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[Bug?] Donate copy to guild ship: works for certain Ops drops, not for others


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So doing Eternity Vault, get a Rakata Mind Trap decoration and consume it then take it home... I find I can donate a copy of said item to my guild for 1 million credits, fair play.


Do Terror from Beyond, get a Shielded Data Core drop consume that... no option to donate a copy.


Do Scum and Villany, get a Dragon Skull consume that... no option to donate a copy either.



Is this intended? Certain drops seem to be able to be copied for a fee, while others don't have that option at all... seems more logical that they'd either ALL be allowed to be copied, or none of them not some here some there with no discernible pattern that I can see.

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I'm not sure if the bug is with the Mind Trap having the option or the others NOT having the option, but I'll pass both along to see what's going on.




I'm not sure what the intent IS but it'd be nice to have the "copy to guild" option, especially for the rare big centerpeice drops.

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