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[The Red Eclipse Republic] "Ghost Squadron" recruits new pilots.


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For the destruction of imperial noobs need a guild...GhSq proved :D


40 ships vs 16 - true skill game:rolleyes:





red eclipse gsf is dead....thx for topic owners :cool:


The guild is made for playing GSF together, and its only imps fault that they have so much 2shippers. Even if i play on my impside toon solo or grouped, i notice that pubs are commonly fly better than awerage imperial player.

And RE gsf ISN'T dead. It is just focused on repside. We have 2 gsf-oriented guilds here, hehe.

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Actually, i dont see anyone of my guildmates here. Its 2 premades from the other GSF guild. =)

And what's wrong? Why imps cant find some decent pilots and run a premade too?



Wrong that casual players get to premade with voice , and not having time to understand what this game is all disappointed . They never gather a group because this game will seem to them a stupid waste of time.:rolleyes:


So - enjoy your game . ;)

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Wrong that casual players get to premade with voice , and not having time to understand what this game is all disappointed . They never gather a group because this game will seem to them a stupid waste of time.:rolleyes:


So - enjoy your game . ;)

Their problems.

We do. Thank you.

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yep that screenshot is an Unrelenting guild double group.


and as for using voice...well mostly we're talking nonsense at each other and maybe the occasional "oi you stole my powerup" but not a lot of "tactics" there isnt a great deal of need.

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Sometimes even shouting at your teammates about kill or power-up steals is enough for better play :p

As I said earlier, shame that any of the Republic GSF guild don't have imperial branch, IMO it would be much more interesting to exchange blasterbolts and missiles with equals ;)



Hi Tilia :D

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Sometimes even shouting at your teammates about kill or power-up steals is enough for better play :p

As I said earlier, shame that any of the Republic GSF guild don't have imperial branch, IMO it would be much more interesting to exchange blasterbolts and missiles with equals ;)



Hi Tilia :D

Well, i joined Urteon's Spectre Squadron via my imp toon....

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yep that screenshot is an Unrelenting guild double group.


and as for using voice...well mostly we're talking nonsense at each other and maybe the occasional "oi you stole my powerup" but not a lot of "tactics" there isnt a great deal of need.

I mostly complain about Tilia stealing my kills.

Oh, and about lazy gun ship walls in TDM, like every scout pilot. (Its a union thing)

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So, out of curiosity, what does the guild do with regards to GSF? For example, I have been reading threads on the server forums and whenever GSF is mentioned, or someone asks to join a "GSF guild" various guilds say "we are". But when I join their forum, website, or Facebook page there is no discussion of GSF at all. No events scheduled. No information on how to connect with other guild members in order to group up and cut the queue times. Hell, one "squadron" that touts a Teamspeak server had NO ONE on it at 7 PM (server time) in the three different nights I tried it.


So, other than providing XP bonuses, what does the guild really do for its members, with regards to GSF?


Part of this is because it was suggested to me by friends that we start a GSF-oriented guild. My comment was that the problem is not getting a guild bonus - all guilds do that - or even in getting voice chat - there are so many free options out there - but in getting like-minded people that want to group queue and discuss how to co-ordinate attacks and defenses, not simply groan about bogarted kills and face-planting into asteroids. So how does your guild go about solving the real issues of GSF: lowering the queue times and co-ordinating players within the game?


Thanks in advance for the time taken on a response.

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So, out of curiosity, what does the guild do with regards to GSF? For example, I have been reading threads on the server forums and whenever GSF is mentioned, or someone asks to join a "GSF guild" various guilds say "we are". But when I join their forum, website, or Facebook page there is no discussion of GSF at all. No events scheduled. No information on how to connect with other guild members in order to group up and cut the queue times. Hell, one "squadron" that touts a Teamspeak server had NO ONE on it at 7 PM (server time) in the three different nights I tried it.


So, other than providing XP bonuses, what does the guild really do for its members, with regards to GSF?


Part of this is because it was suggested to me by friends that we start a GSF-oriented guild. My comment was that the problem is not getting a guild bonus - all guilds do that - or even in getting voice chat - there are so many free options out there - but in getting like-minded people that want to group queue and discuss how to co-ordinate attacks and defenses, not simply groan about bogarted kills and face-planting into asteroids. So how does your guild go about solving the real issues of GSF: lowering the queue times and co-ordinating players within the game?


Thanks in advance for the time taken on a response.


Well, isn't its an obvious? Those nerds are ******* on the almost dead pvp-mode and sit there 24/7, so they can talk about "How cool they are" at least in one part of this game.:rak_03:

Edited by SergioRossi
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Well, isn't its an obvious? Those nerds are ******* on the almost dead pvp-mode and sit there 24/7, so they can talk about "How cool they are" at least in one part of this game.:rak_03:

Hello, troll. Get out of here.

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but in getting like-minded people that want to group queue and discuss how to co-ordinate attacks and defenses, not simply groan about bogarted kills and face-planting into asteroids.

Thanks in advance for the time taken on a response.

You have already answered your question.

Well, about queues, empty TS's, etc - it's a problem of the entire GSF community - compared to warzone pvp and pve communities our is quite small, so its quite hard to pull together a worth amount of people. Just trying to solve this problem and to popularize gsf on server is our goal i think

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Just so we are clear, I am not trying to be a troll here. You have a recruiting thread and I asked a simple question: what does your guild do to try and advance or enhance GSF?


Progenitor tried (tries) Stock Night. It has problems mostly because the game does not support events like that and there seemed to be a number of people that wanted to take advantage of others playing stock ships. But it was a good try.


Sith Night Stalkers (Shadowlands) ran a boot camp night and it also had problems, largely with not being able to control the queues and not understanding that Ops group does not support GSF well. Again, 'A' for effort.


I get that it is hard to get people into - and to stay into - GSF. But I think that guild could do more towards that end. Just trying to find out what, if anything, yours is doing, seeing as you are recruiting.


As for ground PvP, I find it much more frustrating than GSF, although I have been getting hit with high-end Ion Cannons of late and so my frustration level is increasing! :D

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So, out of curiosity, what does the guild do with regards to GSF? For example, I have been reading threads on the server forums and whenever GSF is mentioned, or someone asks to join a "GSF guild" various guilds say "we are". But when I join their forum, website, or Facebook page there is no discussion of GSF at all. No events scheduled. No information on how to connect with other guild members in order to group up and cut the queue times. Hell, one "squadron" that touts a Teamspeak server had NO ONE on it at 7 PM (server time) in the three different nights I tried it.


So, other than providing XP bonuses, what does the guild really do for its members, with regards to GSF?


Part of this is because it was suggested to me by friends that we start a GSF-oriented guild. My comment was that the problem is not getting a guild bonus - all guilds do that - or even in getting voice chat - there are so many free options out there - but in getting like-minded people that want to group queue and discuss how to co-ordinate attacks and defenses, not simply groan about bogarted kills and face-planting into asteroids. So how does your guild go about solving the real issues of GSF: lowering the queue times and co-ordinating players within the game?


Thanks in advance for the time taken on a response.


The most important role a guild serves should be guiding a rookie pilot and teaching him the ropes, queueing together until they come into their own.


I know I didn't really improve at all as a pilot until I joined Eclipse, with Gaara, Sriia, Shayd and all the other pilots giving me tips and pointers, so I guess that should be the first thing you should ask about when joining a GSF guild.

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Hello everyone. I'm sorry to bump this thread.

Our guild is merging with ToFN guild "Red Alert" and renaming under their tag. I'm staying guildmaster of united guild.

Still we're welcoming all newcoming GSF Pilots, no matter of language or skill level:cool: Rest is staying unchanged.

Whisper in game me (Red'wolf or Rwsage), Moralist, G's'f' (may be with different toon number), Urteon, Shenariala (may be on different toon with all name root "Shen").

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi "Ghost Squadron/Red Alert"!


You have so many members and are getting even bigger now. And still this is not the only GSF focused guild on TRE.


I always wondered why there are no events organized by you or the other guilds.

Our American friends are really busy compared to the European communities.

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Hi "Ghost Squadron/Red Alert"!


You have so many members and are getting even bigger now. And still this is not the only GSF focused guild on TRE.


I always wondered why there are no events organized by you or the other guilds.

Our American friends are really busy compared to the European communities.


As far as i know, we dont make any events here. I think we have a few reasons for that, the main of them is that we dont have expirienced organisers like Maulkat or Eudoxia. The second reason, in my opinion, is that not that lot of ppl really want these events - for example, Tilia was against organising events when we discussed that with him. But thats only my opinion,

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I'd love to do an organized event on TRE. If I recall correctly, Tilia said he didn't want to get involved in an ego war? For the most part I think everyone just wants some GGS. The ego thing is going to exist in any videogame, but I think GSF is actually pretty good at avoiding that sort of thing.
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