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Stop Making Conquest Objectives Legacy Wide


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It is legacy wide -- if you mean the kill 250 non player mobs on a particular planet objective. I've found that all of my alts contribute to the 250. I'd prefer for each of them to be able to complete it themselves, as trying to hit the conquest mission total with alts that are below level 55 is painful on weeks like this one, where almost all of the objectives require you to be able to run HM flashpoints or Ops.
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It is legacy wide -- if you mean the kill 250 non player mobs on a particular planet objective. I've found that all of my alts contribute to the 250. I'd prefer for each of them to be able to complete it themselves, as trying to hit the conquest mission total with alts that are below level 55 is painful on weeks like this one, where almost all of the objectives require you to be able to run HM flashpoints or Ops.


He means the limit of completion on certain conquest objectives to once per legacy. Those objectives need alternate implementations that make them repeatable (within some reasonable limit that avoids exploits, of course.)


Yes, you can work towards your 250 kill conquest objective with kills made on different characters. But then the one that gets the last kill gets all of the points and then that objective and those points are non-existent as far as all your other characters are concerned.


Like you said, at the very least the 250 kills objective needs to be available for every character to get points on once. With some creativity though, they could just make it infinitely repeatable and have that as a low point yield farming option. Suppose that the goal is 500 "kills" with different enemies being worth more "kills" than others. Wrap this in with the faction base guard kills objective by making those (level 55 enemies) count as 25 "kills" while trash mobs (anything in the planet's normal level range) count as 1 for unmarked, 2 for silver, 3 for gold, and 5 for champ. (Adjust the values as needed for best balance / lowest exploitability.)


Other once per legacy conquest objectives include the ones for specific flashpoints. They were originally infinitely repeatable (which they BS claim was never intended) and this was very exploitable and needed to be changed. But making them count once per legacy is NOT the correct answer. These conquest objectives need to be made as infinitely repeatable with points being awarded based on a hit list instead of flashpoint completion. Name all of the bosses in the flashpoint. Count them when the player kills them. Reward the points when all bosses have been killed. The exploit was that one person could stealth through story mode and invite people in for the last boss / final conversation and everybody would get credit as if they had all completed the entire flashpoint. This suggestion would not allow that to be possible. If you skip ahead, it won't count.


I think the topic creator's suggestion is to leave these objectives as once per legacy but to automatically add those points in for ALL of your characters instead of just the one that got the last kill. It's hard to tell what he's saying though.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I think the topic creator's suggestion is to leave these objectives as once per legacy but to automatically add those points in for ALL of your characters instead of just the one that got the last kill. It's hard to tell what he's saying though.


I was thinking about this a bit just now, this idea of receiving "one time" objective points legacy-wide. "What would happen if they actually made such a change?" Using the current conquest in an extreme example, let's say that we have a guild with 50 active members who each have 10 characters in the guild... and that they have a sister guild with the same membership. The current conquest week features 9 one-time objectives for completion of specific flashpoints on any difficulty. The guild forms up into a dozen or so groups and starts plowing through 7 of the flashpoints on story mode on one faction, and then moves to the other faction to finish up the other 2 flashpoints. (That's the only time they'd need to change characters for this.) With that (a quick evening's worth of speedruns), every single character in the guild (all 500 in the main guild and all 500 in the sister guild) is credited with the points for those 9 flashpoints. Supposing that every member managed to get themselves a 100% stronghold bonus, add that to the guild bonus as well and we're looking at 3000 points per flashpoint, aka 27k per character, aka 270k per member for each guild, aka 135 mil per each guild. That's an extremely solid head start on both factions, and they can continue to build it up beyond that with the same crafting and pvp and group finder queues that the smaller and less organized guilds would be using to try and catch up with them.


And that is why that is not the solution that they will use if (when) they do fix (remove!) this "once per legacy" nonsense.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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they change it that way to make the larger guilds not monopolize always with their alts.

With that new system, the guilds that have many main chars will win the conquest and NOT the guilds with many alts. Meaning casual players have chance to contribute to their guilds and have chance to be in the weekly leaderboard.


Its not 100% perfect (since the crafting is repeatable and the guilds with many alts can hit 35k cap with crafting)

but its for the better.

Edited by Kissakias
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