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Logging out in Stronghold does not preserve return coordinates


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Here is the situation:


  1. I go to my stronghold on my lowbie from Hoth and log out, in order to keep getting rested XP.
  2. I log back in the next day, then click Return to Hoth from the Exit Area Stronghold menu.
  3. Instead of returning to where I was on Hoth (in between flight paths), I get transported to the orbital station as if I had just landed.


As you can imagine, this is very frustrating, especially for Hoth/Belsavis. This also ties in with other bugs I've had with the transporting from flashpoints/warzones.

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I experienced the same with Hoth recently. On other locations this works fine though...


The "Return to..." option sometimes displays a very interesting behavior:


  • Return to Space... (I think this means Starship) is loading my Ship, Ending up in Stronghold
  • Retrun to Coruscant... sometimes works, sometimes it drops you off at the planetary arrivals area (no QT :/)
  • Return to Republic Fleet... sometimes works, sometimes it drops you off at the planetary arrivals area
  • Return to Fleet... (lower button) always puts you down at the planetary arrivals
  • Return to Nar Shaddaa... works okay so far - haven't had a problem there
  • Retrun to Hoth... dropped me off at the Orbital station


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For me it happens exactly like the OP says, it may be different if you have only 1 character.


I can easily replay this on each character. Go to stronghold, and as long as this character is active, "Return To" works as you'd expect. If you switch to another stronghold before using "Return To" it gets dicey and you may or may not end up in the original location. If I first switch back to the first visited stronghold, the chance is higher that I get returned to my original position.


But as soon as I just log off to character selection, even if immediately going back to the same character, it's always the starting point I end up, no matter where I came from.

Edited by LeJarC
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This is something we are aware of, but I don't have any ETA on a change/fix to this behavior. If I hear anything, I'll let you folks know!


There is another odd thing that if you are in a flashpoint and you try to go to your stronghold (say after the flashpoint is over) it takes you to fleet instead. I've noticed a general uptick in logging into random places that I didn't log out of since 2.9.

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When trying to go back to my Stronghold after FPs and such, I often find myself in the Tython Departure area of the fleet (where I can use quick travel / fleet pass / travel to Stronghold), or the Makeb Orbital Station (where I can use quick travel / fleet pass / travel to Stronghold). If I am on the Makeb Orbital station, I have to go down to Makeb to then travel to the Stronghold. Edited by PlayLoud
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This is something we are aware of, but I don't have any ETA on a change/fix to this behavior. If I hear anything, I'll let you folks know!


It's enough for me to know that there is at least the intent to make this work. I was disappointed when I first found return coords weren't preserved, and it would be very awesome if it does. This is tantamount to having a lot of other field terminals made available on-the-fly (field gtn, field guild bank, etc). Those would be nice to have ultimately, but load times aside, this is a nice stand-in.

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This is something we are aware of, but I don't have any ETA on a change/fix to this behavior. If I hear anything, I'll let you folks know!
Hopefully soon, as this mechanic seems to be often causing issues where you can't leave your stronghold anymore (especially lower levels without fleet pass) and have to wait for customer support to help you out for days.
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  • 5 weeks later...

I more-so have the problem of:

Going to my stronghold, logging out from it, then when I log back in I'm put back at whatever planet/place I was before I traveled to the stronghold. It seems like a 50/50 chance sometimes that my toons will actually log back into the stronghold. This does get annoying.

What's odd is my friend I gave keys to seems to be able to log back into my strongholds perfectly fine all the time.

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