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GSH in Rural Settings, like Tython


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I'm not sure how others feel about this, but I hate being cooped up in a concrete jungle. Whilst most of the settings you play through are in cities like Nar Shadaa and Coruscant, it would be nice to have a little place to retreat to in a more forested or village-type setting. I know some say "That's what tatooine is for" but honestly, living in a dead wasteland desert doesn't trump a concrete jungle by much
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I wouldn't mind a stronghold on the starter planets. They'd have to make 4 of them though, so it multiplies the required work. But I suppose they'd just make them pretty much the same (as in Coruscant/DK) anyway, so it's just the exterior graphics that would be quadrupled. There's also the case of Tython and Korriban making sense to have a stronghold on (for a Jedi/Sith), but not so much on Ord Mantell/Hutta (they just start there because they're on a mission).
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