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Two hypothetical new classes (WARNING: Very long read! Worth it!)


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These are two classes my sister and I drew up while brainstorming what we would love to see added into the game. I realize the logistical nightmare of actually incorporating new classes, but for those who hang in there with me on this, you may appreciate this. Enjoy!




Class- Armsdealer/Super weapon engineer

Star Wars inspiration (Moff Tarkin and the Death Star)

Starting planet: Jungle moon of Dxun

Ship: A solar sailing skiff that looks kind of like a pirate ship, where the solar sails are retractable in combat.


Silver- Personal custom built assistant droid

Titus Tarkin- Protege and brilliant weapons designer

Maxx- Sullustan chemical engineering expert

Rynn Vollis: Daughter of Moff, Imperial operative

Vade- Female renegade Voss assassin and poison expert


What follows is an in depth overview of first chapter






You start out making a crash landing on the Jungle moon of Dxun. Your ship was brought down by a Mandalorian patrol. Your co-pilot/Initial companion is your custom built protocol droid which was damaged in the crash. You are captured by a Mandalorian patrol and brought before the commander who demands to know who you are and what you're doing in Imperial space running weapons. You explain you are an engineer and was looking to find receptive ears in the Empire for some of your "little projects".

The chief offers to have your droid and ship fixed if you agree to help investigate weapons caches on the moon. You prove yourself hunting Jungle beasts, taking Mandalorian challenges and finding Old Mandalorian War weapons caches and data recordings.

The Mandalorian chief eventually fixes your protocol droid but your ship isn't ready yet, so he shuttles you to Dromund Kaas, the Imps will appreciate your genius.


Upon arriving on the capital world you approach the military with Mandalorian backing with data you found on Dxun. At the end of the Mandalorian war there were plans found suggesting the Republic was going to deploy a super weapon, the mass shadow generator. You propose to improve the design and add your own modifications, if the Imperial military agrees to give you carte Blanche in another weapons project, your designs to create a "space worthy portable/automated weapons platform" project name: Meteor. (Not sure what lore says, but perhaps Sidious looked to the old Sith Empire for inspiration on his Death Star?) They agree and you begin reporting to the Moff council and through them the Dark Council.


Chapter 1:


Balmorra- You are meeting up with your protege and former lab assistant, the human Titus Tarkin, who is now lead researcher with a balmoran arms factory. With the occupation he has been collaborating with the Imperials but needs your help to reclaim his research notes on components for the "Meteor" project. You explain to your protege that you are redeveloping the Mass Shadow generator in return the Empire will fund meteor.


Nar Shaada- You approach the Hutts on the smuggler's moon to find components for the mass shadow generator. You learn through underworld sources that there is a Sullustan, Known only as Maxx, who studied the engineer Bao Dur's work, and knows he was architect of the first Mass Shadow generator had been on Nar Shaada and kept a storehouse with equipment for the Republic war effort during the Mandalorian Wars. Hutt space was the best option for quietly assembling weapons components without drawing attention. You unlock the storehouse and are closer to your goal. The Sullustan is a chemical expert/healer for your crew.


Tatooine- Having secured your protege and a chemical engineer you assemble what you have so far and test the modified mass shadow generator in the deserts of Tatooine. However, there is a Mandalorian who resents that his ancestors burned at Malachor 5 because of the Mass Shadiow generator, and for his own reasons doesn't want it used again. He sabotages your test and attempts to kill you and Moff Vollis, the representative present to supervise the test. You kill the Mandalorian and save the Moff, but the Empire is disappointed, leaving you without funding for your larger project.


Alderaan- Desperate for funding after the Tatooine debacle you approach the wealthy nobles of House Thul for help. Moff Vollis' daughter is on assignment on Alderaan as an Imperial Diplomat. She makes introductions on your behalf after realizing you saved her father's life. In return for Thul funding you will develop a new star fighter/bomber design for them. You do, and the Empire forgives the Mass Shadow Generator failure as you test the new bomber on a remote Republic listening post. The Empire is convinced you can get the weapons projects back on track, and you are tasked with continuing additional avenues of research.


:: That's a comprehensive taste of where that plot would be going.::




(This was our personal favorite.)


Class- Politician/Senator

Star Wars inspiration Padme, Leia and Lando

Starting planet- Telos

Ship- Specialized shuttle, very modern interior


Sal- Chiss gangster and liaison to the shadowy "Corporation"

Leandra Zellos- Coruscant Security and special Senate Investigator

Roddy Blake- Flashy Twi'lek media personality and PR rep

Travellian Sephton- Former political rival and Doctor

Mariah Dayne- Former Imperial Intelligence now Pirate




You start out as a war orphan on Telos. You are taken in by the planets favorite Senator who is your patron and mentor; Senator Xanatos Ravell. You meet his fellow Senator Delilah Chandrix. As you are starting out you are assisting one of Xanatos's primary backers, a Chiss gangster, Malcolm Sallet. You help "Sal" collect debts and "campaign contributions" from underworld contacts. He explains Xanatos' campaign to root out corporate corruption has drawn dangerous enemies, and turning to certain underworld elements became necessary. Unfortunately Xanatos is assassinated, allegedly by Black Sun, so you are made his temporary replacement as you investigate his murder and travel to Coruscant to keep tabs on his primary focus, the vote regarding Czerka war time neutrality.


On Coruscant you fill Delilah in on Xanatos' murder and she assigns Senate special investigator Leandra Zellos to help you bring the Black Sun assassins to justice. Over the course of your inquiries you learn Czerka ultimately orchestrated your mentor's murder, but while your suspicions are confirmed you do not have enough actionable evidence to yet make a legal case to bring the perpetrators to justice. Sal and Leandra come with you to try and convince Delilah to grant you investigative powers and temporary stewardship of Xanatos' vacant seat in the Senate; however you will need to secure votes to be officially named Senator pro tempore. You will need to assist with important Rebublic relief efforts in order to win the necessary votes. Named special senate envoy from Telos you act with deputy powers to assist on Taris, and Alderaan. With this new authority you pursue leads on worlds on which Czerka is operating. You vow to prove their corruption and involvement in Xanatos' murder.


Chapter 1:


Taris- With Republic relief efforts ongoing you participate to heal the planet and earn the goodwill of Governor Saresh who will be able to write a recommendation on your behalf. With a planetary governor's backing you could be named to the special investigations branch of the Senate. As pro tempore Senator from Telos you have some authority, but work to solidify it to avenge your mentor.


Nar Shaada- Telos votes to make your position in Xanatos Ravell's vacant seat official. With your authority now affirmed, you travel to Nar Shaada to plumb the underworlds depths searching for any further evidence linking Black Sun and Czerka. You begin to uncover a budding conspiracy in which a sect amid Czerka's board of directors is plotting to supply the Empire covertly. You disrupt the Nar Shaada smuggling ring and finally gather a lead linking Czerka to Xanatos' murder.


Tatooine- You learn on Tatooine that Czerka's special projects has been developing new technologies for the Empire with Republic funds. This was the corruption Xanatos was catching on to, and thus you flush out a member of the board. The Czerka board member overseeing the weapons tests explains under questioning that there is a sizable minority within the Czerka board who feel it is more profitable to play both sides. He admits to complicity in planning Xanatos' murder but says he was ordered to do so by a shadowy third party. He tells you the board will be convening soon, but that there are Czerka officials on Alderaan brokering deals among the noble houses hoping to profit from the civil strife. You either arrest or kill him, with Alderaan as your final destination.


Alderaan- Having discovered the evidence you needed you help the Republic on Alderaan while ferreting out the meeting place of the treacherous Czerka board members. You learn they were supplying all the major Houses. However, You learn from an Organa noble that one of the board members was overheard mentioning a space station and in return for your promised support in her bid for Senate she passes along the location of the board meeting.


End of chapter mission:


You travel to the space station, confront the treacherous board members and learn of a larger conspiracy at work in the heart of the Republics corporate institutions...




I want to thank anyone who made it to the end for your patience and indulgence. Please feel free to elaborate/chime in. I could keep fleshing this out with details, tie it together a little tighter, but for the most part I wanted to get our ideas out there among Star Wars fans who'd appreciate enjoying new classes even if for only a brief read! :)

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The empire class could be released,but will,not happen anyways,about the senator/politician there is combat in this gam and i don't see any kind of usefull combat abilities for a politician.


I can already imagine the dulfy article.


"State of the Republic is a core part of the rotation for all Senator specs and should be used on CD. The effects change based on stance. In Filibuster, State of the Republic applies a DoT poison effect to your target and reduces its accuracy by 5% for the duration. While in Toothy Grin stance, it deals high kinetic damage and makes your next Gesticulate a guaranteed critical. State of the Republic works slightly differently in Under the Table stance, in that it is only usable from behind the target and immediately procs six stacks of Backbencher, dramatically increasing Vote of Confidence damage."

Edited by DogeDandolo
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I can already imagine the dulfy article.


"State of the Republic is a core part of the rotation for all Senator specs and should be used on CD. The effects change based on stance. In Filibuster, State of the Republic applies a DoT poison effect to your target and reduces its accuracy by 5% for the duration. While in Toothy Grin stance, it deals high kinetic damage and makes your next Gesticulate a guaranteed critical. State of the Republic works slightly differently in Under the Table stance, in that it is only usable from behind the target and immediately procs six stacks of Backbencher, dramatically increasing Vote of Confidence damage."


:D love that

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i can already imagine the dulfy article.


"state of the republic is a core part of the rotation for all senator specs and should be used on cd. The effects change based on stance. In filibuster, state of the republic applies a dot poison effect to your target and reduces its accuracy by 5% for the duration. While in toothy grin stance, it deals high kinetic damage and makes your next gesticulate a guaranteed critical. State of the republic works slightly differently in under the table stance, in that it is only usable from behind the target and immediately procs six stacks of backbencher, dramatically increasing vote of confidence damage."



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How about "RAISE TAXES" which generates an enormous amount of threat.


How about "VOTE FOR ME" which does the opposite of a taunt which immobilizes. With "VOTE FOR ME" the enemy is lulled into a sense of false security with promises, causing the foe to drop his guard, just before the attack.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
spelling, grammar, more info
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