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Darth Revan again?


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I'm a bit miffed at how Revan's been treated (not the least of which being a previous PC for crying out loud). I can sort of get over how his relationship with Bastila was trampled and how they brought him back in the first place, but honestly the whole "Foundry" arch was a bit bogus in my opinion. Revan of ALL people should have seen that coming.


And now? What EXACTLY is he trying to achieve anyway? I haven't played through the Republic side of "Forged Alliances" yet so I don't know what is going on with that end.


Maybe it's just me, but the endgame for these new Revanites has never been entirely clear to me. Thus far all they've REALLY done is Rakatan tech Cyborgs (and ominous prisoner treatment). I can't really see where Revan is going with this, especially now that Vitiate is apparently dead and gone.

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everyone knows its not really Revan, its clearly the Emperor who is possessing him and for some reason Malgus is back too :p


Though I'm sure you're kidding, Bioware would never waste away three of their main villains in a single expansion nowadays. Malgus, assuming he comes back - which I hope he doesn't BTW - will take a rain check.

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Though I'm sure you're kidding, Bioware would never waste away three of their main villains in a single expansion nowadays. Malgus, assuming he comes back - which I hope he doesn't BTW - will take a rain check.


and why not? they did exactly that in the games initial release. Revan was killed, Malgus killed, and Vitalle killed....


course now Revan is back..most likely Vitalle will be too..and Malgus probably..so uh...


seeing as how they "wasted away three of their main villains" initially in the games base storylines....why would this be any different?


granted I doubt it's the case...I'm just making a point..they already did exactly what you claim they'd never do. At least we were lead to believe...and who's to say whoever we "kill" in this expansion will stay dead (again)


that's why bringing people back is stupid...if they wanted to use Revan/Vitalle/Malgus..they NEVER should have had us "kill" them in the first place.

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and why not? they did exactly that in the games initial release. Revan was killed, Malgus killed, and Vitalle killed....


Revan wasn't killed, he disappeared in a flash of light. Malgus, at the time the game was launched, fell down a reactor shaft and the Hero of Tython supposedly killed the Voice and NOT the Emperor.


You better get your facts straight.

(...) course now Revan is back..most likely Vitalle will be too..and Malgus probably..so uh... (...)


Bioware is not going to throw three of the greatest baddies in the game into one single expansion. :rolleyes:

seeing as how they "wasted away three of their main villains" initially in the games base storylines....why would this be any different?


Again, read or check your facts.

granted I doubt it's the case...I'm just making a point..they already did exactly what you claim they'd never do. At least we were lead to believe...and who's to say whoever we "kill" in this expansion will stay dead (again)


You're not making a point at all, seeing that everything you said in your post was inaccurate.

that's why bringing people back is stupid...if they wanted to use Revan/Vitalle/Malgus..they NEVER should have had us "kill" them in the first place.


^^ Up.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Lol we never killed Revan before, HE JUST VANISHED. Don't understand what's so hard to get about it. So technically when we kill him in most likely the Op he's in, then that will be his first real 'Death'. So Bioware isn't bringing him back from the dead,he's never been dead yet....


Same goes for the emperor, he's not dead....


The only person that most likely is dead is Malgus.

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All i can say about this Revan business , is that in the new expansion they have better give an ending where i see his corpse and give me the ability to to cut his head off with a vibro knife so i can then use it as door mat for one of my strongholds and this should happen in the first encounter of the first new FP that we play in 3.0, he doesn't deserve an operation boss spot. I literally can't express how much i hate the fact that the story of the new expansion revolves around a character that should have never apeared in this game at all ( the misterious ending from KOTOR2 was great , it left it to the interpretation of the gamer what happend with him , it should have remained like that ) or he should have died in the foundry , and btw , Byoware actually had him dead at the end of the FP , but the tears of fanboys made BW to change the ending .


I mean , i really don't understand what is everyone so riled up about this guy ( i loved his story in KOTOR 1 and 2 , but that should have been the end of him ) , he got brainwashed and wanted to "save" the republic by conquering the galaxy , then he got redeemed by Bastila , that was awesome and then he went back for more and became the emperor's jack in the box for 3 centuries , and because hes all buthurt and angry with everyone because the emperor made him his lil ***** . Seriously , the guy is brain dead at the moment , this being his second attempt at mass genocide in this game alone and obviously its going to fail , since there is no lore mentioning what he does , then again the lore is being written as we play the game so a more logical reason for this attempt's failure would be that the game would end if he succeed , so... yeah...


Why exactly is he still alive ? :( The title should be : "Ugh... This guy again ?!..." Hes like a mosquito that is really annoying and he just keep popping up again just when you thought you were done with it.

Edited by Kayriel
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All i can say about this Revan business , is that in the new expansion they have better give an ending where i see his corpse and give me the ability to to cut his head off with a vibro knife so i can then use it as door mat for one of my strongholds and this should happen in the first encounter of the first new FP that we play in 3.0, he doesn't deserve an operation boss spot. I literally can't express how much i hate the fact that the story of the new expansion revolves around a character that should have never apeared in this game at all ( the misterious ending from KOTOR2 was great , it left it to the interpretation of the gamer what happend with him , it should have remained like that ) or he should have died in the foundry , and btw , Byoware actually had him dead at the end of the FP , but the tears of fanboys made BW to change the ending .


This.^ I don't freakin' know how to say about all this Revan-around-BSt more precisely, than this one. Enough of Revan, really. I'm a fan of KOTOR series, but also i'm older than 14, so i think Revan should have died long ago..:rak_07:

Edited by TGaP_Andrey
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