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Conquests, crafting and delayed results


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Disclaimer: This post exists to vent my frustration. I don't expect anyone to do anything about it.


After yesterday's activities I was about 4k conquest points short of the goal. I calculated that I'd need to craft an invasion force and two other things to reach it, so I set my companion at work and went to bed. This morning I had completely forgotten about it and started working. It wasn't until just now that I remembered to log in to get the results. Unfortunately, it was already too late and the deadline for the conquest had passed. Since crafting results are only evaluated when the character is online, I wasn't credited for them.


The only thing that kept me doing conquests after the first was that there's an achievement for each one. Most of the activities are meaningless and the rewards are simply ridiculous. Now that I've missed one achievement, I don't really care about the rest either, so I guess I can just stop playing now.

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Judging by this responce you are a rage quitter. If you have the ability to help out a pug by filling a role and lending advice on an op why wouldn't you? Why not help out the less fortunate.

Why would I, when I don't gain anything interesting from it? The only thing left to me in the game is social interactions, and there's hardly any of those in 98% of pugs. I play the game for my own enjoyment, not that of others'.

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You had from Tuesday to Sunday to complete it. If you couldn't do that in five days... that's your loss. Have better time management. I've been able to complete my main character and 4 or 5 alts within that period. It's not that hard! This week I did only three characters. I do go to work and go to college. :rolleyes:
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You had from Tuesday to Sunday to complete it. If you couldn't do that in five days... that's your loss. Have better time management. I've been able to complete my main character and 4 or 5 alts within that period. It's not that hard! This week I did only three characters. I do go to work and go to college. :rolleyes:

Did you miss my disclaimer at the beginning? I'm not blaming anyone but myself for this. I believe I still have the right to be annoyed at myself.


Between two jobs, some other IRL projects and four ops nights a week I only have so much time for other activities. I also am in a small guild with no flagship (and thus no guild bonus) and have only 25% bonus from my strongholds. It's been really hard for me to allocate enough time to do the utterly boring tasks for completing conquests since I could spend that time IRL doing much more interesting things. In a way I'm glad for this opportunity to stop caring about conquests and do things I actually like doing.

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Oh, I am and was aware of this little detail. The countdown in the conquest window is quite clear. I made a mental note on Sunday night that I need to log in on Monday morning (reset happens at 3pm on my timezone). But as is the wont of mental notes, it got forgotten. If I ever pick up conquests again and am faced with a similar situation, I'll be sure to make a physical note of it.
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