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Will the new group finder system be ready for 3.0 ?


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A few months ago someone asked a BioWare dev about the group finder. The reply was that they know that the group finder isn't the best and that it would take a long time to make a new one. We all know that the current GF was rushed , to quell the unhappy users who wanted such a system in place.


So that's the background and now , well I'm not sure where to start. I have noticed the old bugs are still there but also the GF just doesn't work properly for a group of 3 queuing up. It might be memory leak related , well I'm pretty sure it is. So I have worked out a number of work around's but in all fairness it just might not be worth it anymore. I shall explain.

So the part that bothers my two friends and I is that the 10 elite for the daily tactical random GF is very very hard to get in a party of three. We have to all quit out the game per character change and also if whilst queuing the forth member doesn't click join before the two mins timer is up then we all have to quit fully out again. Another part of it is that if someone joins and leaves and you get the choose roles menu box appear again no 10 elite. So therefore if we have a problem player we can't boot them for any reason ever. It just isn't working at all. It is so bad we that we are thinking of just pin pointing say the two czerka FP's and do the dailys for comms and / or just doing hammer station 3 times for comms , which won't be fun for very long I can assure you.


So the title of the thread is my question to the devs at BioWare.


Will the new group finder system be ready for 3.0 ? The current version just doesn't work anymore.





Edited by BadOrb
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The biggest issue with group finder isn't so much the tool itself, as it is the players.


1) not everyone wants to make full runs for the weekly, should really have to options, a full run and a weekly run.

2) players who are not committed and/or quit causing problems, making it difficult to find replacements.

3) quality of players using group find. Lets be honest, players who are good at ops are in guildswho may use GF to pug a player here and there for filler and are willing to carry them if necessary. This would typically be DPS, if you are using GF for primary roles of tanks, good luck have fun.

4) player distribution. The biggest hit on GF is the number of tanks and healers, mainly as a reinforcement of #3 above where, and be honest, the types of DPS you get from GF and less than cordial causing tanks to not want to use GF.


I think they are working the solution as best as they can, by addressing the root cause of the issues. If you have more tactical FPs you need fewer tanks and everyone is happ(y/ier). The biggest thing against GF is people using it for ways that were not intended, mainly for free comms. Guilds getting a full group, then using GF for the extra free comms, and wonder why its hard to 'add" someone from guild while bypassing the tool.

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I think they are working the solution as best as they can, by addressing the root cause of the issues. If you have more tactical FPs you need fewer tanks and everyone is happ(y/ier). The biggest thing against GF is people using it for ways that were not intended, mainly for free comms. Guilds getting a full group, then using GF for the extra free comms, and wonder why its hard to 'add" someone from guild while bypassing the tool.


Not sure what you mean here, i think it's perfectly legal to form a party of 4 people and join a FP via the GF. In fact we actually did this the other day as we where sick and tired of the people not joining in the 2 min window so we then bugged out on our 10 elite for the day. When we tried on the imperial side later on we didn't get much luck might have been the way I worded my advert. I got replies saying " your GF is borked ? D: ".





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Not sure what you mean here, i think it's perfectly legal to form a party of 4 people and join a FP via the GF. In fact we actually did this the other day as we where sick and tired of the people not joining in the 2 min window so we then bugged out on our 10 elite for the day. When we tried on the imperial side later on we didn't get much luck might have been the way I worded my advert. I got replies saying " your GF is borked ? D: ".






Was thinking more about OPS rather than FPs.


Guild gets 8 people grouped, then "queues" for the group finder to get the extra coms for having used group finder. during which someone drops and needs to be replaced. Instead of just using GF to find a replacement (so group member gets the comms) they drop group. reform with a new guild member, then queue again. BAsically just using GF as a means for extra comms and not using it as a means to forming groups.


for flashpoints, GF is basically a randomizer used to "pick" which group finder flashpoint(s) to do.


So rather than a means for forming groups, the tool is more used to extra comms and or selection process. Since most users still use "LFG" on fleet to actually form the group, and just use the GF as a means to complete missions and the comms it gives.

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I don't know. The GF seems to work well for me. Maybe it's just because my main is a tank, and my alt a healer. I usually don't have long waits.


I have solo queued into GF Ops. I don't know what should really be done to improve it.

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I don't know. The GF seems to work well for me. Maybe it's just because My main is a tank, and my alt a healer. I usually don't have long waits.


I have solo queued into GF Ops. I don't know what should really be done to improve it.


O it does indeed work well for solo queued and duo queued users just not when in a party of 3 queuing. Not sure about 4 queuing but as the past bugs are still in pace I wouldn't bet on duo , 3 or 4 GF queues to get their daily comms 100 % of the time.





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