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Shout out to <Anima>


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Something else I think I should say in regard to this anima nonsense.


The way I see it, if you people really believe that you're such a massive threat, then you should shut your mouths and let your weapons do the talking. Now I realize how ironic that statement is coming from me, as I have quite the reputation for having a very loosely hung mouth, but it's still what I believe, and I myself have been working for a while on getting my own self to shut the f*ck up.


Take it for what it's worth.

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This is sort of an interesting cyclical trend we have on our server.


New pvp guild comes around, starts playing a lot and then gets called out in forums. Happened with Watchmen, Catfish and now Anima. I'm not sure if the vocal members of those groups were trolls, or if they got fed up with the constant call outs from the 'established' pvp community. It's sort of a chicken and egg situation...we have a pretty small community with a good memory as Jerc put it and from my observations its not generally very interested in new blood. TEH tends to push new pvp guilds away rather than embracing growing competition. Now is that due to douchy members in those new guilds, or our own exclusive attitudes I'm not sure...probably a bit of both. I know I didn't particularly like many of the folks from the guilds I mentioned, but maybe they were so constantly on the defensive that they just came off poorly.


Anyways, a lot of words about nothing, but it just seems that we see this general pattern pop up a lot around here.

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TEH tends to push new pvp guilds away rather than embracing growing competition


When was the last time a pvp guild formed up, and just started hitting the war zones? No forum bs, no loudmouths, no super queue's, no exploits or whatever, just some people who got together to pvp?


TEH also has a habit of doing all of the above. Makes it hard to embrace a new guild when they're running their mouths from their super queue, and losing.


I hear exactly what you're saying, I really do, but I also don't remember the last time a pvp Guild formed up that did themselves any favors in the beginning.


Anyway, just also want to point out that though I've only come across them a couple times on my lowbies I'm leveling, I haven't actually had a negative experience with Anima in game. Literally the only negative experience has been from this fool on the forum, the rest in game seem to play well, and I haven't seen any poor sportsmanship. Perhaps shouldn't persecute the entire guild for the one goon's actions.

Edited by johnatters
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When was the last time a pvp guild formed up, and just started hitting the war zones? No forum bs, no loudmouths, no super queue's, no exploits or whatever, just some people who got together to pvp?


TEH also has a habit of doing all of the above. Makes it hard to embrace a new guild when they're running their mouths from their super queue, and losing.


I hear exactly what you're saying, I really do, but I also don't remember the last time a pvp Guild formed up that did themselves any favors in the beginning.


Anyway, just also want to point out that though I've only come across them a couple times on my lowbies I'm leveling, I haven't actually had a negative experience with Anima in game. Literally the only negative experience has been from this fool on the forum, the rest in game seem to play well, and I haven't seen any poor sportsmanship. Perhaps shouldn't persecute the entire guild for the one goon's actions.


Yeah that's why I said it's sort of chicken and egg...was Lancelot a bit trolly to begin with, or was he simply defending his guild. There was a post calling out his guild prior to him ever posting on this site. So he was baited a bit, but I'd say he took it overboard too. I haven't seen Anima super queue, but regular 2-4 man premades and I don't think I've ever seen them trash talk and I've seen them quite a bit on a lowbie I've been leveling.


So, yeah, there's probably plenty blame to get thrown around.

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Wow, a sin complaining about balance. :rak_02: I can and do play both specs, just like all decent shadows should. Now where's your off switch?


I love how you totally missed the point, said point being that madness is laughably OP. Enraged defense in and of itself is broken at the moment, yet I'm able to burn right through that with madness and just sit there giggling at the jugg.


As for my "off switch", if you don't want to get smart*ss comment thrown at you, then you shouldn't go around throwing them around yourself, or at least don't be surprised when one comes your way.

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I love how you totally missed the point, said point being that madness is laughably OP. Enraged defense in and of itself is broken at the moment, yet I'm able to burn right through that with madness and just sit there giggling at the jugg.


As for my "off switch", if you don't want to get smart*ss comment thrown at you, then you shouldn't go around throwing them around yourself, or at least don't be surprised when one comes your way.


I saw your point, and it was irrelevant. I really don't care about what you think about class balance in this game, or anything else for that matter.


Why? Because I don't respect your opinion, and neither does the pvp community. I have friends in many guilds on both factions, and I've never heard a single one say anything good about you. I very rarely go impside and yet I've seen people dissing you on multiple occasions in general chat. How is that even possible? Oh that's right, probably because you're an insufferable drama whore both on the forums and in the game.


And after you started the Anima drama you tell them to stop posting and "let your weapons do the talking." You're right Saeri, that's really *********** ironic coming from you.

Edited by wilcou
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I saw your point, and it was irrelevant. I really don't care about what you think about class balance in this game, or anything else for that matter.


Why? Because I don't respect your opinion, and neither does the pvp community. I have friends in many guilds on both factions, and I've never heard a single one say anything good about you. I very rarely go impside and yet I've seen people dissing you on multiple occasions in general chat. How is that even possible? Oh that's right, probably because you're an insufferable drama whore both on the forums and in the game.


And after you started the Anima drama you tell them to stop posting and "let your weapons do the talking." You're right Saeri, that's really *********** ironic coming from you.


Well I'll have to get back to you when I give a damn what you think of me. I hope you're patient, this could take a while.

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You're able to read my mind and tell what my mood is? Can you tell what I'm thinking right now?


You are thinking you love to respond angrily to my stupid posts? I like you anyway Saya. And I recall you as a lowbie/mid ops that put up good numbers but you struck me as quite arrogant with some of your warzone chat. It was the multiple different players who I ran across like you on imp side on my own team that made me decide to try pubs out. You like to pat yourself on the back quite a bit, which is a bit ironic. But you are a good player.


I am going to step back from the forums and stop engaging people, particularly you, trollishly. Obviously it rubs a lot of people the wrong way and some actually get angry over this stuff. I aint offended or bothered by anyone's opinions, and truthfully if banter on a forum over a game increases the fight in a warzone that doesn't bother me either.


Forums to me is a place to engage the community that you really don't get a chance to talk to ingame, being different teams etc. It's really just a good place to stoke competitive spirit in my eyes. But I see some people find it disrespectful, annoying, etc.


I will just leave it alone now, and continue doing what I always do in the warzones and that's give a good fight. I aint the best, and our guild isn't the best either, with nothing but the best players. I never said that, ever. What I did say is we make the warzone competitive and no matter what tier we are in that much is true. Have fun, and see you in the warzones.


-Van-supra <Anima>

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You are thinking you love to respond angrily to my stupid posts? I like you anyway Saya. And I recall you as a lowbie/mid ops that put up good numbers but you struck me as quite arrogant with some of your warzone chat. It was the multiple different players who I ran across like you on imp side on my own team that made me decide to try pubs out. You like to pat yourself on the back quite a bit, which is a bit ironic. But you are a good player.


I am going to step back from the forums and stop engaging people, particularly you, trollishly. Obviously it rubs a lot of people the wrong way and some actually get angry over this stuff. I aint offended or bothered by anyone's opinions, and truthfully if banter on a forum over a game increases the fight in a warzone that doesn't bother me either.


Forums to me is a place to engage the community that you really don't get a chance to talk to ingame, being different teams etc. It's really just a good place to stoke competitive spirit in my eyes. But I see some people find it disrespectful, annoying, etc.


I will just leave it alone now, and continue doing what I always do in the warzones and that's give a good fight. I aint the best, and our guild isn't the best either, with nothing but the best players. I never said that, ever. What I did say is we make the warzone competitive and no matter what tier we are in that much is true. Have fun, and see you in the warzones.


-Van-supra <Anima>


Right, so making a snarky comment about how someone is "reading minds" makes a person "angry". Man, people never cease to amaze me. As for in-game, I really wouldn't say I'm all that great. I like to think I'm decently good, but I'm by no means amazing and most of my friends I've said that to quite often. Warzone chat is one thing, and I'll be the first to admit that my mouth gets ahead of me a little too often, which as previously stated (in possibly another thread) is something I've been working on as of late, and I'm getting a lot better at it.


That being said; I also admit that I'm probably a little TOO competitive. It always irks me when, for instance, people queue up in PvE gear and proceed to be essentially dead weight. That's because I don't like losing for reasons that are out of my control. No one really "likes" losing at all, but generally if I screw something up and that leads to a loss, at least then I can look at what I did and see what I did wrong, and I'm the same in duels, it exceedingly upsets me if I lose a WZ/duel because of something that I did wrong (i.e. panicking and breaking a CC I shoudn't, etc etc). But in the end, win or loss you can still learn from it, and there's still plenty I can/could learn.


I know I've made a lot of enemies because of my mouth getting ahead of my brain, and I understand perfectly why people don't like me, nor do I fault them for their opinions. However, whether people believe me or not, and that is entirely their discretion, I really don't think I'm all that amazing. I just get ahead of myself with my mouth before my head really kicks in, and once again, it's something I've been working on. I used to run off at least once a WZ, now-a-days it's a lot rarer to happen, as I usually take half a second to think about it and stop myself from being rash and saying some nonsense that I know I shouldn't be saying.


As for <Anima>, well, my first knowledge of your guild was being told by a friend that it was "Catfish's pubside alts". That's what I was told and at the time I had no reason to dig any deeper into the matter. A few days later I did run into your guild in the two matches that I played in lowbies, and yes, it was a loss for your guild, however, it wasn't by a gigantic margin. Now, I don't know if that was an off-day or you guys just weren't que'ing with your top guys at the time. I'm not bashing on you in this post, I'm simply stating my personal experience. So with all that, I'd like to formally apologize to <Anima> for all the nonsense. The vast majority of it was undeserved and I'd like to take it all back.


Anyways, like I said my mouth runs off before my brain kicks in and I'm working on getting better at it. So the community can think of me what it will, and I suppose I can't really change that, or at least it will take a long time to do so, but I'm being sincere here. I'm sorry for all of the bulls**t that I've thrown around this community over the last year or so.



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