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Update prefab vendors with recolors please?


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Dear Bioware,


I know how you could update prefab vendors without you spending much time on it. Do what you usually do with mounts - recolor. Recolor those decorations that the vendors already sell. That's not much to ask, right? Pretty please. :jawa_angel:


In this case recoloring items would be much more appreciated by us. It would add a great deal of color theme variations to our rooms. We are extremely limited by lights, so far we get either blue or yellow/orange. Rugs have the exact same issue.


I see an orange Networked Lamp in Constable’s Pack but that is not the place where I thought we would get recolors from prefab vendors. :(


At the moment what we need the most is green and red variations of all the lights, e.g. Underworld Light Node as there are many decorations that are green/red color based.

Edited by PavSalco
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