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To go with the 12x boost, how about some green gear that levels with us from 10-50?


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This could be a huge money maker if you introduced it in the cash shop and sold full armor sets, with weapons and offhands, for a reasonable price.


The stats should auto-level to be equal to greens of the character's current level, and the price could be high enough that they're obviously only for the most convenience minded of players with money to burn. The items also should be character bound on equip, so you need to buy a set for each leveling character and can't pass them around.


Since the stats would be capped at whatever green gear is for max level, they would not compete with anything that is useable for any sort of "endgame" activities. And anyone leveling normally still could have better gear than this at any level from doing FPs or HEROICs and using planet comms, or just buying crafted blue or purple stuff. But if all you want is the bare minimum for powerleveling through those class quests, some full sets of auto-leveling green gear would be a welcome option.


Although the bolster makes this less needed for people who are just grinding KDY to level up in normal times, there still ought to be a decent demand for these sets after 12x XP is gone, because it would let you have acceptable green level gear at any level if you decide to step off the FP train for a bit and go do some class quests or planets, or whatever.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Or you could just squash your opponents like the gray bugs they will be, regardless the gear you're wearing.


Or you could spend 5-8k per level appropriate green item on GTN. Money's easy. Take Scavenging, Archaeology, and Bioanalysis. Run rank 2-3 missions with the companions you're not using at the time for (SCAV) Metals and Compounds, (ARCH) Power Crystals and Fragments, and (BIO) Samples and sell the results on GTN for the going rate. BOOM more credits than you'll need to stay geared.

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