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Complimentary Space Mission Pass doesn't work


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As in the title. The Complimentary Space Mission Pass that is given to player as a reward in one of the low-level space missions doesn't work. And no, I'm not a subscriber at the moment which is why I could test it, my sub ended last week (I have no idea why I can still post, I sure ain't complaining about that :cool: ) and I had 3 space missions available and even when I reached 0, the Complimentary Space Mission Pass was still grayed out and when I try to click it says "This unlock has already been applied to your character". I imagine this never gets reported as a) subsribers don't need to use it so it's always gray for them and b) F2P/Preferred can't post on the forums to report this issue.
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Sounds like something that has been around a while, so I'll make sure to poke it.

Indeed, quite a while. May 2013: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1301676-Complimentary-Weekly-Pass


"This unlock has already been applied to your character". I imagine this never gets reported as a) subsribers don't need to use it so it's always gray for them and b) F2P/Preferred can't post on the forums to report this issue.

That is why I think preferred players should have access to the forum. They are customers that pay/paid for service that is provided by Bioware. Back in the day when I was a preferred I wanted to report this bug but I couldn't and after becoming a subscriber I was no longer interested in Space Missions, so forgot to point out the issue on the official forum. D'oh.

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