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Problem with this weeks conquest: Says I have completed "Invasion Force" but...


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On each and every one of my charecters there is a " complete" under the personal objective where it says to combine war matarials to make an invasion force.


But...I havn't made any. This is on each adn every one of my charecters...and some of them when I checked only had 500 points ( when I first noticied this) and you get 2000 points for the invasion force.


All 7 charecters...same thing .


I haev made war supplies yes...but not yet combined themn for the 3 hour process to make an invasion force nor have I gotten the 2000 points per charecter.


Anyone else seeing this?

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Non-repeatable conquest objectives, such as the one that requires to craft "Invasion Force", are non-repeatable legacy-wide, meaning that when you complete the objective on one character, he - and only he - will get the objective reward and you will not be able to do that same objective on any other character on that server. Edited by Lurtzello
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Yes exactly but...I have not created ANY forces this week. none. Thats what is wierd. None of my toons had the 2000 pts bonus and I was not going to create one until tuesday night but.....


I have done a bug report but was curious if anyone else saw this at the start this week.

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