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Heroic Moment bonuses after Patch 2.10.1a


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I can confirm that the Quick Travel and Legacy Fleet Pass have been corrected after Patch 2.10.1a, but Heroic Moment is still bugged.


Currently I have 15 companions unlocked, so Heroic Moment should have the maximum duration and minimum cooldown time, but these have been reset to the usual 20 minute cooldown and 60 second duration.


Most annoying...

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So a quick "we are looking into it" almost 3 weeks ago and then silence. I have been gone awhile so I had forgotten how bad they are at this. Anyway the cooldown on Heroic Moment is bugged at 20 minutes and I did not notice anything new in this patch, did we even have one? The patch notes look exactly the same to me.
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The new patch isn't until tomorrow, but according to the patch notes, it doesn't fix the heroic moments. Yeah this sucks. Almost three weeks ago they said "we are looking into it" and nothing since. I even sent a message to one of the support team and they gave me the same response. So I don't know when this is getting fixed if at all.
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