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Question about armor


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I see these armors sold in the store but when I check the stats they are like -400 this, -500 that etc etc, why in the world would I buy them when any prototype armor has better stats, I know the stuff about adding mods to them, but even adding mods the stats still are worst than what I get even from green armors of the same level?
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I know the stuff about adding mods to them, but even adding mods the stats still are worst than what I get even from green armors of the same level?


If you use armoring, mods, and enhancements of a comparable level to the greens or Prototypes, the orange (Custom, Adaptive) gear will have very similar stats. There are plenty of cases where you can find Prototype gear that has higher stats in areas that you want them (example: Its easier to get Defense from a Prototype than from Enhancements ... unless you're a Cybertech and you make them yourself). However, you're just as likely to find Prototypes that give you stats in things that you don't care about. I just saw a nice level 53 Prototype chest piece drop. It had higher Cunning than the orange armor my healer was using.... except that my healer was using armor that boosted Power and Alacrity, and the Prototype gave them Shield and Absorb... which is useless for any Cunning user. The increase in Cunning (+20) wasn't worth dropping the increase in Power (+40?).


That is why orange Custom gear is better. You get to pick where the stats are concentrated.

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