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Speculation on Revan.


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I've been thinking about it, and perhaps someone else already came to this conclusion before me, but I wanted to put it out there anyway. What if Revan as he stands is really the Sith Emperor?


Well, ok, let me rephrase this to be a bit more complicated, yet coherent. Vitiate had Revan locked away for 300 years, during which time their minds were essentially linked together. We are told that they were able to "influence" one another during this time. What if the connection runs deeper than that? What if Revan has become the new host for the Emperor's consciousness? Or, perhaps, their consciousness has merged just as Ner Zhul and Arthas merged in WoW?


300 years is a very long time to plot and plan, and to be in constant contact with someone else's mind. It has been stated that the main body of the Emperor is still likely at large, and therefore the Emperor is still potentially active.


My reasons for thinking this are primarily based around Revan's actions in-game, and the Emperor's motive. When Revan is freed, he sets about turning the Foundry into a weapon of mass extinction against anyone with Sith blood. According to HK-47, 98.7%(I believe) of the Imperial population fits that bill. That is a HUGE death toll, and would likely provide a great big boost to the Emperor's ritual. After all, the Emperor doesn't care WHO dies, just so long as enough die to fuel his ritual. This plan fails ultimately, of course, yet Revan manages to survive the encounter. He then shows up at the head of an armada of both Imperial and Republic forces bent on creating an army of cybernetic killers, presumably to start another war that is likely to rack up another huge death toll.


If you look at the grand scheme of things, Revan is the PERFECT pawn to use for mass destruction. He has just enough tie with both Republic and Empire to manipulate both sides. His plot thus far has crushed both the Sith Academy and the Jedi Temple on Tython, eliminating a great deal of potential meddlers who might thwart the Emperor again. In the end, everything Revan is doing, and has done in this game, would work very nicely in favor of the Emperor's end-game goals.


We are also told (by Revan) that he influenced the Emperor to create a peace between Empire and Republic. At face value that seems ok, but stop and really examine that a moment. If the Emperor wanted a massive death toll, and not just a total victory in a war he didn't really care about, this was a sound move. If the Empire had just pressed on and won the war, it would be over too soon and with too little damage. If you pause, let both sides fester in their fear and hatred, build up doomsday weapons against one another, and then go back at it, your death toll suddenly grows exponentially.


Both the Emperor and Revan seem to have a goal that is on a galactic scale, and transcends both Republic and Empire. I don't think this is a mere coincidence. I think their goals have become one and the same. Annihilate all existence in the galaxy, and transform them into a singular entity.


Another possibility is that Revan is not even aware of the extent of the Emperor's consciousness within him. Consider how the First Son and the Children of the Emperor had no clue that they were who they were most of the time. Vitiate is a master at mental manipulation. Revan could very well believe he is acting on his own accord, while Vitiate remains firmly implanted on his subconscious, guiding his every move.


Either way, if I am right, the stakes of this conflict are going to be galactic in scale, and really epic.

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The only current firm canon thing on Revan is that he is the one who eventually kills the Emperor. The person the Jedi knight kills is actually a total analogue for Luke's story. In a similar way as Palpatine the jobs not done yet.


Although I suppose you could argue he helps kill the Emperor and a combined force of Sith and Jedi help him do it. Much like the Dread lords or sometihng.


My biggest wish though personally would be a third faction, with Revan in the lead, in this game.

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The only current firm canon thing on Revan is that he is the one who eventually kills the Emperor. The person the Jedi knight kills is actually a total analogue for Luke's story. In a similar way as Palpatine the jobs not done yet.


Although I suppose you could argue he helps kill the Emperor and a combined force of Sith and Jedi help him do it. Much like the Dread lords or sometihng.


My biggest wish though personally would be a third faction, with Revan in the lead, in this game.


Sources please.

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Your theory would make sense. Let's look at the two of them...



An extremely powerful Jedi Master. Defied the Jedi Council and, along with his Jedi Padewan Alek, lead the Republic Army to victory against the Mandalorians. A brilliant strategist, Revan's masterfully crafted battlefield tactics combined with his charisma and naturally strong connection to the Force made him one of the most formidable opponents the Mandalorians have ever faced. Revan had been touched by the Dark Side, however, and activated the Mass Shadow Generator above Malechor IV, defeating the Mandalorians once and for all but sacrificing much of the Republic fleet in the process. He is one of the few Jedi to join the Sith Order and return to the Jedi redeemed.


Emperor Vitiate, Supreme Master and Dark Lord of the Resurgent Sith Empire

Incomprehensibly powerful, immortal, unassailable master of all Sith in the known galaxy. His only goal is to consume all life, all energy, all Force power in the universe. He is determined to become everything by destroying everything and become the Dark Side incarnate. Vitiate is willing sacrifice star systems and wipe out entire civilizations in his pursuit of galactic annihilation. Vitiate is recognized as the highest authority in the entire Sith Empire and His word is law. Even the Dark Council bends to his will, though very few members throughout the Council's history have ever been in his presence, fewer still have survived to tell of their encounter. His power is strong enough to create constant lightning storms over Dromund Kaas, evidence of his universal power over the entire Empire. His only fear is death and he will do anything, even sacrificing His entire Empire, if it means ensuring his continued survival. Though the Empire is fanatically loyal to his Imperial Highness, Vitiate cares nothing for them, viewing the entire Empire as a means to a greater end.


It makes sense that, as a last resort, Vitiate would have contingency plans in place in the event of the death of one of his host bodies. Furthermore, since the Emperor used his connection with the imprisoned Revan to see Force Visions. It only makes sense that Vitiate would be prepared to transfer his mind into Revan's powerful body. Since he cares nothing for the Empire, and passionately hates the Republic (especially the Jedi Order) for driving the Sith species to near-extinction, he would be willing to form a third faction of devoted followers capable of wiping out both factions in a single masterful campaign. It is entirely possible that everything that has transpired in all class stories has done so according to his own designs. Perhaps the visions he had from Revan's connection to the Light have given him knowledge enough to manipulate galactic events towards this eventuality.


Perhaps he wanted Revan to be freed so that Revan would lower his mental defences enough for him to seize control. Maybe he allowed his host body to be killed by the Jedi Knight to perpetuate the rumor of his death to allow him to enact his plan in safety and security. His every 'defeat' may have occurred purposefully in order to falsify his own destruction in order to seize Revan (or perhaps some other powerful Jedi Master, Sio Bakarn may have also been a candidate). Remember that victory for the Empire is NOT Vitiate's goal, total galactic annihilation IS. Nothing is more important to him than his ultimate goal.

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The only current firm canon thing on Revan is that he is the one who eventually kills the Emperor. The person the Jedi knight kills is actually a total analogue for Luke's story. In a similar way as Palpatine the jobs not done yet.


Although I suppose you could argue he helps kill the Emperor and a combined force of Sith and Jedi help him do it. Much like the Dread lords or sometihng.


My biggest wish though personally would be a third faction, with Revan in the lead, in this game.


I'm sorry but NO WHERE does it say Revan is the one who will eventually kill the Emperor. he certinly belives it but Revan is a man who has messiahistic dellusions. the man belvies he's the chosen one alright but so far there's no proof to that

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll preface this by saying that up until about 20 minutes ago, I was a staunch believer that the Emperor was not going to be part of this Expac and that the Revan seen in this storyline is the real Revan. It made sense to me (and still does) that after failing his ultimate goal (save the Republic from the Sith Empire's threat) failed twice (once when Malak betrayed him, and again when Scourge betrayed him) and being subjected to psychological torture for 300 years, then being nearly killed in The Foundry, even the greatest mind might snap. I was aware of the "Revan is the Emperor" theories but thought they were too tin-foil-y to be credible.


And then I read this:

You stand on a moon, defiantly, before one who is not one.

-Excerpt from "A vision," a mail written by Spindrall (a minor character from Korriban) to the Sith Inquisitor as part of the Forged Alliances questline.


From that, I pretty much instantly came to the conclusion that he was referring to Revan at the Temple of Sacrifice on Yavin IV and his phrasing was supposed to imply that Revan was not himself or was divided within himself in some way. Which, all the theories about the Sith Emperor possessing Revan fit fairly nicely with. I even began to evaluate how Revan's apparent goals would benefit the Emperor (in pretty much the same way as OP) and I'm now thoroughly convinced that Revan and the Emperor are sharing a body at this point.


Further speculation on my part (arguably less substantiated) is that Yavin IV as a base was chosen by the Emperor, not Revan and the Temple of Sacrifice is actually the location from where the Emperor intends to conduct his galaxy-ending ritual.


Admittedly, it seems like a pretty neat twist, but I'm going to be really disappointed if it's correct for a couple reasons. First, I like Revan, and I like the progression of his character when looked at overall with this chapter being him finally breaking down after centuries of failure (ultimately, Revan has failed at nearly every single one of his grand goals). Second, I really wish I'd remained in the "it's not the Emperor" camp because, if it is the Emperor, I'd have been absolutely floored by the twist when I came upon it. The main redeeming factor of this outcome, though, is it gives Revan's character a chance for a final redemption, by sacrificing himself in some way to destroy the Sith Emperor once-and-for-all.

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From that, I pretty much instantly came to the conclusion that he was referring to Revan at the Temple of Sacrifice on Yavin IV and his phrasing was supposed to imply that Revan was not himself or was divided within himself in some way. Which, all the theories about the Sith Emperor possessing Revan fit fairly nicely with. I even began to evaluate how Revan's apparent goals would benefit the Emperor (in pretty much the same way as OP) and I'm now thoroughly convinced that Revan and the Emperor are sharing a body at this point.


Or, just perhaps, you could think of what Malak says to Revan on the Star Forge:

The Force roils and convulses like never before. I reached out to study its peculiar activity, and in turn it showed me what is to come. You stand on a moon, defiantly, before one who is not one. You do not stand alone, but fail all the same.


Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet, you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone.


In other words, the mail probably aims to imply what Revan was throughout his life, NOT that he's possessed or sharing his body with the Emperor.


I also doubt the "alone" and "not alone" part is just a coincidence.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It's neither Revan or Emperor but both minds merged into one body and one mind.


Of course it all makes sense that must be why the emperor sent his wrath a message warning him about the threat because warning one of the most deadly Sith alive that your planing or half of you is planing something bad and that they should stop it make perfect sense.

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Of course it all makes sense that must be why the emperor sent his wrath a message warning him about the threat because warning one of the most deadly Sith alive that your planing or half of you is planing something bad and that they should stop it make perfect sense.


It was Servant One truth be told, NOT the Emperor.


Regardless, I do agree and have pointed that out several times already. The Hand has no reason whatsoever to try and stop his ascendance, seeing they are aware of it and cater to the Emperor's every whim.


In other words, whatever is going on, it shouldn't involve the Emperor directly or rather, shouldn't be of his own doing.

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It was Servant One truth be told, NOT the Emperor.


Regardless, I do agree and have pointed that out several times already. The Hand has no reason whatsoever to try and stop his ascendance, seeing they are aware of it and cater to the Emperor's every whim.


In other words, whatever is going on, it shouldn't involve the Emperor directly or rather, shouldn't be of his own doing.


One of the servants is telepathically linked to the emperor there just a relay for his orders more or less

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