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For 3.0, give us a third choice for class missions.


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We have the standard Pub and Imp missions but now we should have a third storyline that is built in.

Dark Jedis have a problem in that there is no real way to act on it since you need to follow the "light path". If you ran Jedi Knight on Voss - remember the scene at the end of the class missions? Not to spoil but "push" was what my Dark Jedi would have done.

Light Sith (Revanite) is easier to play but maybe that's personal story line with my Warrior where she is still pro-Empire but wants to show that fighting for the Empire can be done in the right way.

Smuggler and Bounty Hunter. Some want to stay neutral and play both sides of the galaxy against each other. Especially given the story where neither the Republic or the Empire control the galaxy, there's no real reason a smuggler should be pro-Pub/anti-Imp or vice-versa for Bounty Hunters.


So give us a third optional story line where the Empire tries to entice us and the Republic doesn't trust us but hesitates to completely dismiss us. Our personal goal is to dethrone the Emperor and Supreme Chancellor and take power.* For Jedi Knight & Counselor you need to be Dark I or higher and for Revanites it is Light I or higher. For Smugglers and Bounty Hunters it is neutral. The new Advance Class combines elements from the Pub and Imp side so Dark Jedi/Revanites could have both Force Lightning and Force Wave for example.


I'm thinking given the story line that a neutral Agent would also fit into this very easily and would a neutral Trooper lead a junta? I think so. Again this is an optional line so my Trooper whose "does what's best for the Republic even if it's Dark Side because the military has to make the hard choices" is neutral but can still choose to follow the Pub storyline.


*It would be awesome if your success depended on choices you made throughout the storyline. Someone you have a choice to execute may come back and help you or work against you. The question is how that works for the next expansion if you could either be Supreme Emperor or in a prison waiting to be executed. There is a way where the two threads could be tied back together as deposed yourself/escape from prison and so you're on the run hunted by both Pub and Imp.



How would you write a third storyline and what classes/alignment would qualify and would it be optional or mandatory?

Edited by EllieAnne
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Oh look it's another post asking for a third faction or faction change or something.


In all seriousness, it's not going to happen. The work involved would be immense and the player base just doesn't want it badly enough to justify spending that time and manpower on the project. See also: new classes, new class stories. New ACs would be borderline; there's a small but reasonable chance that we'll see those, by my estimation.

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New AC... not in 3.0. It's still going to be hell to balance.


Right now the game is steaming toward the meta of "PvP DPS spec, PvE DPS spec, heal-or-tank spec" for each class.


Some classes have it better than others. For some all specs are viable, while for others PvE in one spec is impossible due to its reliance on backstab, PvP in the other is impossible because it's all-DoT.


I do wish Smugglers and Bounty Hunters were sort-of-cross-faction classes, with access to all faction planets except for noobworlds and capital worlds, and more of cross-faction stories, with a requirement to pick a faction when they get the ship - would be easy enough to implement and wouldn't give them the OP ability to attack both - but it's far too late now.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Oh look it's another post asking for a third faction or faction change or something.


In all seriousness, it's not going to happen. The work involved would be immense and the player base just doesn't want it badly enough to justify spending that time and manpower on the project. See also: new classes, new class stories. New ACs would be borderline; there's a small but reasonable chance that we'll see those, by my estimation.


You never know. A year ago, BW was saying how Guild Ships were impossible.


Now look.


There is alot BW can do with the Hero Engine (Despite it being a stubborn P.O.S), that they don't know they can do.


I honestly believe there might be a third faction coming, even if they integrate it in a small way where you can "switch" over to it after you get past a certain point in the new story and have a few pre-requisites such as the Taral/Foundry FPs, HK-51, etc;.


Either way, you can never know for sure.


Even what I said may not be possible, but i'd rather be hopeful about such things than be a pessimist about things =)



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You never know. A year ago, BW was saying how Guild Ships were impossible.


Now look.


There is alot BW can do with the Hero Engine (Despite it being a stubborn P.O.S), that they don't know they can do.


I honestly believe there might be a third faction coming, even if they integrate it in a small way where you can "switch" over to it after you get past a certain point in the new story and have a few pre-requisites such as the Taral/Foundry FPs, HK-51, etc;.


Either way, you can never know for sure.


Even what I said may not be possible, but i'd rather be hopeful about such things than be a pessimist about things =)




they never said guild ships where impossiable. indeed they'd said they where working on them, and they needed to address some challanges. but they openly said it was being worked on

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Oh look it's another post asking for a third faction or faction change or something.


In all seriousness, it's not going to happen. The work involved would be immense and the player base just doesn't want it badly enough to justify spending that time and manpower on the project. See also: new classes, new class stories. New ACs would be borderline; there's a small but reasonable chance that we'll see those, by my estimation.


This... While I tend to agree with the OP, a third faction (the hutts would be nice) would be a nice addition, it just isn't going to happen.

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We have the standard Pub and Imp missions but now we should have a third storyline that is built in.


They're never going to do something like that. It would require a significant resource investment on something players might never see.


Let's say they have the resources to do 2 campaigns that are several hours long for each faction. If you were to throw a third faction into that mix it would end up detracting what they could deliver with the Republic and Imperial campaigns, not to mention who knows what other areas of the game. Suddenly what was a 8 hour Imperial campaign is now a 3 to 4 hour experience due to doing this third faction thing.


Btw that's how all game development works. You can't have the cake and eat it too, especially with this game. Doing something that major would/could severely hurt other areas of the game.


Honestly the only way a third faction really works as this point is if they just ditch the two existing factions. Is that what you'd rather have. In other words you wouldn't have 3 factions but rather 1 single unified factions.


The sky is not the limit with TOR the way so many people want to believe it is.


Dark Jedis have a problem in that there is no real way to act on it since you need to follow the "light path". If you ran Jedi Knight on Voss - remember the scene at the end of the class missions? Not to spoil but "push" was what my Dark Jedi would have done.


Light Sith (Revanite) is easier to play but maybe that's personal story line with my Warrior where she is still pro-Empire but wants to show that fighting for the Empire can be done in the right way.


Here's the thing though. There really isn't a Light Side vs Dark Side in the game. You can't really be a "good" or "evil" character as far as the game's class stories go, because so much of them are pre-determined. You might make the "Dark Side" choice as a Jedi, but in many instances all that means is that you're doing what's best for the Republic instead of the Jedi Order, or you're putting the needs of the many before the needs of the few.


The whole Light/Dark system doesn't really make any sense in this game and honestly is just an old holdover from KOTOR that they felt they needed to have in the game, when in reality they didn't. It would've made for a better game/experience if didn't have visual indicators or numeric stats tied to your decisions.


Imagine how differently a number of people would've played or rather the choices they would've made if there was no visual indicator of a Light/Dark choice, or if they didn't lose affection with companions. You'd have way more people making what they thought was the best choice for them rather than the "Good/Evil" choice or the thing that would satisfy their companion. All the choices that are there now would still be there but you the player would be the judge of what's right, wrong, good, evil, etc, instead of the game dictating it through a poorly designed system.


Anyways pack to my point, you can't really be a Dark Jedi because you're always going to be the Hero of Tython. You're always going to do good things in many situations that you have no choice in, and that's not something that's going to change.


You're asking for them to do branching class stories when they can't even continue with the singular path ones they already have.

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I'd love to see alternative class arcs too. Not complicated branching alternatives, not even necessarily morality based.


For example, the Jedi Knight is asked to join a big quest. What if you turn it down, have a smaller quest you deal with, plus implications from not being in the big quest.


Or, in Chapter 3, Smugglers are offered a new position. Turn it down, be going a bit more underground, etc.

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I'd love to see alternative class arcs too. Not complicated branching alternatives, not even necessarily morality based.


For example, the Jedi Knight is asked to join a big quest. What if you turn it down, have a smaller quest you deal with, plus implications from not being in the big quest.


Or, in Chapter 3, Smugglers are offered a new position. Turn it down, be going a bit more underground, etc.


You can't really do branching stuff, because it all needs to lead to the same place. You could never have the JK turn down something like a class quest because it ends being that part 3 the leads to part 4.


They're also never going to put in a big quest that you can turn down for something smaller, because they don't want to do that big quest work and not have anyone see it or make players feel like they missed out on something by not doing that major quest.


There is a Dark Side choice on Tython for the JK that leads to a sub plot that doesn't resolve until Corellia that doesn't exist in the Light Side playthrough. There's also a Dark Side choice on Belsavis I think it is that leads to a small one off side quest.


^Those are the types of things that are doable and actually a bit more fun, however it still involves content that players can miss out on, which I don't think they'll do at this point anymore. Better to focus those resources on adding more content that everybody can get to see and experience, or rather that's how they're always going to look at. Had TOR been the WoW like success they planned on it being, things might have been different, but that's not the case.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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You never know. A year ago, BW was saying how Guild Ships were impossible.


Now look.


There is alot BW can do with the Hero Engine (Despite it being a stubborn P.O.S), that they don't know they can do.


I honestly believe there might be a third faction coming, even if they integrate it in a small way where you can "switch" over to it after you get past a certain point in the new story and have a few pre-requisites such as the Taral/Foundry FPs, HK-51, etc;.


Either way, you can never know for sure.


Even what I said may not be possible, but i'd rather be hopeful about such things than be a pessimist about things =)




I agree it's better to optimistic, but I have to agree with the poster above you. A third faction is simply not happening. I think the most we can hopeful and this is a huge stretch, is perhaps new ACs. But there won't be any faction swapping of any kind.

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they never said guild ships where impossiable. indeed they'd said they where working on them, and they needed to address some challanges. but they openly said it was being worked on


Actually they did say this quite often when asked about it in cantina tours. Whenever they were asked they stated it was not possible due to mechanics and server stability.

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