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New Classes? Imperial Soldier and Republic SIS Agent Class


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What do you all think? two new story arch's from the side of an Imperial Soldier..

Imperial Solider: Heavy Armor.

RECON- Blaster Rifle

COMBAT- MEDIC - Blaster Rifle



Republic SIS Agent: Medium Armor **Much like the Imperial Agent but Opposite"


just me, but this could bring two new story Arch's to the game, albeit probably with the same companions and such but in my eyes would complete both sides with appropriate personnel of sorts.

just an opinion.. I am sure many of you have already discussed.



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I think you'd need to make them mirror classes. Agent already has a mirror, Smuggler. Otherwise I'm not sure what new thing could be done with classes. You have:


Force Melee

Force Ranged


Tech Cover

Tech Tank


Weapons wise you've already used pistols, rifles, assault cannons and snipers. What else is left? Maybe shotguns as primary. But then what would the advanced classes be?


If we're talking new classes I'd prefer something distinct with a new feel, instead of just remixed abilities.

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Personally, I've been wanting an Imperial Trooper almost since I started playing. After playing the Republic Trooper story arch, it seems to me that there is already a good basis for both Imperial Trooper and Republic Agent story lines. I've never agreed with the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler as opposites to the Trooper and Agent. I understand the back stories they created to justify both of them, but they've always struck me as more neutral or maybe Hutt aligned characters. If the dev's ever listen to this, or any of the other posts about this same topic, I will DEFINITELY be creating an Imperial Trooper.
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I think they should make Bounty Hunters and smuggler available to both sides, they really feel shoehorned in the side they are stuck with.

Sadly this is the only change i could image they might do, desigining another class and creating a new class story with the voice acting is probably considered too expensive, even if it could arguably generate as much interests and novelty as the Galactic Stronghold has done.

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I think they should make Bounty Hunters and smuggler available to both sides, they really feel shoehorned in the side they are stuck with.

Sadly this is the only change i could image they might do, desigining another class and creating a new class story with the voice acting is probably considered too expensive, even if it could arguably generate as much interests and novelty as the Galactic Stronghold has done.


Not sure why.


The most iconic Smuggler in the original trilogy became a General within the Republic military; The most iconic Bounty Hunter worked closely with Darth Vader, in opposition to the Republic.


There's nothing shoehorned about it.


The Bounty Hunter...

Working for Darth Tormen throughout the third act

And the Smuggler...

becoming a privateer working for the Republic


Means to reflect exactly that.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Yes, but by that logic the most iconic trooper in the original trilogy was...third one from the left?:D


If, when planning the stories, you're restricted to making four classes on two factions, then yeah this placement is probably the best. Emulating classic characters aside, the Republic tends to be more lax on smugglers while the Empire gives bounty hunters more free reign in how they complete their jobs. Technically they should be able to cross over or even play both sides. But sadly, game design restrictions prevent that.


Maybe there'd be enough class possibilities to make a case for a third Netural or Criminal faction. You could have:



Bounty Hunter

Dark Jedi

Some fourth, possibly Force-using class


But that would've had to be done at the star of the game. Doubt it could be implemented now.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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I dont think itll ever happen. But this game is definitely in need of some new life blood. To which two classes and fully fleshed out storylines would do nicely.


Unfortunately I dont think BioWare knows what to do with SWTOR at this stage. Theyre stuck in a hard place with the Sub/F2P model and what EA will and will not let them do.

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