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SW: Brother's Keeper


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Brother's Keeper – Prologue


Korriban – Valley of the Dark Lords






“You’ve been practicing whelp.”


Kalibos smirked as he examined the smoking slash across his chest armor.


“I’ll have to start taking you a little more seriously from now on won’t I?”


Nearby his opponent stood, hands gripping the black hilt of his lightsaber, teeth barred in a wicked snarl.


“I didn’t realize I had ever given you reason to take me lightly.”


Kalibos laughed a humorless laugh. His opponent, Nephian, watched him for a moment before lowering his lightsaber and grinning.


“How long have we been doing this Kalibos?”


“We’ve been sparring like this since the day we met. You’ve come a long way in that time…but it’s not far enough!”


Kalibos lunged for Nephian, his lightsaber slashing down and crossing through the air where Nephian had been standing moments before. Kalibos was always impressed by Nephian’s speed. He sensed Nephian’s shift in focus and slid back as his opponent’s lightsaber passed through where his midsection would have been. Kalibos leapt to attack and found his thrust intercepted by Nephian’s lightsaber and forced away. He spun to deflect the attack he sensed coming but found Nephian was not where he had expected to find him. Suddenly, he felt as if he would vomit fire. The smell of burning flesh filled the air and, looking down, Kalibos could see the hilt of Nephian’s lightsaber pressed to his stomach. When he looked up at Nephian in disbelief, his gaze was met with cold, yellow eyes.


“I would imagine that is quite painful.” Nephian said, his voice dripping with contempt.


“Why?” was all Kalibos could manage.


“I’ve come much further than you realize 'old friend'. Unfortunately, you seem to be content with mediocrity and have fallen by the wayside. It was time for you to be discarded.”


Nephian withdrew his lightsaber and watched Kalibos drop to his knees. He watched quietly as Kalibos struggled to get to his feet and raise his lightsaber. When the weapon’s crimson blade hissed to life, Nephian almost felt sorry for Kalibos…almost.


“Even in defeat you are a fool Kalibos. I thought you would have foreseen this coming. My intentions should not have been that difficult to read, I made no attempt to hide them.”


Nephian sighed as if disappointed. “I suppose I should have anticipated this. You are strong in the Force, there is no doubt…but you were never a true Sith.” The tone in Nephian’s voice was cold and mocking.


Kalibos roared and lunged for Nephian, his lightsaber slashing the air around him. With a bored sigh, Nephian sidestepped the attack and swung his own lightsaber through the air. With a cry of agony, Kalibos stumbled and watched in horror as his hand, still holding his lightsaber, fell to the ground and rolled toward Nephian who stopped it with his boot and stooped to retrieve the lightsaber.


“We have trained side by side Kalibos, the least I could do is allow you to die with your lightsaber.”


Shaking and in shock from the injuries he had sustained, Kalibos nodded slightly and reached out with his remaining hand. Nephian felt the Force tug weakly at the weapon and felt a surge of incredible anger flow through him. Never before had he seen someone who so easily accepted his death. It was pathetic and unworthy of a Sith. In one deft motion, Nephian cocked his arm back, locked Kalibos’ lightsaber into the ‘on’ position and flung it back at its owner who did not even have the sense to dodge the spinning weapon as it struck and removed his head from his body. Shaking his head in disgust, Nephian strode over to his fallen foe, knelt down, and picked up the still humming lightsaber. After closing down the blade, he examined the hilt of the weapon closely and then tucked his trophy into the inner lining of his black robes.


“You leave yourself open to attack Nephian.”


“If your intent was to kill me Lord Krishnan, I would already be dead.”


Nephian rose and turned to face his Master.


“You have taken a large step in your path to greater power my Apprentice and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. The Dark Council wishes to see you at once.”


“Yes, my Master.”


Together, Master and Apprentice returned to the halls of the Sith Academy.


“This is your first meeting with the Dark Council Nephian, listen closely to their instructions and carry them out without hesitation.”


“Master, this is not my first meeting with the Dark Council.”


“Oh? I was not aware you had already been called before them. When was this?”


“It occurred while you were on Malastare addressing the matter of the Hydian Way trade route.”


“I see. What…” Krishnan’s question as interrupted. As they approached, the door to the Council Chambers slid open, and the dark robed form of Darth Howl stepped into view. Krishnan and Nephian immediately stopped and bowed to the Council Member who regarded them with menacing eyes.


“You Master would like to know what the Dark Council asked of you Nephian. Would you care to enlighten him?” Darth Howl asked.


“I was asked to dispose of one who did not serve the best interest of the Empire though they did not reveal this person’s identity to me.”


“Do you believe you are ready to carry out the orders of the Emperor, Nephian?”


Still bowing, Nephian answered. “Yes, Lord Howl, without question.”


"And you Krishnan. Do you believe your Apprentice is ready?”


“I have no doubt. I have taught him everything I know.”


“Have you? Shall we find out?”


“He will pass any test given to him My Lord.” Krishnan replied.


“Nephian, you were asked to dispose of someone who did not serve the best interests of the Empire. If I told you that person was your Master, would you kill him?”


Krishnan did not hear the reply and was not even certain there was one. He never saw Nephian move and slowly, he began to realize that something was horribly wrong. He felt as if he was slowly tipping forward but he could not balance himself properly. It was then he realized that his arms were not responding to his mental commands to move. He also noticed that his sight seemed to be failing as a black veil slowly seeped into the corners of his vision and began to cloud everything before him. At some point, he noticed that he was on the floor, which seemed odd as he did not remember falling. He wondered who was kneeling before him, why they seemed to be wearing his boots and, more importantly, why they were not helping him up. He was suddenly very tired and the cool marble of the floor against his face was soothing. As oblivion slowly claimed him, Krishnan thought to himself, ‘I wonder why Nephian did not answer Lord Howl’.


Standing over the headless body of his Master, Nephian closed down his lightsaber and hooked it to his belt where it had been only seconds before. Slowly, he turned and knelt before Lord Howl.


“Krishnan served us well for many years, it is a shame he lost sight of our goals. You have done well Nephian. The last Apprentice we asked to end their Master's life thought to deceive us by telling us they had done so after warning their Master of our orders. Both of them suffered greatly for their cowardice. You are now ready for your next task.”


“I will not fail you Master.”


“We shall see Darth Nephian. We shall see.”

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Brother's Keeper - Part One

Tython - Jedi Temple



Having grown up in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Jedi Master Beckett Dynal had grown

accustomed to hearing the sounds of the vast city echoing through the halls at all hours. Here

on Tython, however, things were much different. In the early morning hours nothing could be

heard in the hallways of the Temple except the soft twittering of the planets native birds, the

wind blowing through the trees of the forest beyond the Temple walls, the quiet humming of

service droids...and the soft footfalls of Master Dynal as he roamed the deserted halls. As he

had done so many times before, Master Dynal ventured to a secluded alcove and lowered

himself into a quiet meditation before a large, ornate window that overlooked the grounds of

the Jedi compound. Closing his eyes, he opened himself to the Force and could sense all

manner of life in and around the temple. One lifeform in particular caught his attention and he

could not hide his smile.


"I was not aware you had returned Master Queng."


From the shadows emerged a female Rodian, her red hair showing signs of grey.


"I have not been your Master for sixteen years Beckett...or perhaps I should call you Master

Dynal. I'm sorry I missed your ceremony my friend." said Master Queng.


Dynal smiled as he rose from his seat and crossed the alcove to embrace his former Master.

"No apologies are necessary. How are you?"


"I'm doing well for one of my age. I suspect I will soon turn to dust and blow away." Queng

said with a laugh. "How about you? You haven't had problems sleeping in years. Are the

pressures of being a Master affecting you already?"


Dynal's smile faded. Lem Queng had always had a knack for being direct.


"Was I that easy to read?"


"A Youngling could have sensed something was troubling you. Is everything alright? How is

your Padawan?"


Dynal did not hide his surprise. Lem Queng had been gone for almost a year on a mission to

the Outer Rim territories. Her contact with the Jedi Temple had been minimal and yet,

somehow, she knew about his new Apprentice.


"Manijeh is well. She was asking about you recently, wondering if she would ever have a

chance to meet the Master that put up with me for so long."


"She sounds like a feisty one. I look forward to meeting her."


Dynal nodded and reached for his comm but Lem Queng was too fast for him, placing her

hand on his before he could reach his belt.


"You won't avoid the subject that easily Beckett. What's really bothering you?"


Dynal sighed and felt as if the walls were pressing in on him. He reached up slowly and

stroked his beard for a moment before finally looking at his former Master.


"Today is ten years Lem...since Axum."


Dynal had always had difficulty with Rodian facial expressions so it was difficult for him to tell

what Lem Queng was thinking. Through the Force, however, he could sense her feelings of



"You've been having the nightmares again, haven't you?"


Dynal nodded, "Yes, for the first time in years. They started a week ago."


"Are they the same as before?"


"No, they're more vivid now and there's something else now, something that wasn't there



Lem Queng's confusion and concern were obvious. "What is it?"


"When I see the battle again, when I see him fighting the Sith Apprentice, I feel as if I'm being

watched. It's like a presence...a dark presence...looming over me. I haven't been able to

shake the feeling that something has been set into motion."


"Like what?"


Dynal thought for a moment about how to describe what he was feeling. He closed his eyes

and sought an answer in the Force.


"Lem, I believe the Sith who killed my brother is still out there and they're going to be coming

for me soon."

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Brother's Keeper - Part Two

Tython - Jedi Temple



“The Council likes to take their time, don’t they Master?”


“Patience my young Padawan. Master Queng has been gone almost a year, I suspect the

Council has many questions for her regarding her mission.”


“Yes, Master.”


Jedi Master Dynal and his Padawan, a young violet skinned Twi’lek named Manijeh, were

waiting in the alcove outside the Council Chambers. Dynal, seated on the floor with his legs

crossed, was finding his attempts to meditate frequently interrupted by his impatient young

charge. With his eyes closed he thought back on the time since he had chosen her as his

Padawan. She had shown great promise as a Youngling and he recognized an adventurous

streak in her that reminded him of Mathias. She had come a long way in such a short time

and yet had farther still to go.


“Master, perhaps we should come back later. There is no telling how long this will take and

now seems like as good a time as any to get some sparring in.”


Dynal smiled.


“You’re just looking for any excuse to show off your lightsaber.”


Dynal extended his hand and reached out through the force, plucking the weapon from

beneath his Padawan’s robes and pulling it to him. Before she could react, Manijeh’s

lightsaber was already in her Master’s hand and he was examining it closely.


“You must always be alert Manijeh. What if I had been a Sith? You would be in quite a

predicament now.”


“Yes, Master.”


Dynal could sense his Apprentice’s disappointment at his words. He stood, crossed the

alcove, and rested his hands on her shoulders.


“I am not scolding you Manijeh, I am simply giving you instruction. You are still learning young

one and, with time, these lessons will become second nature to you. Don’t be in such a rush

to be a Knight. Take advantage of this time to learn all you can.”


He could sense her mood lifting and smiled. She looked up at him.


“Master, do you think I’ll be a good Knight?”


“Considering your teacher young one, I think you’ll be an excellent Knight.”


Dynal and Manijeh turned to find Lem Queng watching them from the doorway.

“Coming from you Lem, that means a lot. I trust the Council has learned all they need from

your mission?”


Lem Queng nodded and looked at the young Twi’lek.


“You must be Manijeh.”


Manijeh blushed noticeably and smiled.


“Yes. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you Master Queng. Master Dynal has told me so

much about you.”


“As he has told me much about you. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”

Dynal smiled as he watched his former Master embrace his young Apprentice.


“So you’ll be staying on Tython a while Lem?”


“Actually, I won’t. I’ll be leaving shortly to start an investigation.”


“Oh, what sort of investigation?”


Lem Queng sighed and motioned for Dynal to join her on one of the benches in the alcove.

“Beckett, we’ve received a request to investigate a murder. The local authorities have asked

for our assistance because it involves the family of a Jedi.”


“How could they know it was the family of a Jedi…”


Manijeh could sense a sudden feeling of dread in the Force.


“Master Dynal, what’s wrong?”


Dynal shook his head slowly and looked into the eyes of his former Master.


“What’s happened Lem?”


Softly, Lem Queng placed her hand on Dynal’s and he knew the answer before she even said



“I’m so sorry Beckett.”


Dynal closed his eyes and focused, trying to center himself. He could feel the concern

radiating from his Padawan. Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, he opened his eyes and

turned to Manijeh.


“Calm yourself young one, I am fine.”


“But Master…”


“Manijeh, please…it’s okay.”


Manijeh sat on the bench on the other side of Dynal as he turned back to Lem Queng.

“What happened Lem?”


“There aren’t a lot of details yet Beckett. All we know right now is that the victim’s wounds are

consistent with those of a lightsaber and…there was a name…carved into the wall of the



“Who’s name Lem?”


“It was your name Beckett. That’s how the Metellos authorities discovered your connection to

the victims and why they contacted us.”


Dynal sat quietly for a moment. It was Manijeh who broke the silence.


“Excuse me Master Queng but, how is Master Dynal connected to the victims?”


Dynal turned and faced his pupil.


“They were my parents Manijeh.”

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Brother's Keeper - Part Three

Metellos - Home of Ern & Mallah Dynal



"What do you sense Manijeh?"


Jedi Master Lem Queng stood in the doorway of the small home watching as Manijeh,

Padawan of Master Beckett Dynal, slowly circled the living space.


"Anger, aggression, fear...lots of fear..and a sense of recognition. Could they have known the



"I don't believe that is likely. I believe, having had two children taken into the Jedi Order, that

the Dynals understood what their assailant was when they saw them. Considering the general

order the dwelling is still in, I don't think they even tried to escape, knowing that to do so

would be futile against a Sith."


Manijeh noticeably winced at the mention of the Dynals. When she was told she would be

accompanying Master Queng and Master Dushaj on this investigation, her apprehension

could not have been any clearer. It was one thing for someone so young to investigate a

murder, it was something else entirely when that murder involved the parents of her own

teacher. Master Dynal, though not pleased with the Council's decision not to allow him to

accompany his student, understood why he could not be allowed near the scene. He also

understood, as grim as the situation was, that it would be a learning experience for his

Padawan. While Manijeh left with Master Queng and Master Dushaj, Master Dynal remained

on Tython, overseeing the training of Master Dushaj's Youngling class.


"Master Queng, I believe I should step outside for a moment. The feelings in the room are

intense and troubling."


"Of course Manijeh. Don't wander too far."


Manijeh strode quickly toward the door and exited the dwelling. Master Queng could sense

the heartache the young Padawan felt for her Master and the loss of his parents. She could

also sense the overwhelming dread at the sort of path that would lead to this type of

destruction. Though Jedi were always taught that fear was a path to the Dark Side, Master

Queng felt secure in the knowledge that this experience would stay with Manijeh and show

her how desolate the Dark Side truly is.


"How is she doing?"


Master Queng looked up as Master Dushaj entered the room. At almost 80 years of age, Jeth

Dushaj looked fit enough to be in his 30s. Were it not for his scarred and wrinkled face, one

would not suspect that the Arkanian was nearing his twilight years. Master Dushaj slowly

circled the room, his blank white eyes seeming to survey every inch of the walls.


"She's doing well Jeth. She is, of course, disturbed by this investigation."


Master Dushaj stopped to observe a small shelf on the wall.


"Understandable. Have you spoken with the security minister?"


"Yes. She said there was no record of an Imperial ship ever entering the system."


"I see. A civilian transport or a supply frigate perhaps."


As Master Dushaj continued to examine the room, the comm on his belt chirped.


"Go ahead Commander."


"Master Dushaj, we've just detected a large vessel entering the system. It appears to be an

Imperial cruiser. Several small craft have already launched from the ship and are proceeding

toward the planet."


"Understood Commander. How much time do we have?"


"A matter of minutes Sir."


"Very well. Move the Weary Pilgrim away from the planet and head for the rendezvous point.

We will follow in our shuttle as soon as we can."


"Yes Sir."


Master Dushaj placed the comm back on his belt and turned toward Master Queng. In the few

seconds that he had been speaking with Commander Rickarthe, she had already called

Manijeh back into the Dynal home.


"It would appear our time has been cut short. We must get to our transport as quickly as



Master Queng ushered Manijeh out of the dwelling and into the street, followed closely by

Master Dushaj. The trio moved quickly down alleys and side streets, trying to stay off the main

thoroughfare. As the Masters pressed her forward, Manijeh stole a quick glance at the

massive stratoblock that loomed overhead. When she had firsts met Master Dynal and

learned he was from Metellos, she had assumed he was born to one of the wealthier families

that lived high in the stratoblocks. She never imagined he had come from one of the slums

that surrounded them. As she considered this discovery, she felt a firm hand grip her by the

arm and pull her to a stop.


"This is no time to daydream Manijeh!" Master Dushaj scolded in a whisper.


Manijeh turned and saw that the two Masters were not looking at her. Instead, their attention

was focused on the north end of the street. Following their gaze, she saw several robed

figures moving through the crowd. Though they did not exactly stand out amongst the other

beings milling about, Manijeh could feel them through the Force. His hand still holding firmly

to Manijeh's arm, Master Dushaj pulled her back into the shadows of the alley.


"Sith. They got here faster than I expected them to. Lem?"


Master Queng stood silently, her eyes closed.


"They know we're close but they aren't sure where. There are three more on the street to the

south. They're waiting for something but I can't...RUN!"


Before Manijeh could question the order, Master Dushaj heaved her off her feet and ran for

the opposite alley. Behind her, Manijeh heard an ear splitting explosion and could see several

armored Bounty Hunters converging on Master Queng.

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Brother's Keeper - Part Four

Metellos - Landing Pad 42



"Master Dushaj, we have to help her!"


"She knows what she's doing young one. We must hurry if we're going to be ready to leave

when she reaches us."


Master Jeth Dushaj's hands moved quickly over the control panel of the Vanguard cruiser as

he began the start-up sequence. As the ship hummed to life, he removed the comm from his

belt and clicked open an encrypted channel.


"Sergeant Brusc, have you located Master Queng?"


"Yes Sir. She is moving toward our location as planned. She has dispatched the bounty

hunters that were following her but there appear to be a number of Sith closing in."


"Very well. The Padawan Manijeh is with me aboard the Rancor's Roost. I've initiated the

remote start-up on the Hope Abounds and she will be ready for you when you get here."


"Understood Sir. Brusc out."


Master Dushaj turned toward Manijeh, who had taken the co-pilot seat next to him. He could

sense her confusion as if it were a flashing cantina sign above her head.


"You planned this Master?"


"We suspected the Sith may have been lying in wait for us, perhaps expecting to find Master

Dynal. Right now Master Queng is leading the Sith into an ambush."




Master Queng hurried down the street, the Force propelling her along faster than a Rodian

should be able to move. As she ran, she could sense the Sith chasing her. Their anger at her

escape burning like a pyre. Ahead, she could sense the Republic Troopers lying in wait. As

she reached the ambush site, she skidded to a stop and spun to face her pursuers. The Sith

stopped short when their prey turned on them and Master Queng could sense their hesitation.

"How's your Emperor?" Queng asked the Sith closest to her.


On cue, the Troopers moved in from all sides, emerging from nearby buildings. The Sith had

been so intent on their target that they failed to sense the soldiers laying in wait. All around

them, blaster fire roared from the Troopers weapons. Two of the Sith, caught off guard by the

assault, fell to the barrage but their brethren would not be defeated so easily. Lightsabers

hissed to life and began to deftly deflect blaster bolts back at the Troopers. Master Queng

winced as the Republic soldiers began to fall but she blocked out the pain of their deaths and

joined the battle, engaging one of the Sith and dispatching him with a broad stroke across his

chest. A second Sith Warrior roared in anger and launched himself at her, striking down

Troopers as he came.


"Die Jedi!" he screamed.


Master Queng sidestepped the Sith's attack and brought her lightsaber slashing down across

his back, cutting him from shoulder to hip. As the Sith fell to the street, Master Queng felt a

tremor in the Force behind her. Before she could turn to face the new threat, however, she felt

a searing pain in her back and starred in horror as a crimson blade emerged from her chest.

The agony she felt was indescribable as the lightsaber was pulled from the wound, causing

further internal damage as it went. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Master Queng fell to

the street. All around her she could feel the Republic soldiers falling, each death a new wound

opening up inside her mind. As she lay on the ground, she could sense the Sith approaching

her, his murderous intent echoing in her mind.


"So this is the great Jedi Master Lem Queng. I will admit, I'm disappointed. I was expecting a

great battle between the two of us Lem. A fight for the ages. A duel that would be talked about

for generations to come. It's a shame that all it took to bring you down were a few inept

Acolytes, not yet fully trained in the Sith arts."


The Sith unceremoniously kicked Master Queng onto her back. Though her vision was clear,

she did not have to see him to know who he was. She had felt his presence before, years

ago. As her attacker stood over her, a smug look on his scarred face, Master Queng took a

ragged breath.


"I thought it was you. First his brother, now his parents. Were you hoping to complete your

collection by killing Beckett as well, is that why you've come here? Is that how you entertain

yourself, by killing entire families?"


"Please. If I wanted Beckett Dynal dead, I would have returned to Axum and called him to me.

No, I knew he would not be allowed to come though I suspected that you would. Tell me, was

that Dynal's Padawan I saw with Master Dushaj?"


"I don't know what you're talking about."


"Of course you don't."


Slowly, the Sith raised his lightsaber above Master Queng, the light of the blade casting dark

shadows across the scars on his face. As she watched the killing stroke fall, Master Queng

reached out through the Force one last time.




Tython - Jedi Temple



Though he had plenty of experience training a young Padawan, Master Beckett Dynal was

not used to an entire class of Younglings. Today they were learning how to move objects

through the Force. Though none of the students were more than six years old, they exhibited

great promise as they concentrated on their individual objects and slowly began to lift them

into the air. Some were wary of the task set before them, especially as the objects grew

larger. One student had even dismissed the idea of lifting a droid more than twice his size and

moving it to the other side of the room.


"I don't think I can do that Master. The droid is so much bigger than me."


Master Dynal smiled at his young charge and knelt beside him, placing a hand on his



"Size doesn't matter little Jedi. What matters is the Force. The Force binds us all. Reach out,

feel it connecting you to me, to your classmates, to the stones of the temple, to the droid

before you."


The Youngling closes his eyes as he focused and he raised his little hand to the droid.


"I can sense the droid there Master, not like I can sense you, but I can feel it."


"Very good. Now, do you think you can actually touch the droid with the Force?"


"Yes Master."


"Then touch the droid and lift, slowly."


With his brow creased in concentration, the Youngling stretched out. The droid began to

quiver until, very slowly, it was lifted several inches off the ground and moved across the floor.

The boy gasped in surprise and lost his focus, dropping the droid who landed with a squeal.


"I did it!"


"Yes you did! Very good."


The Youngling raced across the room to rejoin his classmates who were sitting on the floor.

Master Dynal sat cross-legged on the floor before the children, smiling at the bright faces

around him.


"You've learned something very important today young ones. The Force is everywhere. It is all

around us and it unites us with all things. Before you leave for the day, close your eyes and

stretch out with the Force. Tell me what you can sense."


The children did as they were told and, for a few moments, sat quietly. Grinning, Master Dynal

mimicked the students and closed his eyes, reaching out to embrace the living Force. As he

did so, a darkness seemed to settle over the room and he could sense the sudden

uneasiness of the children around him. With his eyes still closed, he reached out to the mind

of each child to calm them but his efforts were interrupted by a vision of a Sith, his lightsaber

raised high and casting shadows across his scarred face. Master Dynal recognized this face

and he recognized his former Master's touch in the Force. As he watched in horror, the Sith

swung his lightsaber down and Master Dynal felt a sudden stab of pain in his chest. Before he

could recover, the children around him shrieked in terror at what they had seen and began to

cry at the pain they had felt. From outside the sound of raised voices could be heard racing

down the hall and Master Nosjetta burst into the room.


"Master Dynal, what's happened."


"I was showing the children..explaining how to reach out to the Force...we saw..."


"What did you see Master Dynal."


"Master Lem Queng is dead Master Nosjetta."

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Brother's Keeper - Part Five

Aboard The Light Corvette Rancor's Roost

Early Morning (Tython Local Time)


Jedi Master Jeth Dushaj sat quietly in the pilot's seat of the Rancor's Roost, watching the

mottled blur of hyperspace outside the view port of the ship's cockpit. The escape from

Metellos had been harrowing to say the least but he had managed to elude the Sith cruiser by

making an unexpected jump to hyperspace, long before any modern navicomp could have

plotted a course. A pilot with even the most basic flight skills would have said he was crazy to

make an unplotted hyperspace jump. Fortunately, Master Dushaj wasn't just any pilot and

their destination wasn't exactly a tourist spot. In fact, it wasn't on any star chart in existence.

Only pilots that could commune with the Force were able to find Ilum. Master Dushaj did not

think it would take long for the Sith to figure out where they had gone but he hoped that would

buy he and Manijeh enough time to plot a proper course back to Tython.




Jedi Padawan Manijeh had been sleeping in one of the crew bunks mid-ship. Master Dushaj

smiled softly at his young charge as she entered the cockpit and sat in the co-pilot's seat next

to him.


“You should be sleeping young one. The events of the last few hours have been hard on you

and you need your rest.”


“I know Master. I couldn't sleep.”


Master Dushaj nodded and turned to look out the view port again. The sensation of feeling

death in the Force is not an enjoyable experience for any Jedi. All life is sacred and to feel a

life being extinguished violently, to a Jedi, is to share the pain of that moment. Having fought

many battles in his lifetime, Master Dushaj had learned how to block out the pain that

accompanied the loss of life. To have left himself open to that feeling on a battlefield where

so many were dying could drive even the strongest Jedi mad with grief. Though well trained,

Manijeh was still in her infancy in the Force, and had not yet learned how to block out such

feelings. The loss of Master Queng had been very traumatic for her.


“It won't be long until we're at Ilum. Once we get there we should have ample time to plot a

course back to Tython.”


Manijeh nodded and stared blankly at the cockpit control panel. Master Dushaj had not had a

Padawan of his own for many years. After the loss of his last Padawan, he had taken on the

task of training Younglings at the temple. Though he enjoyed the work he did with them, and

was very proud to see them taken on a Padawans, he did not allow himself to get too close to

the children. Feeling the loss of life through the Force was bad enough. Watching the loss of a

young Padawan he had trained and had come to care for as a parent would care for a child,

had almost been too much for Master Dushaj. He did not wish to experience it again. Across

from him, Master Dushaj could sense Manijeh through the Force. She was a flurry of

emotions, the most predominant being grief and anger.


“You're walking a very fine line Manijeh.”


Manijeh looked up, confusion showing clearly on her face.




Master Dushaj turned in his seat to face the young Twi'lek.


“Just because I'm old does not mean my connection to the Force has diminished. Your grief is

understandable young one. We have suffered a great loss today, but you should not allow that

loss to weigh so heavily on you.”


Manijeh rose to her feet, anger showing on her face.


“How can you say that?! Master Queng was our friend and that..that..Sith butchered her like

an animal! How can you tell me not to think about her and what she sacrificed to get us off

that planet?!”


“Manijeh, sit down and calm yourself.”


“I will not sit...”


Master Dushaj reached out through the Force and turned the co-pilot's chair on its swivel

until it bumped Manijeh's knees, forcing her to drop into the seat.


“Calm yourself young one. I am not telling you not to remember Master Queng or what she

did for us. I am simply suggesting that you not let the loss you feel prevent you moving

forward. To lose yourself in your grief is to open yourself to anger, hate, and fear. Even now, in

your grief, you allowed your anger to overtake you. That is a dangerous road Manijeh, one

that Master Queng would not want you to tread.”


Manijeh seemed to shrink in on herself as she processed Master Dushaj's words. Fresh tears

flowed freely down her cheeks but the anger that had tainted her presence in the Force had



“I'm sorry Master.” she said


“It is alright Manijeh. This is part of the learning process of a Padawan and it is good that you

learn this lesson now so that you are better prepared for the future. Though we are,

technically, at peace it is clear that the Sith have no qualms about breaking it. I believe it is

safe to assume that this will not be last loss either of us experiences but through loss, we can

gain strength.”


Manijeh looked up.




“Death is part of the cycle of life. Even the strongest Jedi Master cannot avoid it. When we

lose someone close to us, especially to violence, it is natural to mourn their loss...to miss their

presence. To linger too long on the feeling of loss, to allow it to consume us, would leave us

open to darker influences. We must remember to celebrate the lives of those we've lost. Be

thankful for the time we had with them, and rejoice that someday, when our time comes, we

will be reunited with them in the Force. As Jedi we can draw great strength from the joy of the

lives that have touched our own.”


Manijeh smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks.


“Master Dushaj, have you ever lost someone close to you?”


“Oh yes, Manijeh, I have lost many friends in my life. It was from those losses that I learned

the lessons I have imparted on you. It was one loss in particular that cemented my belief in

those lessons. It was one of the worst I had ever experienced and, if I had allowed it, it could

have swallowed me up. Fortunately, there was another who shared this loss with me. Though

their pain was far greater, we were able to draw strength from each other and we both came

out of the experience better than before.”


“Who did you lose Master?”


“He was my Padawan, Mathias Dynal. Your Master's younger brother.”

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Brother's Keeper - Part Six

Aboard The Light Corvette Rancor's Roost

Early Morning (Tython Local Time)


Manijeh starred in shock at Master Dushaj.


“I did not know you were Mathias' Master. Master Dynal never mentioned it to me.”


Master Dushaj chuckled softly.


“I am not surprised. Knowing Beckett, he was probably saving the story for a time when it

would serve as a lesson for you.”


“I don't think he would do that. Master Dynal mentions him so rarely.”


“Yes, I can understand that. Though the terrible pain of his loss has subsided, I believe it has

left some lingering scars.”


“Can you tell me about Mathias, Master Dushaj? What was he like?”


Master Dushaj sat back and smiled, letting the happy memories of his past wash over him.


“Mathias was a wonderful child. When I first met him, he was still attending the Youngling

classes but I knew he had great potential. When the time came, I selected him as my

Padawan and he took to my training like a Vor to flight. He showed great skill with telekinesis

and even displayed some talent with the healing arts. He was a very athletic young man,

quick and agile, and he displayed this talent in the use of his lightsaber. Unfortunately, his

talents made him somewhat reckless. Mathias had rarely seen combat as a Padawan. I would

not allow him to accompany me on missions that may require it. I felt that he was too young to

endure those facets of Jedi life and worried that his recklessness would lead him into

situations far too dangerous for him to handle. Because of this, I would leave him at the

temple when I had to leave on a potentially dangerous assignment. By the time he reached

seventeen, however, I could no longer stall on this portion of his training. It was my lack of

faith in his maturity and ability to face the terrors of combat that would, ultimately, take him

from me.”


“What happened?”


"I'm sure you've heard of the Battle of Axum. The Sith were intent on taking the planet to use

as a staging area for an assault on Anaxes. Republic forces had already engaged the Sith on

the planet and Mathias and I were sent in to back up Master Queng and Master Dynal, who

was a Knight at this time. They were leading an assault on a Sith encampment and Mathias

and I had taken a small group of soldiers around the camp to try to cut off any escape routes.

Mathias fought brilliantly, as if he had been on a battlefield all his life. When we reached the

wall of the encampment we realized that it was empty. There was not a single person, Sith or

otherwise, anywhere near the place. We ordered our soldiers back to the forward command

center while Queng, Beckett, Mathias, and I stayed behind to relay a message about what we

had found. Mathias noticed the incoming transport first. By the time we got a message to our

troops ordering them back, the transport had landed and unloaded a dozen Sith on us. Most

of them were Acolytes, barely trained in the Force, and they proved no trouble for Mathias

and Beckett who worked together with amazing efficiency. They were lead by a Sith Master

and his Apprentice.”


Master Dushaj rolled up the sleeve of his robe to reveal a large scar running the length of his

arm from his shoulder to his wrist.


“The Sith Master was a hair faster than I was. While he kept my lightsaber busy with one

hand, he unleashed a volley of lightning with the other. I turned away from it and took the full

force of it on my arm thinking I could stay on my feet and continue the duel. I was wrong. The

blast pushed me through the air and I slammed into the wall of the encampment. The Sith's

Apprentice thought I would be easy pickings at that point but he hadn't counted on Mathias

reaching him first. Their duel was furious. The Sith Apprentice could not match Mathias on

speed so he resorted to brute strength and wielded his lightsaber like a club, bashing at

Mathias' defenses. Mathias was too much for him though, and he overwhelmed the young

Sith with quick strikes that left jagged scars on his face and torso. The Apprentice

overcompensated, and Mathias had him. The Apprentice shifted the grip on his lightsaber and

raised one hand at Mathias who ducked quickly out of the way and used the Force to hurl a

rock into the Apprentice's outstretched hand. I heard the bones break and the Apprentice

howled in pain as Mathias reached out with the Force, relieved the Apprentice of his

lightsaber and then hurled him with all the force he could muster into one of the structures of

the encampment, which collapsed on him.”


Manijeh was sitting on the edge of her seat.


“The Sith Master was not pleased at his Apprentice's failure. He lashed out in the Force,

pushing Master Queng and Beckett away from him, and charged at Mathias. The boy didn't

even blink. He stood his ground and defended himself with the two lightsabers in his

possession and was able to hold off the Sith long enough for Beckett to recover. In the end,

he was no match for a full Sith. Beckett called to Mathias, assuring him that he was coming as

he charged for the Sith Master. Hearing this, the Sith laughed and turned to intercept Beckett.

Their lightsabers crashed together, but the Sith kept turning, pushing Beckett past him and...”


Master Dushaj stopped and raised a shaking hand to his eyes. Manijeh stood and placed her

small hand on his shoulder.


“What happened Master Dushaj?”


“Mathias did not survive the battle. He had fought bravely, facing many challenges without

fear but his inexperience got the better of him. Because I had sheltered him, he was not

prepared for the duel, he was not prepared for what the Sith would throw at him.”


Manijeh squeezed Master Dushaj's shoulder as he sat there. She could understand the pain

the loss of Mathias had caused both he and Master Dynal but, as she stood there, she

sensed that there was something about that day that he wasn't telling her. Before she could

ask, however, the proximity alarm on the control panel began to blink. Master Dushaj turned

to the console.


“Get strapped in Manijeh, we've arrived at Ilum.”

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Brother's Keeper - Part Seven

Aboard The Light Corvette Rancor's Roost

Early Morning (Tython Local Time)


“Brace yourself Manijeh!”


Jedi Master Jeth Dushaj pulled back hard on the controls of the Rancor's Roost but the ship

would not respond. The damage from the Sith Cruiser's turbolasers was too great. The ship's

alarms had begun to blare before they had dropped completely out of hyperspace. In his rush

to escape Metellos, Master Dushaj had not suspected that the Sith would anticipate a jump to

Ilum as a means of escape. Unfortunately, they had and a Sith Cruiser was waiting when the

Jedi arrived. As soon as they dropped out of hyperspace, the ship was upon them. Master

Dushaj had hoped they could at least outrun the larger ship but there was no escaping the

range of the ship's weapons. It only took two shots to cripple the smaller craft which was now

in the grasp of the planet's gravity and was plummeting toward the surface. As the ship broke

through the cloud cover of Ilum's lower atmosphere, the planet's snow covered mountains

came into view and Master Dushaj took a deep breath as he centered himself and raised a

hand toward the forward view port. Closing his eyes, he reached out and drew in as much

strength as he could from the Force.


“Master Dushaj, what are you doing?!” Manijeh shrieked.


The Arkanian Jedi did not have time to answer her. With a bone shaking jolt, the Rancor's

Roost smashed into a mountain slope and careened off of several large boulders, pieces of

the outer hull being stripped away by the impact. Despite the chaos around him, Master

Dushaj worked to maintain his concentration, calling on the Force to deflect as much of the

damage has he could from the cockpit. Finally, the ship slid to a halt, coming to rest against a

stone outcropping. With a sigh of relief, Master Dushaj opened his eyes and turned to Manijeh

who did not appear to be severely injured.


“Are you okay Manijeh?”


Manijeh sat in stunned silence as she surveyed the damage around them. The outer hull of

the ship had been breached in some portions of the ship, in others there was very little of the

ship left and yet, the cockpit was relatively untouched.




“I believe I am alright Master. Are you injured?”


Master Dushaj shook his head.


“No, I don't believe so. We need to gather what supplies we can salvage and get as far from

the wreckage as we can. The Sith won't be too far behind us.”


After gathering together whatever supplies they could find, Dushaj and Manijeh set off on foot

down the snow covered mountain. They had not been traveling long when the entrance of a

cave came into view. As they reached the entrance of the cave, they began to hear the

sounds of spacecraft in the distance. Moving quickly, Master Dushaj ushered Manijeh into the



“The Sith won't be able to detect us with their sensors if we can get deep enough into this

cave. Unfortunately, they won't have to travel far in order to detect our presence in the Force if

they haven't already. I don't sense any lifeforms in here. Let's get moving Manijeh.”


Master Dushaj turned, but the Padawan was still standing at the mouth of the cave.


“Manijeh, we have to keep going.”


Manijeh turned, a grim look on her face and her lightsaber in her hand.


“They're already here Master.”

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Brother's Keeper - Part Eight


Mid-Morning (Tython Local Time)


The Sith shuttle landed smoothly outside the mouth of the cave and sat quietly, the only

sounds coming from the ship's engines as they shut down. Standing beside Manijeh, Master

Dushaj rested his hand on the hilt of the lightsaber clasped to his belt. He watched quietly as

a ramp slowly lowered and three black robed Sith emerged. A sliver of ice ran down Manijeh's

spine as she recognized the scarred face of the Sith from Metellos. A wicked smirk played

across his face as he approached, his hands swinging loosely at his sides.


“So good to see you again Master Dushaj. Master Queng sends her regards.”


At the mention of the fallen Jedi's name, Manijeh stepped forward, ignited her lightsaber, and

raised it in preparation to strike. Master Dushaj placed his hand on her shoulder.


“No, Manijeh. Calm yourself.”


The scarred Sith's smirk broadened into a wide grin as he raised his hands.


“You should listen to him young one. No one else need die today. All I ask is that you both

come along quietly. You will not be harmed, I promise you.”


Master Dushaj could feel Manijeh's muscles tense. The grief and anger radiating from her

was almost overwhelming. He squeezed her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.


“Manijeh, put your lightsaber away.”


The scarred Sith leaned forward slightly, resting his hands on his hips.


“You really shouldn't ignore a Master like that little Jedi. What would Master Queng say if she

saw you acting like this? I'm sure she would be very disappointed in you.”


Manijeh screamed and charged the Sith, drawing her lightsaber back.


“Manijeh, NO!” Master Dushaj shouted.


The scarred Sith laughed and sidestepped the Padawan as she lunged to strike him, her

lightsaber passing through the very spot where he had been standing only seconds before.

She spun and swung the blade of her weapon around and, again, he had moved before she

could reach him. Shrieking in frustration, Manijeh altered her grip on her lightsaber and swung

the blade low but the scarred Sith simply leapt away from the attack leaving only empty air for

her weapon to pass through.


“So much anger for one so young. Perhaps your talents could be of use to the Empire.”


“She'll never...” Master Dushaj began, pulling his own lightsaber from his belt.


“NO!” Manijeh screamed and, again, she lunged for the scarred Sith. This time, however, he

did not dodge her attack. Instead, he deflected it with his own lightsaber and pushed her

blade away from him with enough force to spin her around on her feet. As she spun back to

face him, he lithely closed the short distance between them and brought his lightsaber up at

an angle. A look of agony crossed Manijeh's face as his crimson blade pierced her side,

burning through clothing, skin, and bone. The scarred Sith leaned in close to Manijeh, his face

only inches from her own.


“Then again, perhaps not.”


With a look of sheer joy, he drove the lightsaber blade up into her chest cavity and pierced her

heart. The young Twi'lek's winced slightly and then dropped limply into the snow at the

scarred Sith's feet. Master Dushaj dropped to his knees, his lightsaber falling to the ground

beside him. He watched in shocked silence as the scarred Sith stooped, picked up Manijeh's

lightsaber, and tucked it into his robes before turning back to face him.


“As I was saying, no one else need die today. Come quietly and you will not be harmed.”


Master Dushaj did not respond. The grief he felt was almost enough to crush him under its

weight. Weakly, he reached out to Manijeh.


“Only a child...she was only a child...”


The scarred Sith rolled his eyes.


“I thought you'd be used to it by now.” he said, raising his hand at Master Dushaj and

unleashing a torrent of Force lightning. Master Dushaj writhed in agony and screamed as the

lightning struck him. Laughing, the scarred Sith poured more power into the lightning until,

finally, Master Dushaj lost consciousness and collapsed in the snow. Laughing, the scarred

Sith walked over to Master Dushaj and knelt down to retrieve the fallen Jedi's lightsaber.


Behind him, one of the masked Acolytes called.


“Sir, a Jedi ship has entered the system.”


“Wonderful.” the scarred Sith replied. “I believe that will be Master Dynal. Inform the Imperial

Fist not to attack the ship. In fact, let's make sure he finds his precious Padawan.”


The scarred Sith rummaged in Master Dushaj's robes and found a small emergency beacon.

Pressing a button, he activated the beacon and tossed it into the snow next to Manijeh's body.

Slowly he stood and, after slipping Master Dushaj's lightsaber into his robe, pulled a commlink

from his belt.


“Commander, we have what we came for. Instruct the recovery team to rendezvous at my



“Yes, my lord.” came the response.


One of the masked Acolytes stepped forward.


“My lord, are we not taking the Jedi back in our shuttle?”


“No, we are not. We will leave our shuttle here for Master Dynal's use and we will take Master

Dushaj to the Imperial Fist with the recovery team.”


The Acolyte bowed slightly.


“As you wish.”

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Brother's Keeper - Part Nine


Mid-Morning (Tython Local Time)


Jedi Master Beckett Dynal sat quietly in the cockpit of his personal transport, the Keeper of

the Flame, and intently watched as the Sith cruiser orbiting Ilum changed its heading and shot

away into hyperspace. Once the ship had gone, he let out a sigh of relief and turned his

attention to the encrypted emergency beacon that was flashing on the console before him.

When Master Dynal had entered the system and found the Sith cruiser, he feared the worst.

Shortly after his arrival, however, what appeared to be a shuttle from the surface

rendezvoused with the cruiser and entered the ship's docking bay. By the will of the Force, or

perhaps just pure luck, the Sith did not seem to have found what they were looking for. The

emergency beacon was a good indication that Master Dushaj and Manijeh had managed to

drive off or, at least, evade their pursuers. With his course plotted in the navicomp, Master

Dynal began his descent into the planet’s atmosphere. Eventually, he broke through the cloud

cover and he found himself cruising over the mountains of Ilum. Memories flashed in his mind

of his first trip to this planet as a Padawan to complete his lightsaber and then, returning years

later with Manijeh so that she could complete her own. Forcing the memories from his mind,

Master Dynal flipped open a channel to the emergency beacon.


“Keeper of the Flame calling Master Dushaj. Jeth, are you there? Master Dynal to Manijeh.

Do you copy?”


The only response was the pinging of the beacon which grew louder as he got closer. In the

distance, Master Becket could see a pillar of smoke that he soon realized was the wreckage

of the Rancor's Roost. As he got closer, he could see debris from the ship scattered along the

landscape from the point of impact to where the rest of the ship had come to a stop. His

sensors indicated that the cockpit of the craft was the only portion of the ship that was

completely intact. Unfortunately, there were no lifesigns in the area but that meant little to

Master Dynal as the sensors showed that the beacon was originating from further down the

mountain. Once again, he called for the stranded Jedi.


“Master Beckett Dynal calling Master Jeth Dushaj, please respond.”


As before, only the pinging of the beacon responded to his call. Carefully, Master Dynal

turned the ship in the direction of the beacon and followed the signal further down the

mountain. It was only a few moments later when he saw the Sith shuttle sitting at the mouth of

a cave. As he approached, he could feel a sense of dread wash over him. The ship's sensors

were still picking up no lifesigns and he could not sense the familiar presence of Master

Dushaj or Manijeh in the Force. Finding a relatively smooth spot just behind the Sith shuttle,

Master Dynal brought his ship in and landed softly in the snow. As he shifted the engines into

standby, he unfastened his restraints and checked the sensors one last time, confirming that

the beacon was coming from just outside the mouth of the cave, an area obscured by the Sith

shuttle. Hastily, Master Dynal strode from the cockpit and, reaching out through the Force,

triggered the ships ramp which lowered as his approached. A strong gust of frigid wind

greeted him as he reached the bottom of the ramp and he pulled his robe tightly around

himself as he walked toward the Sith shuttle. The shuttle's engines were humming quietly in

standby but Master Dynal could sense no one aboard. Carefully, he moved around the side of

the craft and stopped short as the mouth of the cave came into clear view. Laying on the

ground, covered by a light layer of freshly fallen snow, was a small, violet skinned form.

“Manijeh!” Master Dynal screamed and he broke into a run. “Manijeh, no!” Master Dynal

skidded to a stop and dropped to his knees beside his fallen Padawan. Gently, he lifted the

young Twi'lek out of the snow and cradled her to his chest. He did not need the Force to tell

him what his other senses had already learned. He could smell the burnt fabric and skin as he

held his Padawan close to him. Tears streamed down his face.


“What did those monsters do to you young one?”


Master Dynal gently rocked as he held Manijeh in his arms. For what seemed like an eternity

he sat there with his Padawan held to his chest, his grief coming in overwhelming waves. The

low whine of a servomotor behind him snapped him out of his mourning and he spun quickly,

Manijeh still held tightly in his arms, as a small holoprojector slid out of the hull of the shuttle

that idled behind him. Once the device had locked into place, it hummed to life and began to

project the familiar image of the scarred Sith who stood with his hands on his hips, a smirk on

his face.


“Ah, I see you have found your Padawan. I'd like to tell you that I'm sorry for killing her like

that but, frankly, I'm not. The child was a pest and a menace. You should be thanking me

actually, I've saved you the trouble of having to complete her training.”


Master Dynal seethed with anger at the Sith's mockery.


“Come back to Ilum Sith, and I will show you my appreciation personally.”


The scarred Sith laughed a humorless laugh.


“I was hoping you might say that. Even now, my cruiser has returned to the system and is

orbiting Ilum. I suspected that you wouldn't be too long in reaching us, once I had disposed of

Master Queng, and I am so looking forward to meeting you face to face again. I believe

Master Dushaj is looking forward to seeing you as well. With that in mind, I have left you my

shuttle. It has been programmed to bring you directly to my ship.”


“I have a ship of my own.”


“Yes, but if you expect to see Master Dushaj alive when you reach us, you will use mine.

Follow this one request, and the old man will be permitted to leave aboard my shuttle and

return to the surface.”


“Why should I trust a Sith?”


The holoimage expanded to reveal Master Dushaj restrained to an examination table. The

Sith's grin widened.


“Oh, you really shouldn't. In this case, however, you can trust that if you don't follow my

instructions, Master Dushaj will suffer greatly.”


The scarred Sith turned and raised his hands toward Master Dushaj. Bolts of blue-white Force

lighting arced through the air and struck the restrained Jedi who screamed in pain. Master

Dynal rose to his feet, still cradling Manijeh in his arms.


“No! Stop!”


The scarred Sith stopped the onslaught and turned to face Master Dynal.


“Follow my instructions Jedi and no further harm will come to Master Dushaj.”


With a flicker, the holoimage faded. Breathing heavily to calm himself, Master Dynal looked

down into the expressionless face of his pad awn.


“I'm sorry I didn't get here in time to save you Manijeh. I know you have returned to the Force

and are reunited with Master Queng...and my brother. Tell them I miss them and, I'm sorry.”

Quietly, Master Dynal entered the cave and laid Manijeh on the cold ground at his feet.

Slowly, he removed his robe and covered the young Twi'lek and then turned, and left the

cave. As the frigid winds of Ilum chilled his body, Master Dynal turned back to the cave,

closed his eyes, and raised his hands. Reaching out with the Force, he gripped the stone

mouth of the cave and pushed with all the strength he could, until with cave collapsed and

buried his fallen Padawan under a mound of rock. With a sigh, Master Dynal turned and

boarded the Sith shuttle.

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Brother's Keeper - Part Ten

Docking Bay of the Imperial Fist

Afternoon (Tython Local Time)


Jedi Master Beckett Dynal stood and took in his surroundings. Never did he imagine that he

would find himself aboard a Sith cruiser, especially under these circumstances. Somewhere

aboard this ship, the scarred Sith that had killed his brother, his parents, his former Master,

and his Padawan was waiting for him. Though Master Dynal could sense numerous other

beings on the ship, the docking bay of the craft appeared to be deserted. Looking around,

he cautiously approached the main door of the hangar which slid open as he reached it. To

his left, a comm panel blinked to life and the face of the scarred Sith filled the screen.


“I'm so glad you could join us Master Dynal. To the right of this panel is a door. Through this

door is a hallway that will lead you to my meditation chambers where you will find Master

Dushaj and I. I do hope you make it.”


The screen flickered off and the door beside the panel slid open. The lights in the hall had

been dimmed but Master Dynal could clearly sense the presence of many Force users.

Drawing in a cleansing breath, Master Dynal stepped through the door which slid shut behind

him. In the dark hallway, he could hear breathing and the rustling of cloaks. Master Dynal

reached to his belt and removed his lightsaber. Closing his eyes to focus, he pressed the

trigger mechanism on the side of the hilt and the hall was bathed in the green-white light of

his blade. Opening his eyes, he could see several hooded forms further down the hallway.


“I don't know what you're waiting for.” Master Dynal said.


Taking his words as an invitation, five crimson blades sprang to life to reveal the masked

faces of Sith Acolytes. Reaching out to the Force for guidance, Master Dynal launched

himself down the hall as the Sith charged toward him. A *****le of danger danced across the

back of his neck and Master Dynal ducked low as the blade of one of the Sith's lightsabers

arced through where his head had just been. Using his momentum, Master Dynal kicked off of

the floor hard and spun over another blade that had swung low for his feet. As he landed he

brought his lightsaber up to deflect a blow from another Sith Acolyte and quickly spun, his

shoulder striking the Acolyte in the back and forcing him forward where he was impaled on his

own companions rushing lightsaber. The green-white blade of Master Dynal's lightsaber

clashed with the red-white blade of another Sith, sending sparks through the air. Sensing his

attacker’s intent, he stepped back and lashed out with a kick that caught the Acolyte firmly in

the stomach, doubling him over. As the gasping Sith attempted to recover, Master Dynal rolled

across the Sith's back and brought his lightsaber slashing down and across another Acolyte,

cutting him from shoulder to hip. As the Sith fell, Master Dynal reached out and pulled the

Acolyte's falling lightsaber into is free hand and ignited it in time to block another attack.

“Two down.” Master Dynal said to the three remaining Acolytes who renewed their attacks.

Blocking with the borrowed Sith lightsaber, Master Dynal dispatched another Acolyte with a

straight thrust to the chest that dropped the man where he stood. As the two remaining

Acolytes stepped back slightly in retreat, the familiar voice of the scarred Sith echoed in the



“Very impressive Master Dynal. Let's see how you handle a few more.”


In the darkness another door slid open and three more Acolytes entered the hall. The two

remaining from the first group charged while the second group hung back. Growing frustrated

with the scarred Sith's insistence on delaying their confrontation, Master Dynal shut down the

lightsabers in his hands, throwing the hall around him into darkness. The charging Acolytes

hesitated for only a split second but that was all the Jedi needed. He closed the distance

between himself and the Acolytes quickly and ignited both lightsabers as he slid between the

Acolytes, slashing both through the chest with the killing fire of his weapons.


“I'm tired of your games Sith!” Master Dynal yelled into the air as the Acolytes fell to the floor

at his feet.


The three remaining Acolytes sprinted down the hall toward the Jedi. Locking the borrowed

Sith lightsaber into the 'on' position, Master Dynal drew his arm back and then flung the

weapon down the hall at his attackers. So great was the force of his throw that the crimson

blade became of blood-red disk of spinning death as it flew down the hall and caught one of

the rushing Acolytes unprepared, severing his head and shoulders from the rest of his body.

The second Acolyte was more fortunate and managed to dodge the deadly projectile.

Spinning in the air and swinging his lightsaber, he managed to cleave the hilt of the weapon

so that it fell in two harmless pieces down the hall. The third Acolyte, jumped over the body of

his fallen ally but his feet never reached the floor. With the same hand that had thrown the

lightsaber, Master Dynal had caught the Acolyte in a Force grip and held him in the air. The

second Acolyte moved in swiftly on the Jedi only be knocked off his feet when Master Dynal

flung the body of the other Acolyte into him. The two Sith went down in a heap as Master

Dynal closed down his own lightsaber and hooked it to his belt. With a cold determination, he

reached out through the Force again, seized both Acolytes and raised them into the air.

Straining, Master Dynal slowly closed his hands into fists and the two helpless Acolytes

gasped for air as the armor around their chests groaned and was crushed with the Force.

Finally, the two Sith stopped moving and hung motionless in the air. With one final push,

Master Dynal flung their lifeless bodies down the hall where they crashed into the door at the

end and fell to the floor. The motion of the falling bodies triggered the door which slid open to

reveal another darkened room. Inside, Master Dynal could detect a presence in the Force that

seemed somewhat altered. Once again, the voice of the scarred Sith echoed in the hall.


“I hope you won't mind one final test. This young Acolyte shows great promise and may make

a wonderful Apprentice. What better test of his skills than against a Jedi Master?”


As Master Dynal stepped into the room, the door slid shut behind him and the lights came up

slightly. The Acolyte before him was dressed differently than those left dead in the hall. This

Acolyte's robes were tattered, worn, and shredded in places. Where the fabric of the robe had

been ripped away, Master Dynal could see jagged, criss-crossing scars across the Acolytes

flesh. Though partially obscured by his hood, the smooth skin and light stubble of the

Acolyte's face indicated that he was a young man. In his hand, the red blade of his lightsaber

hissed to life but the Acolyte made no move to attack. Master Dynal was disturbed by the

Sith's unusual presence in the Force. It was as if his mind was clouded in some way. The

scarred Sith's voice rang out in the chamber.


“This young one has been anticipating your arrival Master Dynal. He has so looked forward to

meeting you face to face so that he may demonstrate his power and worthiness to serve me.

Kill him Acolyte, and be my Apprentice!”


The young man lunged forward, his lightsaber arcing through the air at Master Dynal who

jumped aside and drew his lightsaber. He barely had time to ignite the weapon and bring it up

to block another strike from the Acolyte who shifted his footing and stepped back to avoid the

counterattack. Master Dynal feinted to the right but the Acolyte did not fall for the tactic and

dodged his lightsaber as it swing toward him. As he moved to press the attack, Master Dynal

could sense the Acolytes mind clearing, his intentions coming into sharper focus as he swung

his lightsaber at the Jedi's head. Ducking low, Master Dynal spun on his heal under the

Acolytes blade and rose to attack. When he was clearly visible to the Sith again, however, the

young Acolyte stopped and lowered his lightsaber, a sense of clarity filling his mind. Ignoring

what he felt, Master Dynal pressed forward and knocked the Acolyte's lightsaber from his

hand and then plunged his own into the young man's shoulder, pushing him back and pinning

him to the wall. The hooded Sith did not even cry out in pain though Master Dynal could

sense his suffering through the Force. Withdrawing his weapon, he let the Acolyte fall to the

floor as he brought the green-white blade up for the killing stroke. Huddled on the floor, the

Acolyte turned to look at the Jedi, his hood falling away from his face. Master Dynal froze

where he stood as he looked into electric blue eyes of the young man on the floor.


“Beckett?” the Acolyte said, his voice barely a whisper as the shock of his injury overcame

him and he slipped into unconsciousness.


Master Dynal's lightsaber clattered to the floor and shock flooded every fiber of his being. For

a decade he remembered those eyes that haunted him in dreams and visions of the past.

Dropping to his knees, Master Dynal ran his hand through the young man's matted brown




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Brother's Keeper - Part Eleven

Meditation Chambers of the Imperial Fist

Afternoon (Tython Local Time)


Jedi Master Beckett Dynal looked in disbelief at the face of unconscious young man before

him, whom he thought had perished on the planet Axum a decade ago. He could hardly

believe his own eyes but the evidence was there. The same blue eyes and the scar over his

right eye brow where he had been injured while training with his lightsaber. Though ten years

had passed, there was no denying that this was his brother, Mathias Dynal. A door slid open

on the opposite wall and Master Dynal spun, pulling his lightsaber across the floor to him, but

no one entered the room. Though hesitant to leave Mathias, Master Dynal knew that he must

see this through to the end if they were going to get off this ship and back to Tython. Picking

up the lightsaber Mathias had dropped, Master Dynal stood and walked toward the door. As

he passed through, he felt as if his blood had run cold. The Dark Side was very strong in this

room. Every item seemed to radiate evil. Only the man bound to the examination table was

free of the taint of the Dark Side. Moving quickly, Master Dynal moved to the side of the table

where Master Dushaj lay.


“Mathias...Beckett, I'm sorry.” Master Dushaj said weakly as Master Dynal released him from

his bonds and helped him from the table.


“Don't say that Jeth. You didn't know.” Master Dynal replied, steadying the elder Jedi.


“I did know Beckett. I knew.” Master Dushaj said, regret clear in his voice.


Master Dynal stiffened at the words. His eyes searched Master Dushaj's face for an

explanation, some hint that this was only a ploy to distract the Sith that must be lurking

nearby, but there was only shame in his eyes. Master Dynal stepped back, as if burned by the

words Master Dushaj had spoken.


“You knew? You knew he was alive?”


“Yes Beckett, he was alive when we evacuated Axum. The Sith had taken him into custody

after our fight at the encampment...there was nothing we could do.”


“You knew?” Master Dynal repeated in a whisper, fully grasping the words being said.


“Yes...and so did you until...” Master Dushaj began.


“Until what Jeth?” Master Dynal asked, anger seeping into his voice.


“I'm sorry Beckett, I never should have..”


“Until what?!” Master Dynal shouted, grasping Master Dushaj by his robes and pulling him

around to face him.


“The loss was too great for you to bear Beckett. You insisted that we rescue Mathias, you

began recruiting other Jedi to join you on a rescue mission, and you stole ships and

attempted to take them into Sith territory.” Master Dushaj said, looking at the floor instead of

at Master Dynal.


“I never did those things Jeth.”


“You did but you don't remember doing them, nor do you remember that Mathias had survived

Axum because...” Master Dushaj took a ragged breath. “..because we took the memories

from you. It was the only way. We had to stop you. You were a danger to yourself and those

that would have followed you. We placed you under sedation and altered your memories.

Three days later you awoke, we told you that you had been unconscious since Axum after

being attacked by the Sith Apprentice we had faced there and that he had killed Mathias.”


Still gripping Master Dushaj's robes, Master Dynal shook his head as if trying to clear a fog.

His breathing was fast and anger radiated out from him.


“I'm sorry Beckett.”


Master Dynal pushed Master Dushaj away from him. Raising his hand, he pointed at the elder

Jedi, a look of pure rage on his face.


“'You're sorry'? You lied to me!” Master Dynal roared. “You abandoned my brother to the Sith,

you drugged me, you altered my mind, and you lied to me! You want to tell someone that

'you're sorry'? Tell Mathias 'you're sorry' for leaving him behind! Tell Master Queng and

Manijeh 'you're sorry' because your lies killed them both!” Master Dynal slammed his fist on

the examination table.


Master Dushaj seemed to shrink under the verbal onslaught Master Dynal unleashed

upon him. Raising his hands in surrender, Master Dushaj stepped slowly toward Master Dynal

and placed a hand lightly on his shoulder only to have it shoved away as Master Dynal

turned, a look of contempt on his face.


“Beckett, please...” Master Dushaj pleaded. “Do not let your anger consume you like this.

What I've done is wrong and has cost too many lives. When we return to Tython I will turn

myself over to the Jedi Council for punishment but we must get off this ship first.”


Master Dynal grimaced.


“Do you really think you can placate me by saying you will turn yourself over to the Jedi

Council? I'm not a Padawan Jeth, I know you couldn't have altered my memories without the

knowledge and cooperation of the Council. There will be no punishment for actions they



“They will see the error of the steps we took Beckett.”


“They won't see what they don't want to see. They'll never admit that they were wrong!”


“Beckett, please, we must go.” Master Dushaj said, again placing a hand on Master Dynal's

shoulder. This time, however, Master Dynal did not simply push his hand away. He reached

back with the Force and sent Master Dushaj crashing to the other side of the room. A pained

groan escaped Master Dushaj's lips as he fell to the floor. He looked up at Master Dynal,

shock on his face. Master Dynal, however, had turned to face the door at the far side of the



“Don't do this Beckett.”


Master Dynal turned slightly, looking over his shoulder at Master Dushaj. He unhooked the

lightsaber that hung on his belt and tossed it to the floor next to the Arkanian Jedi.


“Take that and get to the shuttle in the hangar. If you can get to it, I left the Keeper of the

Flame near the cave on Ilum. Get Mathias back to Tython and make sure he is taken care of.”


Master Dushaj picked up Master Dynal's lightsaber and stood.


“Won't you need this?” he said, examining the weapon.


“I have a spare.” Master Dynal replied, and he ignited the crimson blade of the lightsaber

Mathias had used.


Master Dushaj turned and moved painfully toward the door leading to the outer chamber.

Stopping at the door, he turned back to Master Dynal.


“I hope to see you again Beckett.”


Master Dynal shot him a cold glare and raised the lightsaber in his hand, pointing the crimson

blade at his chest. “That would be a foolish thing to hope for Jeth. You still have a lot to

answer for and if you see me again, I'll ensure that you do.”


A pained expression passed over Master Dushaj's face. Sighing, he nodded once to Master

Dynal, turned, and left the room. When the door slid shut, Master Dynal turned back to the

opposite door and strode across the floor. The fury coursing through him brought a single

thought into sharper focus. One way or another, this would all end very soon. Quietly, the door

at the opposite end of the room slid open and the scarred Sith stepped through, the familiar

smirk on his face.


“I trust you enjoyed your reunion Master Dynal. I will admit, the boy's will is incredibly strong.

We had hoped to break him, to turn him, but he refused all of our attempts at coercion.

Eventually, we gave up on corrupting him and kept him alive simply to serve as a training tool

for our Acolytes. It was my former Master who devised our plan to use his capture to draw you

to us. We never imagined it would have turned out like this. Your anger has made you

powerful Master Dynal. Let's see just how powerful you are.”


Without waiting for the scarred Sith to ignite his lightsaber, Master Dynal drew on the Force

and used it to propel himself across the floor with blinding speed. The scarred Sith ducked as

Master Dynal's borrowed lightsaber swept through the air at his head. As he turned with his

own attack, the scarred Sith was stunned when Master Dynal flung himself back through the

air and kicked him in the jaw, driving him back hard against the examination table in the

center of the room. Master Dynal brought his lightsaber down and the scarred Sith barely

managed to move away as the crimson blade struck the table and sliced it neatly in two.

Drawing on his own rage, the scarred Sith lashed out with his lightsaber, trying to cut down

Master Dynal at the midsection but the Jedi jumped back and the blade of the weapon passed

harmlessly through the air where he had been only seconds before. Reaching out with the

Force, Master Dynal seized half of the table and flung it across the room where it battered the

scarred Sith. Before he could recover, the Sith was bashed into the wall repeatedly by the

same section of the table still in the Jedi's grip. Desperately, the Sith used the Force to push

back against the improvised weapon but he was unprepared when the other half of the table

flew across the room and struck him. The air was forced from the scarred Sith's lungs as he

crashed into the wall once again and his lightsaber dropped from his hand. As he struggled to

regain his senses, he saw the hilt of his lightsaber laying close by but as he reached for it, the

weapon flew away from him and into the outstretched hand of the Jedi where it's blade hissed

to life. Raising both hands, the scarred Sith unleashed waves of Force lightning at the Jedi

Master. To his shock, however, the Jedi intercepted the lighting with the blades of the

lightsabers in his hands and even as he poured more power into his attack, the Jedi began to



“This ends now Sith!” Master Dynal yelled as he stalked his desperate prey. Even as the

lightning surrounding the lightsaber blades increased in intensity, he could sense the concern

of the Sith. In these, his final moments, he had become a pulsar of fear. Finally, he found

himself standing over the scarred Sith who halted his attack and cowered under his gaze.

With contempt in his eyes, Master Dynal lashed out and kicked the Sith in the face, taking

great satisfaction as the bones in his nose broke under the heel of his boot. With a howl of

pain, the Sith clutched at his face and rolled to his stomach. Master Dynal placed his foot

between the Sith's shoulders and held him to the floor as he raised one of the lightsabers into

the air. With a quick stroke, he slashed the blade across the Sith's back, burning away

clothing and skin.


“For Mathias!” Master Dynal roared. “For my parents! For Lem Queng and Manijeh! For me!”

He screamed each name accentuated by another slash across the Sith's back. Though not

deep enough to be lethal, the wounds were unbearably painful and the Sith writhed on the

floor beneath Master Dynal's boot. Finally, Master Dynal raised both lightsabers into the air for

a killing blow that never landed. The air around him crackled to life and Force lightning

erupted from one of the dark alcoves nearby. Master Dynal lurched to the side as the lightning

struck him, a cry of pain echoing through the room. More lightning followed and the Jedi was

lifted off his feet and sent crashing across the room, his lightsabers slipping from his grip. Still

fueled by his rage, however, Master Dynal rose to his feet and charged blindly at the threat

hidden in the alcove. Another blast of Force lightning flew from the alcove and struck Master

Dynal squarely in the chest, buckling his knees. Master Dynal stumbled and fell to the floor

but continued to try to crawl toward his assailant. Laughter pierced the darkness as the

lightning continued to arc across Master Dynal's body until, finally, he passed out from the

pain. Slowly, a black robed figure emerged from the alcove and approached the scarred Sith

who was struggling to stand. The figure bent down, grabbed the scarred Sith under the arm,

and yanked him to his feet.


“Are you alright Kalibos?” the robed figure asked.


“I will be fine Lord Krishnan.” the scarred Sith replied.


“For now perhaps. When the Dark Council learns that you were nearly destroyed by this Jedi,

they will be most displeased.”


The scarred Sith straightened at the mention of the Dark Council. This was the first task which

they had assigned him personally, and he had nearly failed them. If not for the intervention of

Lord Krishnan, he would now be dead.


“I will accept whatever punishment they deem appropriate.”


Lord Krishnan placed his hand on Kalibos' shoulder.


“It has already been decided.”


“So the Dark Council expected me to fail. That is why they insisted that you come with me.”


Lord Krishnan nodded. “Yes Kalibos, they could foresee your failure here. Fortunately, you

were still the best candidate for the mission due to your history with Master Dynal. Though

you failed to defeat him in battle, you have succeeded in drawing him to us. Because you

could not defeat him, you will not be allowed to take him as your Apprentice. Instead, I will

train him.” Lord Krishnan looked down on the fallen Jedi. “He is very powerful as the Dark

Council said he would be and, when fueled by his anger, he is a formidable warrior. He will

make a fine addition to the Empire.”


Lord Krishnan strode across the room and knelt beside the unconscious Master Dynal.


“You will be a powerful weapon for the Sith. The Emperor himself has selected you to serve

him. No longer will you be called Beckett Dynal. Henceforth, you shall be known as...Nephian,

and you will be the scourge of the Empire. The simple mention of your name will strike fear

into your enemies and Jedi across the galaxy will flee at the mere suggestion of your



“Lord Krishnan, what of Master Dushaj and the younger Dynal?”


Lord Krishnan stood and turned to face his former Apprentice. “Leave them. They are of little

use to us now.”


Kalibos bowed. “As you wish. Shall I have a course set for Dromund Kaas?”


“No. Nephian is to be trained on Korriban. There he will be immersed in the power of the Dark

Side and reborn a Sith.”




Ilum – Aboard the Keeper of the Flame

Afternoon (Tython Local Time)


With Mathias resting in one of the crew bunks, Master Dushaj sat in the cockpit of the Keeper

of the Flame and watched on the sensors as the Imperial cruiser left orbit and entered

hyperspace. Sighing quietly to himself, Master Dushaj engaged the start-up sequence. As he

had assisted Mathias in escaping his captors, Master Dushaj had sensed the flood of Dark

Side energy coming from the room where he had left Master Dynal. He could feel the

changes in his mind as he relentlessly attacked the scarred Sith, drawing more and more on

the Dark Side. As they sped away from the cruiser in the stolen shuttle, he felt a massive

surge of rage in the Force that he assumed had come from Beckett and, when it suddenly

stopped, he knew the battle had come to one of only two possible conclusions. When he

landed the shuttle on Ilum and assisted Mathias in moving to the Keeper of the Flame,

the young man seemed surprised to see him.


“Master Dushaj?”


“I've got you Mathias. We'll be out of here shortly.”


“Where's Beckett?”


Master Dushaj hesitated briefly and finally replied.


“He stayed behind to cover our escape.”


Mathias hung his head and nodded. Without asking, Master Dushaj knew he had understood

the meaning behind the words. Sighing at the memory of the pained look on the young Jedi's

face, Master Dushaj engaged the thrusters and piloted the ship up through Ilum's atmosphere

and into space. When the navicomp blinked to indicate that a course had been plotted, he

paused to look once more on the planet. Many times he had come here to meditate and find

peace by communing with the Force. Now, however, the planet held nothing but bad

memories for him. He doubted that he would ever return. Slowly, he pulled a lever back on the

control panel and the stars outside the cockpit stretched into starlines and, eventually, the

mottled blur of hyperspace that would take them back to the safety of Tython.

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Brother's Keeper – Epilogue

Korriban – Valley of the Dark Lords


One Year Later


“You’ve been practicing whelp.”


Kalibos smirked as he examined the smoking slash across his chest armor.


“I’ll have to start taking you a little more seriously from now on won’t I?”


Nearby his opponent stood, hands gripping the black hilt of his lightsaber, teeth barred in a

wicked snarl.


“I didn’t realize I had ever given you reason to take me lightly.”


Kalibos laughed a humorless laugh. His opponent, Nephian, watched him for a moment

before lowering his lightsaber and grinning.


“How long have we been doing this Kalibos?”


“We’ve been sparring like this since the day we met. You’ve come a long way in that time…

but it’s not far enough!”


Kalibos lunged for Nephian, his lightsaber slashing down and crossing through the air where

Nephian had been standing moments before. Kalibos was always impressed by Nephian’s

speed. He sensed Nephian’s shift in focus and slid back as his opponent’s lightsaber passed

through where his midsection would have been. Kalibos leapt to attack and found his thrust

intercepted by Nephian’s lightsaber and forced away. He spun to deflect the attack he sensed

coming but found Nephian was not where he had expected to find him. Suddenly, he felt as if

he would vomit fire. The smell of burning flesh filled the air and, looking down, Kalibos could

see the hilt of Nephian’s lightsaber pressed to his stomach. When he looked up at Nephian in

disbelief, his gaze was met with cold, yellow eyes.


“I would imagine that is quite painful.” Nephian said, his voice dripping with contempt.


“Why?” was all Kalibos could manage.


“I’ve come much further than you realize 'old friend'. Unfortunately, you seem to be content

with mediocrity and have fallen by the wayside. It was time for you to be discarded.”


Nephian withdrew his lightsaber and watched Kalibos drop to his knees. He watched quietly

as Kalibos struggled to get to his feet and raise his lightsaber. When the weapon’s crimson

blade hissed to life, Nephian almost felt sorry for Kalibos…almost.


“Even in defeat you are a fool Kalibos. I thought you would have foreseen this coming. My

intentions should not have been that difficult to read, I made no attempt to hide them.”

Nephian sighed as if disappointed. “I suppose I should have anticipated this. You are strong in

the Force, there is no doubt…but you were never a true Sith.” The tone in Nephian’s voice

was cold and mocking.


Kalibos roared and lunged for Nephian, his lightsaber slashing the air around him. With a

bored sigh, Nephian sidestepped the attack and swung his own lightsaber through the air.

With a cry of agony, Kalibos stumbled and watched in horror as his hand, still holding his

lightsaber, fell to the ground and rolled toward Nephian who stopped it with his boot and

stooped to retrieve the lightsaber.


“We have trained side by side Kalibos, the least I could do is allow you to die with your



Shaking and in shock from the injuries he had sustained, Kalibos nodded slightly and reached

out with his remaining hand. Nephian felt the Force tug weakly at the weapon and felt a surge

of incredible anger flow through him. Never before had he seen someone who so easily

accepted his death. It was pathetic and unworthy of a Sith. In one deft motion, Nephian

cocked his arm back, locked Kalibos’ lightsaber into the ‘on’ position and flung it back at its

owner who did not even have the sense to dodge the spinning weapon as it struck and

removed his head from his body. Shaking his head in disgust, Nephian strode over to his

fallen foe, knelt down, and picked up the still humming lightsaber. After closing down the

blade, he examined the hilt of the weapon closely and then tucked his trophy into the inner

lining of his black robes.


“You leave yourself open to attack Nephian.”


“If your intent was to kill me Lord Krishnan, I would already be dead.”


Nephian rose and turned to face his Master.


“You have taken a large step in your path to greater power my Apprentice and your efforts

have not gone unnoticed. The Dark Council wishes to see you at once.”


“Yes, my Master.”


Together, Master and Apprentice returned to the halls of the Sith Academy.


“This is your first meeting with the Dark Council Nephian, listen closely to their instructions

and carry them out without hesitation.”


“Master, this is not my first meeting with the Dark Council.”


“Oh? I was not aware you had already been called before them. When was this?”


“It occurred while you were on Malastare addressing the matter of the Hydian Way trade



“I see. What…” Krishnan’s question as interrupted. As they approached, the door to the

Council Chambers slid open, and the dark robed form of Darth Howl stepped into view.

Krishnan and Nephian immediately stopped and bowed to the Council Member who regarded

them with menacing eyes.


“You Master would like to know what the Dark Council asked of you Nephian. Would you care

to enlighten him?” Darth Howl asked.


“I was asked to dispose of one who did not serve the best interest of the Empire though they

did not reveal this person’s identity to me.”


“Do you believe you are ready to carry out the orders of the Emperor Nephian?”


Still bowing, Nephian answered. “Yes, Lord Howl, without question.”


“And you Krishnan. Do you believe your Apprentice is ready?”


“I have no doubt. I have taught him everything I know.”


“Have you? Shall we find out?”


“He will pass any test given to him My Lord.” Krishnan replied.


“Nephian, you were asked to dispose of someone who did not serve the best interests of the

Empire. If I told you that person was your Master, would you kill him?”


Krishnan did not hear the reply and was not even certain there was one. He never saw

Nephian move and slowly, he began to realize that something was horribly wrong. He felt as if

he was slowly tipping forward but he could not balance himself properly. It was then he

realized that his arms were not responding to his mental commands to move. He also noticed

that his sight seemed to be failing as a black veil slowly seeped into the corners of his vision

and began to cloud everything before him. At some point, he noticed that he was on the floor,

which seemed odd as he did not remember falling. He wondered who was kneeling before

him, why they seemed to be wearing his boots and, more importantly, why they were not

helping him up. He was suddenly very tired and the cool marble of the floor against his face

was soothing. As oblivion slowly claimed him, Krishnan thought to himself, ‘I wonder why

Nephian did not answer Lord Howl’.


Standing over the headless body of his Master, Nephian closed down his lightsaber and

hooked it to his belt where it had been only seconds before. Slowly, he turned and knelt

before Lord Howl.


“Krishnan served us well for many years, it is a shame he lost sight of our goals. You have

done well Nephian. The last Apprentice we asked to end their Master's life thought to deceive

us by telling us they had done so after warning their Master of our orders. Both of them

suffered greatly for their cowardice. You are now ready for your next task.”


“I will not fail you Master.”


“We shall see Darth Nephian. We shall see.”

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