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the amount of decorations to finish a stronghold...


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I have mostly been dabbling with strongholds around other things and finally finished my Coruscant one to completion yesterday, one of the things I noticed though is how next to impossible it is going to be to decorate multiple strongholds very well given the limits on certain things, lighting in particular seems like i will quickly be completely out of wall lighting; not that walls have all that many decoration options right now anyway.
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I'm quite upset about the decor limits as well. On my Tatooine SH, I have hundreds of empty hooks still, and it says I am at 100%. Won't let me put down any more items. I have like 3 rooms that are totally bare!! My Nar palace has waaay more stuff in it, and it's only 96%. They need to raise the limits badly. And - raise the NPC limit, please!!! :mad:
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There is a current issue with the number of npcs you can place in a Stronghold. You are not the only one who is annoyed with this problem, please see the link below:




I have just hit 50% capacity on my Tatooine Stronghold and to be honest, the only way i can see that i can hit 100% at this moment in time is by placing all my trophies, which i do not want to do.


In my opinion, there needs to be more "decorations" available to craft/loot etc in the next patch. There is only so many chairs, desks, computer consoles you can place before it is not longer unique.

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Yeah, usually its the one with the more creds or real $ to be able to place more unique stuff I would also like to see more prefab items available later too, that will also increase trader revenue and also provide more unique items as well for cheaper than the real $ ones most of the time
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Yeah, usually its the one with the more creds or real $ to be able to place more unique stuff I would also like to see more prefab items available later too, that will also increase trader revenue and also provide more unique items as well for cheaper than the real $ ones most of the time

I've suggested in my thread to recolor the items the prefab vendors already have. I still think it's a good idea.


I know how you could update prefab vendors without you spending much time on it. Do what you usually do with mounts - recolor. Recolor those decorations that the vendors already sell. That's not much to ask, right? Pretty please.


In this case recoloring items would be much more appreciated by us. It would add a great deal of color theme variations to our rooms. We are extremely limited by lights, so far we get either blue or yellow/orange. Rugs have the exact same issue.


I see an orange Networked Lamp in Constable’s Pack but that is not the place where I thought we would get recolors from prefab vendors.


At the moment what we need the most is green and red variations of all the lights, e.g. Underworld Light Node as there are many decorations that are green/red color based.

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You can only have 50 of any single decoration. That can be rather insufficient for certain basic decorations like chairs or small wall lights. If you want to use them in all four strongholds, you only have 12 each.


There are more than four different types of chair so use a different one in each stronghold. That way you can have at least 50 chairs in each. Surely you don't need more than that?

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With every Cartel Pack we got items for 1 Credit to flood our houses with...

do that!



Some items could need a 99+ limit. Like Bunker Lights. But i don't need 99 Mailboxes or Republic Power Generators (because even with 4 Strongholds I don't have 99 large floor hocks...)

Edited by discbox
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