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Security, or Bioware learn on Sony and Trion example


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I like SW:TOR. Great game. Too bad you did small mistake with graphical engine choice.


Community is growing. People joining and giving you their personal and financial data.

Respect that by protecting personal and sensitive data.

Secure your systems, don't allow hackers to access your databases and steal personal data, especially those that could harm your customers.

Engage external security experts if needed, to improve game and your internal systems security.


Same messages were sent to Trion by community. But they successfully ignored that. And here you go....


Don't make same mistake.


Thank you for reading :)

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"Where there's a will there's a way."



Sony and the rest don't just leave their data insecure or unencrypted and they'll higher people to test security etc but with technology there's always going to be a loophole somewhere that people will find. Hence why governments spend big amounts on electronic espionage both defensively and offensively.

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