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Nar Shaddaa Solarium - Huge disappointment


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Such a big and expensive room and so much wasted space. Only half of the room is covered with hooks and there are huge gaps between them.

Hook Layout

Even if you use up every single hook, the room still looks totally empty.


Was it so hard to fill those gaps with some small or medium hooks, so we could at least place some potted plants or statues there, Devs? :mad:


I really regret unlocking that room...

Edited by Sindariel
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I don't mind hooks but the landing pad is poor. It is off-center and it doesn't have any other hooks except a ship hook. There is no bridge that we could use to go there either.


Yeah I thought we would have some method of actually getting to the ship pad once we had one. But nope it just sits off there all by itself =/

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Yeah I thought we would have some method of actually getting to the ship pad once we had one. But nope it just sits off there all by itself =/


Smugglers and Agents can easily roll over to the landing pad, I guess force speed might help too.

Biggest letdown is that the ship is just a 1:2 model of the real starship.


You also can roll over to the solarium - you can't place anything without unlocking it, but you can inspect the whole layout, even jump on a ledge and take a peek trough the antechamber's windows. Personally I'm fine without unlocking the antechamber and solarium for my smuggler's casino. I just paced Vette and Temple on the stairs and pretend the stairway is a stage for a special holo-show. ;)

Edited by Mubrak
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