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I challenge you all


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What makes you think that anyone takes YOUR crap seriously ? You have to be at least somewhat relevant for people to care about you. You think way highly of yourself.


If anybody takes what an account named churb says seriously, they are either new here or stupid. :rak_01:

Edited by Churb
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or you could do something that actually matters instead of dressing up like a pretty princess in a game that will never have any impact ever


I plan on doing just that. Every October I go to the mall and give free breast exams. The police and judges have told me to stop, but I feel I'm just doing my part.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a scam to induce you to buying more products and lining the pockets of the Susan G. Komen Foundation's executive staff. Very little of the money generated actually goes to doing useful things like research, screenings, or other related medical matters. If you actually want to do something useful for cancer research, donate to the Canadian, or American Cancer Societies, volunteer at hospitals, donate your hair for wigs, your blood for surgeries, sign up for the bone marrow transplant list.


I appreciate the efforts of this thread and support the action 100%. I'll be donning pink in October as a show of support.


I also believe that personal research is always a good thing - and what kamenoko brings up is not without merit. Its worth taking the time to see where your hard earned dollars go.


Excellent practical ideas at the end of that paragraph - crucial, and on point with the medical industry. I'd love to see more members of the community volunteering at the hospital. And don't forget acute care facilities; short-term, long-term, palliative... So much need out there.

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I will take you up on your challenge to raise awareness for breast cancer, because almost everyone in America has never heard of it before, so lots of awareness needs to be raised. However, I will only do this for breast cancer, not any of the other type of cancer patient. Those losers....get your own month! Stop trying to steal breast cancer's limelight!


I realize that out of everything pink I buy, only a fraction of a penny goes to actual cancer research, but there's just nothing better than giving myself that smug feeling of being 'informed' and proactive when I'm actually doing nothing.

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I will take you up on your challenge to raise awareness for breast cancer, because almost everyone in America has never heard of it before, so lots of awareness needs to be raised. However, I will only do this for breast cancer, not any of the other type of cancer patient. Those losers....get your own month! Stop trying to steal breast cancer's limelight!


I realize that out of everything pink I buy, only a fraction of a penny goes to actual cancer research, but there's just nothing better than giving myself that smug feeling of being 'informed' and proactive when I'm actually doing nothing.


Don't forget to like those facebook posts and retweet those tweets!

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Pretty sure the vast majority of people know what breast cancer is... How about getting your warm fuzzy feeling fix by raising awareness of diseases that actually NEED it?


Gastric motility diseases like gastroparesis, dysautonomic diseases like POTS, etc. Diseases like those have almost no advocacy, zero treatment, and terrible funding and yet can be as debilitating as cancers in cases. The death tolls aren't as high but they're very serious diseases and they don't have large groups of bandwagoners to wear certain colors or to throw money at a charity that only donates 10% to actual research.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a scam to induce you to buying more products and lining the pockets of the Susan G. Komen Foundation's executive staff. Very little of the money generated actually goes to doing useful things like research, screenings, or other related medical matters. If you actually want to do something useful for cancer research, donate to the Canadian, or American Cancer Societies, volunteer at hospitals, donate your hair for wigs, your blood for surgeries, sign up for the bone marrow transplant list.


Chances are (if you live in a Western nation) you will die of one of the following (these stats are from the USA / 2010):


Heart disease: 596,577

Cancer: 576,691

Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,943

Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,932

Accidents (unintentional injuries): 126,438

Alzheimer's disease: 84,974

Diabetes: 73,831

Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,826

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,591

Intentional self-harm (suicide): 39,518


(Source: CDC 2010 stats. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm)


However, Federal Taxpayer dollars are not spent in accordance with your liklihood of dying of a particular disease:


Government (your tax dollars) spent on:



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