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Thermal Regulators are not available from jawas?


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Thanks to conquesting I have a huge stock of artifact jawa junk I was going to spend to gear up my alt. Unfortunately, I discovered that thermal regulators are not available from the vendor. Why are some artifact materials on there but some aren't? If sterilization kits are on there, I feel like thermal regulators should be too.
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Thanks to conquesting I have a huge stock of artifact jawa junk I was going to spend to gear up my alt. Unfortunately, I discovered that thermal regulators are not available from the vendor. Why are some artifact materials on there but some aren't? If sterilization kits are on there, I feel like thermal regulators should be too.


Side note, you actually don't want thermal regs there, or the game quickly goes pay to win.


Why? Because while you got your jawa junk from conquests, many people get it from cartel packs. If you can get best in slot gear from items from cartel packs, that crosses a line.


All the mats from the jawa vendors make just slightly below best in slot items, as it should be.

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Why? Because while you got your jawa junk from conquests, many people get it from cartel packs. If you can get best in slot gear from items from cartel packs, that crosses a line.

I understand the point you're making, but you should realize that this particular line you're talking about was crossed when patch 1.5 added the Cartel Market.


Players were able to spend real-world cash to buy CM packs, sell them on the GTN, and use the credits to purchase 150-rated gear on the GTN (Best in Slot at the time).


This wouldn't be any different from buying CM packs, opening them, getting Jawa Junk, buying TRs, and getting 156-rated augments.


That said, I think it's a good thing that TRs are not at the vendor. I believe it's less about "crossing the line", and more about making sure that the Crew Skill of Slicing is still relevant for crafters.

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With the advent of GSH the thermal regulators price has dropped substantially from what I've seen to the point it's no longer one of the most valuable items to gatheri so in terms of pure credit value leaving them out of jawa vendor in terms of pay to play no longer stands up since you can get items that seller better from the jawa vendor.


I don't see any harm in them adding the material in personally except as someone said it would make slicing even less valuable. Since GSH I actually gave up slicing and started fresh on another gathering skill since I'm finding it to be one of the worst gathering skills now in terms of value now - not one of the best ( in pure running mission terms, not running around hitting nodes all day which is utterly boring and a waste of time since there are far easier way to make much more money ).

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With the advent of GSH the thermal regulators price has dropped substantially from what I've seen to the point it's no longer one of the most valuable items to gather

Crafted augments on Begeren Colony are running around 90k-108k, which is pretty close to what it was pre-2.9. On the one hand, people have fewer credits. On the other hand, I think a lot of crafters are spending time on Conquests, so there isn't as much competition.


Basically, I'm still making the same profit as I was a month ago.


How much are they running for on your server?

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That's end product though. I'm talking pure Thermal Regs, no idea on augment market as I never produced those, I was using slicing for therms etc. but it's really not as great a gathering skill as many make out hence my changing from it.


Before I changed I had seen TR's sit around 9-10k for a week or so then rise back up to a high of 14-15k then drop back down again. Not sure what they are on Harb right now as I'm not at home to check but I did note one crew skill thath ad it's purple mats I needed for crafting that 3 different purps of 3 different levels were going for over 10k which I changed to and another I use on my main toon has I think 4 purps going for 10-15k.


So if they Augs are still selling the same and the therms have dropped well that's just more profit margin for the crafters to enjoy. :)

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On jung ma they're going for 20k ea at their lowest. Its very painful to augment an alt, even when I can craft the augments. Hence why I wish I could use my purple jawa junk to buy em. I'm not made of money.

You should check out the prices of other purple materials that ARE purchasable with Jawa Junk. Almost every material from Underworld Trading, Slicing, Investigation and Diplomacy are used for crafting these days.


It's a safe bet that several of these are in demand on the GTN and are selling for a high price.


Use Jawa Junk to buy those, sell them on GTN, then use the credits you just made to buy Thermal Regulators.


Easy peasy.

Edited by Khevar
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You should check out the prices of other purple materials that ARE purchasable with Jawa Junk. Almost every material from Underworld Trading, Slicing, Investigation and Diplomacy are used for crafting these days.


It's a safe bet that several of these are in demand on the GTN and are selling for a high price.


Use Jawa Junk to buy those, sell them on GTN, then use the credits you just made to buy Thermal Regulators.


Easy peasy.


Yea, but that would be... work, and require thinking, and such...


MUCH easier to just come here and complain. :)

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Yea, but that would be... work, and require thinking, and such...


MUCH easier to just come here and complain. :)


Or they do like the idiots buying twi'lek dancers with CM Certificates....buy the one thing that sells for less and has a lot of competition and end up with 200K per cert instead of somewhere north of 500K-700K had they bought something else to sale.

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