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Lord Zash versus Darth Baras?


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Okay TOR, this has been bugging me for a while and I wanted to know if it's just me.


I've noticed that, in comparison to Darth Baras, Lord Zash is a pretty bad Sith master. Allow me to explain.


*Disclaimer: Spoilers for the Sith Inquisitor story follow, read at your own risk!*


In the Sith Inquisitor story, Lord Zash has YOU prance around Dromund Kaas looking for gadgets to kill HER rival, Darth Scotia. It can be inferred that Zash is doing......nothing while you are out goring Vine Cats and shocking slaves. Afterwards, she states that YOU must travel around the galaxy looking for things that YOU will use to increase YOUR power. All the while she does more of the same stuff...nothing. Granted, however, Zash makes preparations for her scary spooky ritual in Kallig's burrial chamber but this can't take up her entire day. I know, Zash is only trying to get her brain swap ritual done faster but wouldn't it be better to actually make sure her new body is properly attuned to the Dark Side before claiming it? Shouldn't giving you proper training be part of the plan?



By contrast...


*Disclaimer: Spoilers for the Sith Warrior story follow, read at your own risk!*


Darth Baras, on the other hand, teaches you the Sith Code on Koriban after you kill Overseer Tremel. Darth Baras teaches you the intricacies of espionage and it's importance in a Sith Master's arsenel. Baras sends you out into the galaxy to secure HIS powerbase from HIS enemies. You serve as the Apprentice, venturing out to do the master's bidding, whatever it may be. Baras trains you and sharpens you into a weapon of the Dark Side powerful enough to slay Jedi Masters and Sith Lords with ease. He does this by teaching you core Sith concepts but is careful not to reveal anything to you that could be used as a weapon against him.





What are your thoughts? If we ignore the tendency for Sith Lords to kill one another, who's the better Sith Master?

I'm in Baras' corner, myself.

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darth zash teaches you how to methodically kill a rival far more powerful than you and shows you the path to powerful artifacts. she also is a great source of advice after being defeated.


darth baras teaches you how to destroy your own power base and be a self destructive fool while being surprised that you managed to salvage anything from it. he also teaches you how to be paranoid about your apprentices so i suppose the model sith if you consider them to be brainless self destructive types. i prefer zash a million times over my self.

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darth zash teaches you how to methodically kill a rival far more powerful than you and shows you the path to powerful artifacts. she also is a great source of advice after being defeated.


darth baras teaches you how to destroy your own power base and be a self destructive fool while being surprised that you managed to salvage anything from it. he also teaches you how to be paranoid about your apprentices so i suppose the model sith if you consider them to be brainless self destructive types. i prefer zash a million times over my self.


Pretty much. Another difference:


The inquisitor learns the Sith code almost immediately upon starting out as an acolyte and he lives it throughout the rest of his training.

The warrior doesn't even know it after he's already an apprentice.


The warrior is a terrible start to a Sith. And they gave him the turnable apprentice:mad:...

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Pretty much. Another difference:


The inquisitor learns the Sith code almost immediately upon starting out as an acolyte and he lives it throughout the rest of his training.

The warrior doesn't even know it after he's already an apprentice.


The warrior is a terrible start to a Sith. And they gave him the turnable apprentice:mad:...


Another Reason I Prefer Darth Nox Over The Emperor's Wrath,The Wrath Is Always Merely A Pawn,First For Baras Then For The Sith Emperor While Darth Nox Take's Advice From His Allies He's Far More Independent Than The Wrath,The Wrath Will Always Be An Emperor's Pet While Darth Nox Is One Of The Few Sith Who Could Be Crowned The Sith Emperor And Lead The Sith Empire On Glory And Victory Over The Pittyful Jedi Scum And Republic Worms,BTW I Prefer Ashara Zavros Over Jaesa Wilsaam,Jaesa Dark Side Is Just A Crazy Psycotic Psycopath With Sadistics Tendences,She's Merely A ***** Evil Padawan,Wich I Really Didn't Liked Is That My Dialogues With Ashara Were More Intelectual And I Had To Work To Gain Her Trust As Her Boyfriend Or Whatever,On Jaesa She Just Throws Around You Without You Even Having To Work A Little Bit...Just Annoying,Beside's The Fact That She States She Would Be Nothing Without You,What Kind Of Sith Apprentice Doesn't Kill It's Master?Just Lame...About Zash,I Prefer Zash Over Barras,Sure The Fatty Has A Lot Of Spies Around The Galaxy But Let The Spying For The Imperial Agent And The Sith Inteligence If It Ever Gets Rebuild Again,Darth Zash Used You To Track Down Artifact That Will Help Her With The Lies Of You Would Be Granted Great Power,She Was A Master Manipulator And A Very Powerful Sith Sorcerer Being Second To Thanaton On The Sphere Of Ancient Knowlege,Her Knowlege Of The Dark Side Will Be Far More Useful Than Darth Bara's Network Of Spies,Zash Could Have Been Councilor Hadn't Been For Her Not Risking A Duel With Thanaton(She Knows He Would Run If He Had Win Him So She Probaly Would Be Putted A Bounty Upon)While Darth Baras Sents You To Kill His Master,The Guy Coudn't Even Kill His Master A Pathetic Sith,True Sith Kill Their Masters Hell Even Darth Malgus Did.

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Another Reason I Prefer Darth Nox Over The Emperor's Wrath,The Wrath Is Always Merely A Pawn,First For Baras Then For The Sith Emperor While Darth Nox Take's Advice From His Allies He's Far More Independent Than The Wrath,The Wrath Will Always Be An Emperor's Pet While Darth Nox Is One Of The Few Sith Who Could Be Crowned The Sith Emperor And Lead The Sith Empire On Glory And Victory Over The Pittyful Jedi Scum And Republic Worms,BTW I Prefer Ashara Zavros Over Jaesa Wilsaam,Jaesa Dark Side Is Just A Crazy Psycotic Psycopath With Sadistics Tendences,She's Merely A ***** Evil Padawan,Wich I Really Didn't Liked Is That My Dialogues With Ashara Were More Intelectual And I Had To Work To Gain Her Trust As Her Boyfriend Or Whatever,On Jaesa She Just Throws Around You Without You Even Having To Work A Little Bit...Just Annoying,Beside's The Fact That She States She Would Be Nothing Without You,What Kind Of Sith Apprentice Doesn't Kill It's Master?Just Lame...About Zash,I Prefer Zash Over Barras,Sure The Fatty Has A Lot Of Spies Around The Galaxy But Let The Spying For The Imperial Agent And The Sith Inteligence If It Ever Gets Rebuild Again,Darth Zash Used You To Track Down Artifact That Will Help Her With The Lies Of You Would Be Granted Great Power,She Was A Master Manipulator And A Very Powerful Sith Sorcerer Being Second To Thanaton On The Sphere Of Ancient Knowlege,Her Knowlege Of The Dark Side Will Be Far More Useful Than Darth Bara's Network Of Spies,Zash Could Have Been Councilor Hadn't Been For Her Not Risking A Duel With Thanaton(She Knows He Would Run If He Had Win Him So She Probaly Would Be Putted A Bounty Upon)While Darth Baras Sents You To Kill His Master,The Guy Coudn't Even Kill His Master A Pathetic Sith,True Sith Kill Their Masters Hell Even Darth Malgus Did.


Will you please type correctly for crying out loud. It is do incredibly difficult to read and understand.

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Baras wanted slave and trained his apprentice as such. That's why he watches your every step, coordinates every action. The moment warrior realises his power Baras discards him. And warrior becomes slave to the Emperor...


And Zash is experimenting. She finds new body for herself and starts to test it. Just how well her apprentice can solve problems on his own? How powerful is he? Can he take out sith lord with no help from master? Ow, he can? Marvellous.


And watch at the results. Warrior is another puppet of the Emperor, Baras is dead (becouse even if you spare him, i don't believe he survives).

Nox sits in Dark Council, overseeing Reclamation Service. And Zash (potentially) is alive, inside powerful body and by the side of council member. I really wanted to kill her at first, but by the time i got the quest she proved herself useful (and even loyal, to some degree) so many times, that i got rid of Khem instead :)

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Zash is so nice to you as well... And then, boom! You realise, I've just been played and now Im about to get my strings cut!


At least with Baras you know from day one, you are just a commodity to be used and then discarded.


It was not difficult to see that Zash was planning something from day 1.

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