend to weaken us quite a bit. However, if it's mainly against the Guard and the Hand, it should prove less harmful than Malgus' schism, as while the Guard is useful to the war effort, the Hand does **** all to help. This also means that if we can remove the Emperor, the guard will be free to be disbanded and put into Black Ops groups, which are far more useful.


We also need a way to convince the Sith to leave in fighting for after we win. I mean, seriously, fighting over what we won in the Galactic War was bloody stupid considering we were planning to have another war. Yes, I am looking at you, Ghosts of Baras, Thanaton and Malgus. I swear competent Imperial Officers spend half the time facepalming over their Sith Lords. Don't even get me started on people like Razer though.

I wish someone had told me to do that a long time ago...


Anyway I totally agree with basically everything, I think what could work is if the Emperor's true goals are revealed causing his supports to defect and turn against him, and with their combined strength bring him down.


Well I'm still remembering that rumour about Regus, the current Grand Moff, defecting, because he hates aliens and dat, I think that was datamined... so we have that too look forward too. :rolleyes:


That said this whole Marr theme their developing on seems to be geared towards stamping out in-fighting, and the post-Malgus reforms basically fixing everything else obnoxious and stupid about the Empire.


And don't even get me started on Thanaton. :p

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As I said Wicked, it was a final response.


You don't seem to be prepared to address my explanation, and instead continue to ignore it. I am not interested in such a circular argument, and your hostility and extreme pedanticism is obnoxious and stressful I am not interested in continuing this vendetta with you and would much rather have a friendly discussion on this topic, however clearly you are not capable of that.


So, the only option that remains its to ignore you and have this discussion with more amicable people. Good day to you and I hope that at some point you'll let this go and we can settle are differences. But I'm not holding my breath.


Now I think its time for a drink...


It's not a vendetta. I find such wasteful and pointless.


I merely said earlier this:

I still remember this discussion where you claimed, over and over again, the Emperor was dead.


How things change. :rolleyes:


You on the other hand chose not only to be defensive, but ALSO selective in your approach to your earlier thread. I found that distasteful and I still do.


Again, you claimed over and over again that the Emperor was dead -- as shown earlier -- going so far as to claim that some characters were lying, whenever their words didn't fit your theory.


Those words were yours then, just like they are now.

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Stop being a pendantic troll. Every thread I see you in is derailing it with your supposed superior intellect telling everybody they're wrong. Its like watching a 5 year old slapping everybody, and screaming.


There's nothing pedantic or trollish in my behavior.


The same cannot be said from you, given the way you came barging in.

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There's nothing pedantic or trollish in my behavior.


The same cannot be said from you, given the way you came barging in.


Yes there is, you do nothing but. Seems like every time I enjoy reading a thread until you step into it to derail it with your superior garbage and arguing every little thing to death like you are a gift from the SW universe gods. You're a death knell on threads, engaging in slap fighting with whoever will take the bait until its completely derailed and everybody leaves. Hell the fact that you bothered replying to me shows that you're incapable of accepting a view differing from your own without engaging in retribution to the point of derail. I knew I was probably wasting my breath by telling you to shut up, so I guess the next best thing is the ignore button, and hope that other people follow suit.

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Yes there is, you do nothing but. Seems like every time I enjoy reading a thread until you step into it to derail it with your superior garbage and arguing every little thing to death like you are a gift from the SW universe gods.


Pointing out inaccuracies is not akin to derailing. I appreciate when people do the same with me, assuming I am in error.


You're a death knell on threads, engaging in slap fighting with whoever will take the bait until its completely derailed and everybody leaves. Hell the fact that you bothered replying to me shows that you're incapable of accepting a view differing from your own without engaging in retribution to the point of derail.


You accused me of trollish behavior when you should look in the mirror instead. You had no interest whatsoever in the thread but rather only in venting. You can seek help for that.


I knew I was probably wasting my breath by telling you to shut up, so I guess the next best thing is the ignore button, and hope that other people follow suit.


Whatever floats your boat I guess. Makes no difference to me.

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